• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第20集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Seaso n 3, Episo de 1: Gay  Witch Hunt< br/>  Or  iginal  Air Date—21 S eptember 2 006   Michael apologizes to  Oscar, af ter he finds out he's gay, for ca lling him a homosexual slur--b ut his apology  outs Osca  r to the entire office. And Jim  decides to  take a promotion at the  Stamford office.  --------- ------ --------- --------------------------------------------------- -----  Season 3, Episode 2: The Co nvention  Ori ginal Air Da te—28 September 2006   Micheal an d Dwight go t  o a c onve ntio n in Philad  elphia and run into Ji m, and Mic hael becomes jealous of Jim';s re lationship   with his new  boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets r eady for her first date since her  engagem ent.  ------------------------  -------------------------------------- --------------  ----  Season 3, Epi sode 3:  The Coup   Orig inal Air Date—5 October  2006  Michael is  in troub le once a gain as Jan   busts him for declaring it's &q  uot;M ovie Monday&quot; where every one watch es a mo vie and neglect s work. Angela push es Dwight to  make a move on  Michael&#39;s job while  Pam and Jim find creative ways  to waste time.   ---------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ------- ------- -  Season 3, Episode 4: Grief Counse ling   Original Air Dat e—12 October 2006   Michael takes on the role of of fice grief counselor  when he lea rns that his old boss  has died.  ------------------- ---------- --------- ------------------------ ------------------  Sea son 3, Episode 5 : Initiatio  n  Original Air Date—1 9 October 2006   Dw ight ta kes former tem p Ryan to  his beet  farm to initiate Ryan t o his new job  at Dunder  Miff lin.  - ------------ ------- --------  ---------------------------- -----  -------------------  Season 3, Episode 6: Di wali   Original Air Date—2 N ovember 2006  Michael en  courages the entire Sc ranto n branch to support  Kel ly and attend a local celebrat ion of Di  wali, the H indu Festival  of Light s. Me  anwhile, And y convi nces Ji m to turn a late n ight o f work into a drinking  game.   ------------------ ----------- -------- ------- ------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 7:  Branch Clo sing  Original Air Date—9 N  ovember 2006  When Jan tells Michael that th  e Sc ranton Branch wil l be s hutting dow n, Michael   strives t o keep his staf f'  s spiri ts up. Meanwhile, e veryone pri vately begins to e nvision how thei r lives wil l change in  the afterma th.  ------------------ ------------ ------------ --------------------------------------  Seas  on 3,  Episod e 8: The Merger   Original Air Date—16 November 2006  Jan inf orms Michael that th e Scanton branch of Dunder Mifflin will be merging with the Stamford B ranch. Jim and Pam are reunited while th e oth   er employe es of both branches mu st adjust t o their new co-worke rs.   --------------------------- ---- ----  ----------- ----------------------- -----------   Season 3, Episo de 9 : The Convict< br/>  Original Air Date—30 November 2  006   Michael learns that one of the new employ ees at Dund er Mifflin Scr  anton has a criminal record. Me anwhile, Jim h elps Andy make a move on Pam .   ------------ ------------ -------- ---------------------- ----------  ----------- ---- -   Season 3, Episode 10: A  Benihana Christm as   Original Air Date—14 December 2006  Tr ouble among  the members of  the party planning committe e res ults with   the office having two competing Christmas p arties,  but Michael isn9;t interested in celebra  ting beca use he has  just broken up with his girlfriend.<  br/>  -------------------------------------- ---------- ----- ------- ----- ---------------  Seas on 3, Ep isod e 11: Back from Vacation    Origin al Air D ate— 4 January 2007  Michael is n't supposed to let anyone know that he  and Jan went on vacation together in Jamaica, but he a ccid entally cir culates a compromising photo of them to the office via e-mail.  ------------------ ----- ----------------------- ------------------- ---------------  Season 3, Episode 12: Travel ing Salesmen  Original Air Date—11 January 2007  Dwi ght does a favor fo r Angela to keep h er from getting in  trouble. Andy finds ou t and  uses it agai  nst him to   get in tighter with Michael. Now Dwig ht must fess up, which will reveal  his relat ionship with Angela , or risk getting f ired.  ------ ----- ------------------------------------------- --------- ------------ -----  Season 3, Episode 13:  The Retur n  Ori ginal Air Date—18 January 2007  Andy does the impossible--he makes everyone in the offic e miss Dwight, who is forced to take  a job at Stap les.  