• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-7
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  S eason 3, Episo de 1: Gay Witch Hunt   Origina l Air Date—21 September 2006  Michael apologizes to Oscar, af  ter he find s out he9;s gay, for calling him a  homosexua  l sl ur-- but hi s apology  outs  Oscar to the entire office. And Jim dec ides to tak  e a promot ion at the Stamford  office.  - ----------- ------ ------------  ------ ------ ----------------- ----- ----------------  Season 3,  Episode  2: The Convention   Original Air Dat e—28  Sep  temb  er 2006  M icheal and  Dwight go to a convention in Ph iladelphi  a an d run into  Jim, and Mich ael becomes jealous of Jim' s relati onship with his new boss. Mea nwhile, Pam gets  ready for  her first date since her engagement.   --------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------  Season 3 , Episode 3: T he Coup  Original Air Da te—5 Oct ober 2006    Michael is in trouble once again  as  Jan busts  him for declaring it's   "Mov ie Mond ay" ; where everyone watches a  movie and ne glects work. Angela pushe s Dwight to make a m ove on Michael's  job wh ile Pam and Jim fi nd creative ways to waste time.  ------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- --  Season 3, Episode 4: Grie  f Counseling  Original Air Date—12 October 2006  Michael takes on th e role of office grief c ounselor when he learns that his old boss has  died.   ---- ------ ------------------- ---- ------- ----------- ----- ---------------- --------  Season   3, Episode   5: Initi ation  Original Air Date—19 October  2006  Dwight takes  former temp Ryan to his beet farm to  initiate Ryan to h is new job at Dunder Mifflin.  -------------------------- ------  ---- ---------  --------- --------------------------  Se ason 3, Episo de 6: Diwal i  Orig inal Air Dat e—2 N  ovember 2 006   Michae l encourages the en tire Scranton b ranch to supp  ort  Kelly and attend a lo cal celeb ration of Diwali, the H indu  Festi val of Ligh ts. Meanwhile, Andy convinces J im to tur  n a late night of work  into a drin king game.  --- ------------------------ ---- ----------------------- ----------- ---------------  Seaso n 3, Epi  sode 7: B ranch Closing  Original Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tells Michael that the Sc  ranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael s  trives to k eep  his staff&#39;s spirit s up. Meanwhile, everyone privatel  y begins to en vision how th eir lives will chan ge in t  he afte rmath.  --------------------- ------------ ---------------  --------------------------------  Sea son 3, Ep isode  8: The Merg er   Original Air Date—1 6 November 2006  Jan informs Mich  ael that the Scanton branc h of Dund er Mifflin will  be mergin g with the St amford Branc h. Jim and  Pam are  reunited wh ile the other employees of both branches must adjust to their ne w co-wor kers.  ------ --------------------- ----------------- -------------------------- ------ ----  Season  3, Episode 9: The  Conv ict  Original Air Date—30 Nov  ember 2006   Michael   learns that one of  the new e  mployees at Dunder Miff  lin Scranton h as a   criminal record. Meanw hile, Jim  helps Andy make a mov e on Pa m.   -------- ---------- -------------------------------------- --------------- ------ ---  Season  3, Episode   10: A B enihan a Christmas  O riginal Air Date—14 December 2006  Trouble among the members of t he party   planning committee results wit h the office  having two competing Christmas pa rties, but Micha el isn't intere sted in ce lebrati ng bec ause he  has just broken up with  his girlfriend.    ----------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----- --------  Season  3, Episode 11: Back from Vaca tion  Original Air Date—4 January 20 07  Michael isn't supposed to let an yone k now that he and Jan went on  vacation  together  in Jamaica, b ut he accidentally circulates a compr omising photo of them  to the  office via e-ma il.  ----- --------------------------------- ------ ---- ------------  --------------------  Season 3, Episo de 12: Traveling Salesmen  Ori ginal Air Date—11 J anuary 2007  Dwight d oes a fav or for Ange la to keep her from get ting in trouble. And y finds out  and uses  it against  him to get in ti ghter wi th Michae l. Now Dwight must fess up , which will reveal his re lationship with Angela, or r isk getting   fired.  ---- --------------------- ------------  --------- ------- ---------------- -----------     Season 3, Episode 13: The Return   Original Air D ate— 18 January 2007   And y does th e impossi ble--he m  akes everyone in the office mis s Dwight, wh o is forced  to take a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Osc ar comes back to the offi  ce and Michael predictably throws a stereo typical Mex  ican part y to celebrate.  -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------  ---------------  ----  Season 3, Episod e 14: Ben  Franklin  Ori ginal Air  Date—  1 February 2007  Michael asks Jim to get  a male st ripper fo r Phylli  s';s office  bachelor ette party , bu  t he gets a Be n Fr anklin impersonato r inste ad. Meanw hile, the men&# 39;s bachelor p arty goes as planned until Michael become s uncomforta ble wit  h the stripper.< br/>   Next US air ings:  Tue.  Feb. 17 10:00  PM TBS  -------- ------------- ------------ ------- -------------- ------------ ------------ --  Season 3, Episode 15 : Phylli s'  ; Wedding  Original  Air Date—8 February  2007  Michael exaggerates the import  ance of  his small rol e in Phyllis'  s wedding and makes an ass out of hi mself, and Pam  notices that  Phyllis stole all o f her wed ding ide as from her original w edding  plans.  ------ ------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------- ------  Sea son 3, Episode 16: Business School  Origin al Air Date— 15 Februar y 2007  Michae l is a guest s peaker for  Ryan' s busine ss class, but the y have a falling-out after Mich ael finds out that R yan spoke negatively about Dunder-Mif flin.  And back  at the o ffice, Dwig ht tries t o kill a  bat that h e fo  und in t  he ceiling.< br/>  Next US airings:  Tue. Feb  . 17 10:3 0 PM T BS  ----------  ----------------- --------------- ---------------------  ------------ -----   Seas  on 3, Ep isode 17: Cocktails  Original Air Dat e—22 Februar y 2007  While Michael and  Jan go to their fi rst Dunder-Mifflin outing  as an of   ficial couple, the of fice worke rs left behind go out for happy hour. Duri ng happy  hour, Roy finds out th at Jim and Pa m kissed at Casino Ni ght.  -- -------- --------  ---------- --------------------------- -------- ------ -----------  Se ason 3, Episode  18: The Negoti ation<  br/>  Original Air Date—5  April  2007  Dwight sav es Jim from a n attack by Roy, but Dwi ght won& #39;t al low Jim to thank h im for it. Meanwhile , Darryl  asks M ichae l for a pa y raise , and Michael discovers that he is woeful ly underpai d--so Mich  ael  goes to he adqua rters   to a sk for one   himself.  ----------------------- --------- ------------ ------------------------------------   Season 3, Episode 19: Safety Traini ng  Ori ginal Air Dat e—12 April 2 007   Andy returns to the office after w eeks of anger management  training, determined to make a fresh st art with all th e Dunder-Mifflin employees.  Meanwhile, it 's safety training day in the office, a  nd Michael a nd Dwight are on a  miss ion to illuminate the  dange rs of the  workpla ce.  --- ------- ------------------------- ------- ----------- ---------------------------  Season 3,  Episode 2 0: Product Recall   Original  Air  Date—26 April 2007  Michael t ries to be  proactive during a waterma rk crisis, but  only ma kes the sit uation worse. Meanwhile, Angela has trouble  bein g apologeti c with customers, and  And y discovers a secret about his new girlfr iend.  ------------ ----- ------- --------------- -----------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 21: Women's  App reciation  Orig inal A  ir Date—3 May 200  7  Phyl lis gets flashed in the parkin g lot, a nd Dwight    goes all out t o secure th e premi  ses. Mic hael ostensibly t akes the women in t he of fice to the mall to   comfort them, but  he's really d oing i t to ge t advice about breaking up with Jan.  -- ------ ---------- ------ ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- --------------  Season 3,  Episode 22: Beach Games  Original Ai r Date— 5 May 2007     Micha el uses &q uot;bea ch day&quot; at Dunder- Miffli n to find out which employ  ee would be his most capable  replacem ent, just in cas  e he receives the promotion to t  he New  York office that he&#39;s applied for .  --------- ----------------- ------- ------- ----------- --------- ----------- ---------  Seaso n 3, Episo  de 23: The Job  Origina l Air Date—17 May 2007   Michael appo  ints  Dwight a s regional  mana ger, antic ipating that he will r eceive t he job at  corporate.  Jim and Karen also intervie w for the same po sition. And Michael gets back togethe r with Jan after she gets a boob job.  从师父那 里,听过 很多故事的卫九锡看了眼正在上香的人 ,就接着 八卦道:“我师父说,八臂神猿的地 宫下,压的是万生魔神,那  位魔神能够分神万千,但有任何一个分神  在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇他之人,必须是个意志坚定,认了死理后,绝不会 被外物影响的八臂神猿。 ”

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