• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-9
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  S eason  3, Episode 1: Gay Wi tch Hunt   Original Air Date—21 Sep tember 2006  Michael apologizes to Os car, a fter he finds out he ' s gay, for calling him a h  omosexual slur--but his apolo  gy ou ts Oscar to the entire office . And Jim dec  ides to take a prom otion at the Stamford office.  --------------------------------- ------------------ ----------  -------------------  Season 3, Episode 2:  The Con ventio n   Original Air Date—28 Se ptember 20 06   Micheal an d Dwight go to a conventio n in Philadelphia and ru n into Ji m, and Michael bec omes je alous of  Jim';s relationship with his new boss. Meanw hile, Pam gets ready for her fi  rst date si nce h er engagement .  ------- ------  --------- ------------------ -------- ------------ ----------- ---------  Season 3, Episode  3: The Cou p  Or iginal A ir Date—5 October 2006  Michael  is in trou ble once again as J an busts him for de claring it's &quo t;Movie Mo nday" w here everyo  ne watches a movie and negl ects work. Angela pushes Dwight t o make a mov e on Micha el&#39;s job while   Pam and  Jim fin d crea tive way s to w  aste time.  --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------  Season 3, Episode 4: Grief Counseling  Original Air Date—1 2 October 2006    Michael ta kes on  the role of office  grief couns elor when he  learns that his old boss has died.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------   Season 3, Episode   5: Initiation  Or  iginal Ai r Date—19 October 2006   Dwight takes former temp Ryan  to his beet farm to initia  te Ry an to  his new job at Dunder Mifflin.  ------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------  Season  3, Epi sode 6: Diwali  Origi nal Air D ate—2 November 2006   Michael encourages the  entir e Scranton bra nch to support  Kelly and attend  a local cel ebra tion of Diwali, t  he Hindu F estival of Lights. Meanwhile,  Andy c onvinces Jim to turn a late  night of work in to a drinking game.  ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----   S eason 3, Episode 7: B ranch Closing  Original Air Date—  9 November 2 006  When  Jan tells Michael that the Scr anto n Branch wil l be shut ting down, Michael strives to   keep  his st aff9;s spi  rits up. Mea nwhile, everyone pr ivately begins to envision how t  heir  lives will   change in the aftermath.   ------  ----------- ------------------------ ------------ ---------------------------< br/>  Season 3, Episode 8: The  Merger<  br/>  Original  Air Date—16 Novemb er 2006   Jan inform s Michael that the Scanton branc h of Dunder Mifflin will be merging w ith the St amford Branch.  Jim and Pam  are reunited w  hile t  he other  emplo yees of bo th br anches must  adjust to their new c  o-work ers.  ---- ----------- ------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------------------  Season 3, Episode 9:  The Convi ct  O rigina l Air  Date—30 November 2006  Michael learns th at one  of the n ew em ploy ees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record. Meanwhile,  Jim helps Andy mak e a move on Pam  .  -----  --------------- ----------------------------- ------------------- -----------  -  Season 3, Episode 1 0: A Benihana Ch rist  mas  O rigina l Air Date—14 Dece mber 20 06  Troub le among  the members of the party planning c  ommittee re sult s with t he office h aving two  competing Chris tmas parties, but Mi chael isn& #39;t inter ested in celebrating becaus e he  has j ust broken up wit  h his girlfr iend.  ---------------------- ----------------------  ------------------------------------   Season 3, Episode 11: Bac  k from Vacation  Origina l Air Da  te—4 Januar y 20 07  Michael isn't  supposed to let anyone k now that he and Ja n went on vacation tog  ethe r in Jamaic a, but he accident ally ci rculates a compromis ing phot o of them to  the office   via e-mail.  - ---------------- -------- ---------- ------------------- --------------------------  Sea  son 3, Episode 12: Traveling Sale smen   Original   Air Date—11 January 20 07  Dwight does a  favor for Angela to kee p her  from  getting in trouble. Andy finds o ut and uses  it against him to get in  tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess up, whic h will reveal his r elation ship w ith Angela, or risk getting fir ed.  ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- -------  Se ason 3, Episode 13: The Retu rn  Original  Air Date—18 Janua ry 2007  Andy does the impo ssible--he ma kes everyone  in the office m iss Dwight, who is forced to t  ake a job  at Staples. Me  anwhile,   Oscar come s back t o the office and Mich ael predi  ctably throws a stereo typical Mex  ican party to cel  ebrate.  -- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------  ---------------  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Fra nklin   Original Air Date—1 February 2007  Mich ael asks J im to get a male stripper for Ph yllis's  office bachelor ette party, b ut he   gets a Ben Franklin impersonator instead. Meanwhile, the m en&#39;s bachel or party goes as planned until Michael  beco mes uncomfortable with  the stripper.  Next  US airings:  Tue. Feb.  17 10:00 PM  TBS  --------- -------------------- ----------------------- -----------  -------- ---------  Se ason 3, Episode 15: Phy llis 9; Wedding  Original Air Date—8 February 2007  Mi chael exaggerates the import ance of his small role  in Phyllis' ;s wedding and makes an ass out of hims elf, and Pam  notices th at Phyllis stole all of  her weddi ng ideas from her original wedding plan s.  -- ---- ------ ----------- ----------------------------------- ------------ ----------  Season  3, E pisode 16: Business School   Origina   l Air Date—15 February 2007  Michael i s a g uest speaker for Ryan 's  bus iness class , but  they have a falling- out after Mi chae l finds o  ut t hat Ry an spoke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And back at the off ice, Dwight tri  es to kill a bat t hat he fo und in the ce ilin  g.  Next US airing s:  Tue.   Feb. 17 10:3 0 PM TBS  --- ------- ------------------- -------------------------------- ----  ------ -------- -  Season 3,  Episode 17 : Cockt ails  Original   Air Date—2 2 February 2 007  While Michael and Jan go to their firs  t Dunder-Miffli n ou ting as an offi cial couple, the offic e workers left beh  ind go o ut for ha ppy  hour. During hap py hou r, Roy finds out that Jim  and Pam kissed at Ca sino Night.  ----- ------------  -------------- -------  ---------  ---------- -----------------------   Season 3, E pisode 18:  The Negotiation  Original Air Date—5 April 2007  Dwight saves   Jim from a n attack by Roy, but  Dwig ht won' ;t al low Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Michae l for a pay raise,  and Michael discovers that h e is woefully  underpaid --so Michael goe s to he adquarte rs to ask f or on  e hims  elf.   --- -----  --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------  Season 3, Episode 19: Safety Training   Original  Air Date—12  Apri l 2007   Andy   retur  ns to the office aft  er weeks of anger manag ement training , determ ined t o make a fresh sta rt with all the  Dunder -Mifflin emp loyees. Mean  while, it&#39;s safety  trainin g day in t he office, and Micha el and  Dwight are o n a mission to illuminate the dangers of the  workpla  ce.   ---------------- -------------------- ------------- ----------------------------- --  S  eason 3, Episode 20: Product Recal  l  Original  Air Date— 26 April 2007  Michael tries to be proactive during a  watermark cris  is, but only makes the s ituati  on worse. Meanwh ile, Ang ela has   troub le be  ing apologetic with customers, and Andy disco vers a  secret abou t his  new girlfriend.  - ---- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------  Season  3, Episode 21: Women 's Appreciation  Orig inal Air Dat e—3 May 2007   Phyllis gets flash ed in the parking lot, and  Dwight go es all out to secure the premise  s. Mic hael ostensibly takes the women in the  office to the mall  to comfor  t them,  but he';s really d oing it to g et advice a   bout breaking up w ith  Jan.  - ---- ----- ----  ------------ ----------- ------ ---- ------ -------------- ------------ -  Season 3, Epis ode 22: Beach Games  Origina  l Air Dat e—5 May 20  07  M ichael uses &quot;beach day"  at D under-Mifflin to find ou t which employee would be his most  capable re placeme nt, just in case h e rec eives the promotion t o the New Yo rk office that h e's ap  plied for.   ------ ------------------------------- --------  -------------- ---------- -----------   Season 3, Episode  23:  The Job  Original Ai r Date—17 May 20 07  Mic hael appoints Dwight a s re gional mana ger, anticipati ng that he will receive the job at corpor ate. Jim and Karen also interview  for th e same position.   And Michael gets back  tog ether with Jan after she gets a boob job .  想到那个神出鬼没的东西,印颜的心 又剧烈跳动起来,“ 本来,昌长老感觉能按住 那条大尾巴, 可是,不知怎的,它突然又厉害起来 ,然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借 着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖子,昌长老没办法, 才完全放开了身体的封印 。”

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