• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-5
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch  Hun t  Origina l Air Date—21 S eptember  2006  Michael apologizes  to Oscar, after he f inds out h e's ga y, fo r calling  him a homosexu al slur--but hi  s apology outs Oscar  to the entire o ffice. And Jim decides to  take a  promotion at the Stamford office.  -- ------- -------------------- ------------------ ------- ------------------------- -   Season 3, E pisode 2: The  Conventi on   Original Air Date—28 September 2 006  Mich eal and D wight go to a convent ion in Phila  delphia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes j ealous of Ji m's rela  tionship wi th his new boss. M eanwhile, Pa m gets ready  for her  first date since her engagement.  ------ --------------- ---------  ------------------------- ---------------- -------- -   Season 3, Episode  3: The Cou p  Original Air Date —5 October   2006   Michael is i n troubl e once again a s Jan busts h im for decl aring it&#39;s &quot;Movie  Monday&q  uot;  where ever yone watches a movie  and neg  lects work. Angela pushes  Dwight to m ake a  move on Mi  chael's  job while P am and Jim  fin d creative ways  to waste ti me.   -------------- --------------------- ------------ -------- ---- ------------------ ---  Season 3, Episod e 4:  Grief Counseling  Ori  ginal Air Date—12 October 200 6  Mic hael takes on the role of office grief counselor  when he lear ns that his old boss has died.  ----------  --------------------------- --------- ------------------ ----------------  Season 3,  Episode 5: I nitiatio n  O riginal  Air Date—  19 October 2  006  Dwight take s former temp Ryan to h is beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job at Du nder Miffl in.  ------------------- ------- --------  -------------------------- --------------------  Season  3, Episo de 6  : Diwali  Original Air Date—2 November 2006  Michael encour ages th e en tire Sc rant on branch to support Kelly and attend a local c elebration of Di wali, the Hindu Fe stival of Lights. Meanwhil e, A ndy conv inces Jim to turn a late night of work  into a dr inking game.  -------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------ --------- ----  S eason 3, Episode 7: Branc h Closing   Original Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tell s Michael that the Scra  nton Br anch will be shutting down, Michael strives to keep h  is s taff' s spirits up. Meanwhile, every one privately begins  to envisio n how their live s will cha nge in the aftermat h.  ------ ----------- ----------------------------- --------- ----------------- --------  Season  3, Episode 8: The M erger   Original Air D ate—16 N ovember 2 006   Jan i nforms Micha el tha t the Scanto n branch o f Dunder  Mifflin  will be merging  with the Stamf ord Bran ch. Jim an d Pam ar e re unit ed whil e the  other employees o  f both branches must adjust to the ir new co-workers.  ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----- -------  Season   3, Episode 9: The Convict   Origina l Air Date—30 November 2006  Michael learns that  one of the n ew employe es at Dunder  Mifflin Scranton has a c  riminal r  ecord . Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy  mak e a move on Pam.  ---------- ------------------  ------ --------------------- --------- ----------------   Seaso n 3, Episode  10: A Benihana Christmas  Original   Air Date— 14 December 2006<  br/>  Trouble amon g th e memb ers of the part y planning  commit  tee results wit  h the office having two competing Christmas parties, but Michael isn9;t interested in celebr ating becau se he has just b roken up with  his girlfri end.  ----------------------- --------- ------------------------------- ------------ -----  Season 3, Epi sode 11: Ba ck from  Vacation   Original Air Date—4 Janu ary 2007  Mi chael is n't supposed to let an yone know tha t he and Jan went on vacation togeth er in Jamaic a, but he  accidentally circulates  a compromising pho to of them to the offic e via e-m ail.  ---------- --------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------  Se  ason 3 , Epi sode 12: Traveling  Salesmen  Original Air Date— 11 January 2007  Dwi ght does a favor for Angela t o keep her from get ting in tr ouble. Andy  finds out and use s it against him to get in tighte r wi th Mich  ael.   Now Dwig ht must fes  s up , which will reveal h is relatio nship  with Ange la, or risk  getting  fired.  ---- ---------------------------   ------------------------------ --------------- ----< br/>  Se ason  3, Episo de 13: The Return  Original A ir Date—18 January 2007  And y does the  impossible- -he makes  everyone in the office miss Dw ight, who  is forced to take a j ob at Stap  les.  