• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第15集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  S easo n 3, Epis ode 1: Gay Witch Hunt  Original A ir Date—21 September 2006  Michael ap ologizes to Os car, after h e finds out he's g ay,  for calling him a homosexual slur--but his apo logy outs Os car to the ent  ire office. And Jim decides to t ake a p romotion at the Stamfor d office.  --- ---------------- ----  ----- -------------------------------------------- --------  Season 3, Episo de 2:  The Convention  Origi nal Air Da te—28 September 2006  Mich  eal and Dwight g o to a convention in Philadelphia and run into Jim,  and Michael  becomes j ealous o  f Jim's relatio nship with his n ew bo ss. Meanwhile , Pam gets ready for  her first  date since her eng agement.   ---------- ----- ------- --------- ---- ---- -----------------  ---- ------------ -----  ---  Season 3,   Episode 3: The Coup   Original  Air Date—5  October  2006   Mic hael is in tr ouble o nce again as Jan bus ts him for declaring it's &quot;Movie Monday&quot; whe re ever  yone wat ches a movie and neglects work. Angela pushes Dwight to  make a move on M ichael's job w hile P am and Jim find  creative  ways to  waste ti me.  -- ------------- --------  --------------------- -------- ---------------------  -------  Se ason  3, Episode 4: Grief Coun seling  Origin al A ir Date —12 October 2006     Michael tak es on th  e ro le of office  grief counselor  when he learns that his  old boss  has d  ied.  ------- --------- ------- -------- ----------------- ------------------- ----- --------  Seaso n 3, Episode 5: Initiation   Or iginal A ir Date—19 October 2006  Dwight ta kes former temp Ryan to his beet farm to initia te Ryan to his ne w job at Dunder Mifflin.< br/>  - ------ ----------- ------------  -------------- --------------------- ---------------  Se ason 3, Epis ode 6: Diwa li  Orig inal Air Date—2 No vember 2006  Michael  encoura ges the enti re Scrant on branch to support Kelly and attend a local celebration  of Diwali,   the Hindu Festival  of L ights . Mea nwhile, Andy convinces J im to turn a  late night of w ork into a dri  nkin g ga me.  ------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ ----- --------  Seaso  n 3, Epi sode 7:  Branch C losing   Origi nal Air Date —9 November 2006  When J  an tells Mi chael th at t he Scranton  Branch will be shuttin g down,  Michael strives to ke ep his staff' ;s spirits up. Meanwhile, ever yone private ly b  egins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath.  ------- -----  ---------------------------------  ----------- --------------- -------  --  Sea son 3, Epis  ode 8: The Merger  Original  Air Date—16  November 200  6   Jan inform s Michael that the Scanton branc h of Dunder Mifflin wi ll be  merging with the Sta mford  Branch . Jim and Pam are reu nited  while the other employees of both branches must adju st to their new co-wor kers.  ----------------- --------- -------------------- ---------  ----------- ---------- ----  Season 3,  Episode 9: T he Convict  Original   Air Date—30 Nov  ember 2006   Mich ael learns that one of the  new employees at Dund er Mifflin Scranton has a crimi  nal record. M eanwhile , Jim helps Andy m ake a move on Pam.  ------- -----------------------------------  -------------- ------ ------------------  Season  3, Epis ode 10:  A Be nihana Chri stmas   Original A ir Dat e—14 December 2006  Trouble among the me mbers of the pa rty pl anning committee re sults with the office  having two c ompeting Ch ristmas parti es,  but Michael  isn 9;t interested in cel ebrating  because  he has just broken up with his girlfriend.  ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------  Season 3, Episode 1 1: B  ack from  Vacation  Or iginal Air  Date—4 Janua ry 2007  Michae l isn' ;t supposed to let anyone know t hat  he and Ja n went o n vacation together in  Jamaica, but he a ccident ally circulat es a compromising photo  of them to t he office v ia e-mail.  ----------- --------- ---------- --------------------------- -----------------------  Season 3, Episod e 12 : Traveling Salesmen   Or iginal Air Date—11 January 2007  Dwight does a favo r for   Angela  to keep her from getting in trouble. Andy fi nds out and uses it agai nst him to get in ti ghter with Michael. Now Dwight m ust fess up, which will revea l his relationship with Angela, o r risk get ting fired.  ------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------- --------    Season 3, Ep isode 13: The Ret urn   Original Air  Date—18 January 20  07  Andy doe  s the impossible--he make s everyone in the office  miss Dwigh t, who  is for ced t o ta ke a job at Staple s. Meanwhile , Oscar comes back to the off ice and Mich ael predictably thr ows a stere otypical M exican party to celebrate.  ---------------- ---------- ------- ------------------------ --------- -------- ------  Season 3, Ep isode 1 4: Ben Franklin   Original Air D ate—1 February  2007   Michael asks Jim to get a mal e stri pper for Phyllis 's office bachelorette party, but he ge ts a Ben Franklin impersonator  instead. M eanwhile , the men& #39;s  bachelor party goes as plann  ed until Michael becomes uncomfortable with the  stri pper.    Next US a irings:  Tue. F eb. 17 10:00 PM TBS  -------------- ----------- ----------- ------ ------------------------------------- -  Season  3, Ep isode 15: Phyllis' Wedding  Origi nal Air  Date—8 February 2007  Michae  l exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyll is&# 39;s we dding  and makes  an ass out  of him self , and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of h  er wedding ideas from her original we dding  plans.   -- ---------------- ------------  ---------------------------- ---------------- ------    Season 3, Episode  16: Busin ess School  Or iginal Air Date—15 February 2007   Michael is a guest speaker for R yan&#39;s b usine ss class, but they have a   falling-out after Michael finds out that R yan sp oke negatively about  Dun der-  Mifflin. And back a t the off ice, Dwi ght tries  to k ill a bat that he found in the ce iling.  Next U S airings:  T ue. Fe b. 1 7 10:30 PM  TBS  ------ ---------- -------- ------ ---------------------------------- ----- -----------< br/>  S eason  3, Episode 17: Co cktails  Orig inal Air Date —22 February 200 7  While Micha el and Jan go to their first Du nder-Mifflin out ing as an  official couple,  the office w orkers left behi nd go out for happy hour. During happy hour, Roy find s out that Jim and Pam kissed at   Casino Night.  ------ ----------  ---- ----- -------------------------------------------------------  Season 3,  Epis ode 18: The Negotiat ion< br/>  Ori   ginal Air Date—5  April   2007  Dwight saves Jim  from an att ack by Roy, but  Dwight won't allow Jim to thank him for it . Meanwhi le, Darryl asks Michael for a pay  raise, and Micha el discovers that he i s woefull y underpaid--s o Michae  l goes to headquarters to ask  for one h imself .  ------------------  --------- --------------------------- ----- ---- -----------------  Season 3, Episode 19: Sa fety Training   Orig  inal Air Date—12 April 2007   Andy returns to the office aft er weeks of ang er managemen t training, determined to make   a fresh  start wi th all the Dunder-Mifflin emp loyees. Meanwhile, it&#39;s s afety t  raining day  in t he o ffic e, and Mic hael and Dwi ght  are on a  mission  to il luminate the dangers of the workplace.   --- ------------------  ---------------------------- ---------- ------ ------- ------ --  Se ason 3, E pisode   20: Prod uct Recall  O riginal  Air Date— 26 April 2 007   Michael trie s to be proac  tive during a watermark crisis, but onl y ma kes the situat ion w orse . Meanwhile , Angela has  troubl e being apologetic with customers, and An dy di scovers a secret  about hi s new girlfr iend.  ----------- -------------------------- ------------- --------- ----------- ----------   Season 3,  Episode 21: Women&#39;s Appreciati on  Original A ir Date—3 May 20 07   Phyll  is gets flashed in the parking lot, and  Dwight goes all out t o secure the pre  mises. M ichael ostensibly t akes  the women in the office to the mal  l to comfort t hem, but he's really doin g it to ge t advice about brea king up with Jan.  ---- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------- -----  Season 3, Episode 22: B each Games    Original Air Date— 5 May 2007  Mi chael uses "beach day&quo t; a t Dunder-Mifflin to  find out whi  ch employee would be his   most capable replacemen t, just in case he  receives the promotion to the New Yo  rk office that he' s applied fo r.  ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------   Season 3, Episode 23:  The Job  Ori ginal Air Date—17 May 2007  Mich ael appoin  ts Dwight as regional manager, anticipati ng that he will receive the job at  cor porate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same positio n. And Michael gets back t ogether wi th Jan after she  gets a  boob job .  说到这里,她把 她在幽古战场好不容易拍来的宝物 拿出,“师父,这是我们 在大拍卖会上拍到的春月莲子,一共有四 十九枚,听云天  海阁的朋友说,他们 的宗主,以前就服用过不少春月莲子,您试试看,有没有用,如 果有用,我们以后多替您留意着。”

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