Mea nwhile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael predictably throws a stereoty pical Mexi can party t o celebrate .  ------------------- ------------  ------------- ----------------------------- -------  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Frank lin  Origina l Air Date—1 February 2007  M  ichae l asks Jim to get a male stripper  for Phyllis&#39;s office bachelo rette party , but he gets a Ben Franklin imper sonator instead. M eanwhile,  the men&#39;  s ba chelor par ty goes as pla  nned until Michael becomes uncom fortable with the stripper.< br/>  Next US airings:  T  ue. Feb.  17 10:00 PM  TBS  ---------- ----------  -------- ----------------------- -----------------------------  Se  ason 3, Ep isode 15: Phyllis' W edding  Original  Air D ate—8 Feb  ruary 2007   Michael exaggerates the importance  of his small role in P hyllis' ;s wedding  and make s an ass  out of hi mself, and Pa m not ices that Phyllis stol e all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans.  ----- ---------  --------------- ----------------  ---------- -------- ---- -------------  Season 3,  Episode 16: Business School  Original Ai r Date—15 F ebruary 2007  Michael is a g uest  speaker for Ryan&# 39;s business c lass, b ut they have a fall ing-out after  Michael f inds out t hat Ryan sp oke negat  ively a bout Dunder-Mi fflin. And back  at the office, Dwi ght tries to kill a bat that he found i n the ceiling.  Next US a irings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS  ----------- ---------------------------------- -----------------------------------  Season 3, Episode  17: Cocktails  Orig inal  Air Date—22 F ebruary 2007  While Mi  chael and Jan go to  their f   irst Dunde  r-Mifflin outing as an off  icial coup le, the of fice worke rs left  behind  go out for happy hour.  During happ y hour, Roy finds out that  Jim and Pam k  issed at Casi no Night.  ------  ------------------------------------ ------ ------------ ------- ----- --------  Se ason 3, Epis ode  18: The Negotia tion   Original Air Date—5 April 2007  Dwight save s Jim  from an attack by Roy, but Dwight won&#39;t allo w Jim t o thank him for it. Meanwhile,  Darryl asks Michae l fo r a p ay raise,  and Michael discovers that  he is woefully u nderpaid--so Michae l goes to headq uarters to a sk for one hims elf.  --------------------- ------- ------------------------- ------ ---------------------   Season 3, Episode  19: Safet y Tr aining   Original Air Dat e—12 April 2007   Andy returns to the  office after weeks of  ange r man agement  training, determined t o make a fresh  start with all the   Dunder-Mifflin employee s. Mean while, it&   #39;s   safet y train ing day in the office, and Michael and Dwi ght are o n a mission to illuminate t he dangers  of t he workplace .  ------------------------  ----  ------------ --------  -------------- -----  -------- -----  Season 3, Episo de 20: Product  Rec all  Original Air Date—26  April 2007  Michael tries to b e proac tive during a water mark crisis, bu t only ma kes the situation wo rse. Meanw hile, Angel a has troubl  e be ing apologetic with customers, and  Andy discov ers a s ecret about his   new girlfriend.  ---- --------------------------------  ------------------------- --------- ------- ---  S eason 3, Episode 21: W omen&#39;s Appreci ation  O  riginal Ai r Date—3 May 2007< br/>   Phyllis g ets flashed  in the pa  rking lot,  and Dwigh t goes  all  out t  o sec ure the premises. Michael ostens ibly takes the women in the office to the mall to  comfort them, but he's really doin  g it  to get advice  about breaking  up with Jan.  ------------------------------ -------- ---------------- --------------------- -----  Season 3,  Episode 22: Beach Games  Original Ai r Date—5 May 2007   Michael uses &quot;beac h day&quot; at Dunder -Mif flin to find out which employee would be his m ost capable  replaceme  nt, j ust in case he re ceives  the promo  tion to the Ne w York office that  he's applie d for.  --- ------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------  Seas on 3, Epi sode 23:  The Job  Original Ai  r Da te—17 May 2007  Micha el app oints   Dwight as  regional manager, anticipating that he will rece ive the job at  corporate.  Jim and Karen also interview for the same position.  And Michael gets back together with Jan after she ge ts a boob job.  这一次,她直接从袖中暗袋里摸出一个大型储 物袋,“知道我要来 见您,不仅爷爷让我 给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心,就是我师父师叔他们,都逼着 宗里的大 师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我师姐 采薇还把她弄的极品花茶给我了。”

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