• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第12集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season  3, Epi sode 1: Gay Witch Hunt  O  riginal Air  Date—21 September 2006  Michae l apologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he's gay , for calling him a homosexual slur- -but his apology out s Oscar to  the entire o ffic e. And Jim decides to  take a p romotio n at the Stamfor d office.  -----------------  -------------- ------------------------ ------  ---------- ---------  Season  3, Ep isode 2: The Conve ntion   Origina l Air Date—28 September 2006  Micheal and Dwi  ght go to a convention in Philadelphia a nd r un into Jim, an d Mic hael bec omes jeal ous o f Jim 9;s r elationship with his  new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets rea dy for her first dat e since her engagement.  ---------------------- -------------------------------------- ---- --------- -------  Season 3, Episode 3: The Coup  Original  Air Date—5 October 2006  Micha el is in tro  uble onc  e again as Jan busts him for declaring it's " ;Movie Monday&qu ot; where e  veryone w atches  a mo vie and neglects work. A  ngela pushes Dwight to ma ke a move on Mic hael's j ob while  Pam a nd Jim find c reat ive ways to wast  e time .  -------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------   Seaso n 3, Ep isode 4: Grief Counseling    Original Air Dat e—12 O ctobe r 2006  Mic hael tak  es on the ro  le o f office  grief counselor when  he learns that his old  boss has  died.  -------------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------------  S eason 3, Ep isode 5: I nitiation   Original Air D  ate—19 October 2006  Dw  ight takes former temp Ryan to his beet  farm to ini tiate Rya  n to his  new job  at Dunder Mif flin.  ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------------------  Season   3, Episod e 6: Diwali   Original Air Date—2 November 2006  Mic  hael  encourages  the entire S cranton br anch to supp ort Kelly an d attend a local celebration of D iwali, the Hind u Festival of L ights. Me anwhile, And  y convinces Jim to turn a  late night of wo rk into a drinking game.  ----------- ------  -------- --------------- -----------  ---------  --------------------  Season 3, Episode 7: Branch Closing  Original Air Date—9 November 2006  When J an tells Michael that the  Scra nton Bran ch will  be shuttin g down, M ichael strives to keep his staff 9;s spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone priv  ately  begins to envision how thei r lives wi  ll change in the aft ermath.   ------------------ ------------------  ------------ -------------------------- ------  Season 3, Ep isode 8: The Merger   Origin al Air Da te—16 Nove mber 2006  Jan inf orms Michael   that the Scanton br  anch of Dund er Mifflin wi ll be merging w ith the S tamford Branch. Jim and Pam ar e reunited w hile the oth er employee s of both branches must adjust to their new  co-workers.  - ---------------- ------- ----------------- ---------  ----------- ---- -------  --------  Sea son 3, Episo de 9:  The Convict  Original Air Date—30 N ovember 2 006  Michae l learns that on e of the new employees  at Dunde r Mifflin Scranton has a criminal recor d. Meanwhil e, Jim helps An dy ma ke a  move on Pa m.  ---------- -------------------------- ------------ -----  ---------------------------  Season  3, Episode 1 0: A Benihana C hristmas  Orig inal Air   Date—14 December  2006  Trouble among the memb ers of the party planning commi ttee r esults with the  office h aving two com peting Christmas  parties, but  Michael isn ';t interes ted in celebrating  because   he h as just broken u p with his girlf riend.  ------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- -----  --  Season 3 , Episode 11: Back from Vacatio n  Original Ai r Da te—4 January 2007  M ichael isn&#39;t suppo sed to le t anyone know that  he and Jan went on  vacation together in Jamaica, but  he accidentally circula  tes a c ompromising  photo of them to the office   via e -mail.  ------------ ------- ------ ----------------------- ------ ----------  ----------------  Season  3, Episode 12: Travel  ing Sale smen  Original Air Dat e—11 January 2007   Dwight does a f avor fo r Angela to keep h er from g etting in tr ouble. Andy finds o ut a nd uses it against hi m to g et in tig hter with Mich ael. Now  Dwight must fess up  , wh ich will reve al his relat ionship with Angela,  or risk gett ing fired.   -------------- ------ ---------- --------- ------  ------------ ---------------------- -  Sea son 3, E  pisode 13 : The Return  Origi  nal Air Dat e—18 January 2007  An dy does the imp ossible--he makes ev eryone in the of fice miss Dwight, who is forced to take a job at St  aples. M eanwhile  , Oscar comes back to the office and Michael predicta bly throws a  stereot ypical Mexican party  to celebra te.  ------ -------------------------------------- ---- ------------------ ------- -------  Season 3, Episode  14: Ben Franklin  Origin al Air Date—1 Feb  ruary 2007    Michael   asks Jim t o get a  male strip per for Phyllis's  office bachelorette party, but h  e gets a Ben Fr  anklin impe rsonator ins tead. Meanwhile, the men's bachelor party go es as p lanned until Michael becomes uncom fort able with the stripper.  Next US air ings:  Tue. Feb. 17  10:00 PM T BS  ---- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------   Season 3, Ep isode 15 : Phyllis&#39; Wedding  Ori ginal Air Date—8 Februa ry 2007  Michael   exaggerates the importance of his sma ll role in Phy llis' s wedding and makes a  n ass out of hims elf, and  Pam noti ces that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ide as from her original  wedding plans.  ------------------ ------------- --------------------------------- ----------------  Season 3, Episode 1 6: Business School  O riginal Ai r Date—15 February 2007  Michael is  a guest s peaker  for Ryan 9;s business cla ss, but t hey have a falling- out after Michael finds out that R  yan spo  ke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And bac k at the office, Dwight tries to  kill a bat that h e fou nd in the ce iling.   Next US a irings:  Tue. Feb. 17 1 0:30 PM TBS  -------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- -----  Sea son 3,  Episode 17: Cocktail  s  Orig inal Air Date—22 February  2007    While Michael  and Jan go to their f irst Dunder-Mifflin o uting as an offici al couple, the office  workers lef t behi nd go out fo  r ha ppy hour. During ha ppy  hour, Roy finds out  that Jim a nd Pam kissed a t Casino Night.  -------------- -------  ------------------ --------- ------------------ --------------  Season 3,  Episode 18: The Negoti ation  Original Air Date—5  April 2007   Dwight saves Jim from an attack  by Roy, but Dwight won't allow Jim  to thank  him for it. Meanwhile , Darryl a sks Michael for a pa y raise, and Michael  disco vers   that he is woefully und erpaid--so Michael g oes to headquarters to ask for one hi mself .  ---- ----------------- ----------- -----  --------------------  --------  ---------------  Sea son 3, Episode   19: S afety Train  ing  O rigi nal Air Da te—12 April 2007  Andy returns t  o the office after weeks  of anger manage ment training, d eter mined  to make a fresh sta rt w ith all the Dunder-Mif flin employees. Me  anwhile, it's s afety  trai ning day in the of fice, and Michael and Dwi ght are on a mission t o illuminat e the dangers of the work place.  ------ --------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------ ---------- -----  Sea son 3, Episode 20: Product Recall  Original Air Date—26 A pril 2007  Michael tries to be pr oactive d uring a  waterma rk crisi  s, but only makes the situ ation wors e. Meanwhile, An gela has trouble being apologetic wi th customers, and A ndy discovers a s ecret ab out his new girlfriend.  ----------------- ------------- -------------------- ------- ----------------  ----- --  Season 3, Episode 21: Women'  ;s A ppreciation  Origin al A ir Da te—3 May 2007  Phyllis ge ts flashed in the parking lot , and Dw ight goes all out to secure the p remises. Mic hael  ostensibly take s th e women in the office to the mall to com fort them, but h e's rea lly doi ng it  to get ad  vice about breaking up with  Jan.  --------  ---- --------------------- ---------  ------------------------------ --------   Season 3, Episode  22: Beach Games  Or  iginal Ai r Date—5 May 2007< br/>  Michael   uses " beach day&qu ot; at Dunde   r-Mifflin t o find ou  t whi ch employee  would  be his most c  apable re place ment, just in cas e he receives the prom otion to the  New Y ork office  that he's applied for.   ----------  ------------- -------- ------------  ------------- ------------- -------- ---  Season 3, Ep isode 23: The Job  Origin al Air D ate—17 May 200 7  Michael appoints  Dwi ght  as regional  manage r, anticipating that he wi ll receive the job  at corpora te. Jim and  Karen also int ervie w for the   same position.  And Michael gets  back  toge ther with Jan after she g ets a boob job.  从师父那里,听过 很多故事的卫九锡看了 眼正在上香的人,就接着八卦道:“我师父说,八臂神猿的地宫下,压 的是万生魔神,那位魔神能够分神万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都 不可能死。所以,镇他之 人,必须是个意志坚定,认了死理后,绝不会被外物影   响的八臂神猿。”

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