Mean while, Oscar comes back to t he office and Michael pre  dictably throws a stereotypical Mexican party  to celebr ate.  -------------- ----------------- --------------------- ------- ----------------- ----    Season 3,  Episode 14: Ben Franklin  Original Air Date—1 F ebruary 2007  Mic hael asks Jim t  o get a m ale str ipper for P hyllis 9;s o ffice bachelorette p  arty, b ut he ge ts a Be  n Franklin  impersonator in stead. Meanwhil e, the men&#39;s b achel or party  goes as planned until Mi  chael b  ecomes unc omfortable with the stripper.  Next US airing s:   Tue. Feb. 17 10:0 0 PM T BS  ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------ ----------- -----------   Sea son 3, Episode 1 5: P hyllis '; Wedding  Or iginal Air  Dat  e—8 February 2 007  Michael  exagge rates t he importance of his small role in Phyllis 9;s weddi ng and ma  kes an a ss out of himse lf, and Pam notices that Ph yllis stole all o  f her wedding i deas fr om her original wedding  plans.  -- ------ --------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------  --  Seaso n 3, Episode 16 : Business  School   Origin al Air Date—15 Februar y 2007  Michael is a g uest speaker for Ryan's  business class,  but they have a falling-out after Mi chael finds o ut that Ryan sp oke neg atively about Dunde r-Miff  lin. And back at the office, Dw  ight tries to kill a bat that  he fo und in the  ceilin g.  Next US  airings:  Tue.  Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS  -------- ------- ------------------- ----------------- -------- ------ -------  --------  Season 3, Episode 17: Cocktai ls  Original Air Date—22 Fe  bruary 2007  While  Michael an d Jan go to their f irst Dunder- Miff  lin outing as an officia l couple, the office workers left behind go out f or happy  hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino  Night.  ----------------- ---------- ------------- ---- -------  ------ ------ -------- -------- -  Se ason 3, Episode 18: The Negot iation  Or iginal Air Date—5  April 2007  Dwight  saves Jim fr om an attack by Roy, but D  wight won&# 39;t allow Jim to tha nk him for it. Me anwhile, D arryl as ks Mi chael for a pay r aise, and Mich  ael discovers that h  e is   woefully underpaid--so Micha el goes t o headquar ters to ask for one himself.  - -------- ------------------ ---- ----- ----- -------------- ----------  ------------ ---  Se ason 3, Episode 19: Safety Training  Or  igina l Air Date  —12 Apri  l 2007  Andy re turns to the office after  week s of  anger management training, determined to make a fresh start w ith all the  Dunder-Mifflin emp loyees. Meanwhi le, it  's safety training day in the  office, and Mi chael  and Dwight are on a mission to i lluminate the  dan gers  of the work place.  --- ---------- ------------------------- ------ ------------------ ------------ ------  Season 3, Ep isode 20:  Product Recall   Original Air Date—2 6 April 2007  Michael tries to be proac tive during a wa  termark crisis, but onl y makes the situatio n worse. M  eanwhil e, Angela ha s trouble being apologetic  with c ustomers,  and Andy  discovers a secret about his new gir lfriend  .  ------- --------------------------  --------------------------- ------- -------------  Season 3, Episode 21: Women&  #39;s Appreciation   Original Air Date—3 M ay 20 07  Ph yllis gets  flashed in the par  king l ot, and  Dwight goes all  out to secur e the premises. Michael ostensibly takes the women in the office t o the mall to comfort the m, but he's r eally doin g it to get advice about breaking up wit h Jan.  -------------------------------- -------------------  -------  ----------------------    Season 3, Epi sode 22: B each Games   Original Air Date —5 May 2 007  Micha el uses &quo t;beach day "   ; at Dunder-Mif flin to find out which emp loyee wo uld be his most capable  replace ment, just in case he re ceives the promo tion t o the New York office that he&# 39;s  applied for .  ------------------------------- --------- ------------- -------------  ---------- ----   Seaso  n 3, Episode 23: Th e Job  Original Air Date—1 7 May 2007    Michael ap points Dwi ght as region al manager, anti cipating t hat he wil l receive   the job at corporate. Jim and K aren al so interview for the same positi on. A nd Michael gets  back together  with Jan af ter she gets a boob j  “我又给您装了  两枚美人果,您不管 是自己用,还是卖,都是可以的。”说到这里,她顿了顿 ,笑着道:“老祖,那个虎坤龟的 大龟壳实在太大了,我们没人能弄开,所 以……这活就交给您了,回头您弄好了,赏我一个趁手的龟盾就行!”

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