• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-19
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Episode 1 : Gay Witch Hunt   Ori ginal Air Date—21 Septem ber 2006  Micha  el apolo gizes to Oscar, af  ter he finds  out he';s gay, for calling him a homosexual slur--but his   apology outs  Osca r to th e entire office.  And Jim  decides t o take a promotion a t the Stamford office.  -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- ---  Season 3, Episo  de 2: The Convention  Or iginal Air   Date—28 September 2006  Mic heal and Dwigh t go to a convention in Philadelphi a and  run into Jim, and Micha el becomes jealous of J im&#39;s  relationship with  his new   boss.  Meanwh ile,  Pam gets read y for her  first date si nce her engagement.  ---- ---- ------------------- ----- --------------------- ------------------  ---------  Season 3  , Episode 3:  The Coup  Orig inal Air Dat e—5 October 2006  Michael is in troub le once a gain as Jan busts him   for declaring  it&# 39;s "M ovie M onday" where e veryone wa tches a movie and ne  glects w ork. Angela pus hes Dwight to make a  move on Michael's job while  Pam and Ji m find c reative ways  to was te t ime.  -  ----------------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ------ ----  ------- ---------  S eason 3, E pisode 4: Grief Coun  seling   Origina  l Air Date—12 October 2006  Michael takes  on the rol e of office grief couns elor when he learn s that his old  boss has d ied.  ------------ -----------  ------------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ------- -  Seas on 3, Epis ode 5:  Initiation  O riginal Air Date—19 Octo ber 2006  Dw ight takes  former temp Ryan to his beet farm to in itiate Ryan  to his new job at Dunder Mifflin.   --------------- ---------- ----------- ---- -----------  ------------ --------- --------  S eason 3, Episode 6:  Diwali  Original Air Date— 2 Novemb er 2 006   Michael encoura ges t he e ntire Scranton branch to su  ppor t Kelly and  attend a local celebration of   Diwali, the H indu Festiv al o f Lig hts. Mea nwhil e, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinking game.  -------  ------------------------------------ ----- -----------   ----------- ------- ---  Season 3, Episode 7: Branch Closing  Original Air  Dat e—9 November  2006  When Jan   tells Michael that   the Scranto n Branch will be shutting  down, Mic  hael strives to keep his st  aff' s spir its up . Meanwhi le, e veryone privately be gins to envisi on how their lives wil l change in the aftermath.  ------------- -------------------- ------- ------------- ------ ------------ -------- -  Season 3,  Episode 8: The Merger  Orig inal Air D  ate—16 November 2006    Jan informs Michael that the Scanto  n bran  ch of Dunder Miff lin will be mergi ng with the Stamfor d Br anch. Jim a nd P am are reunited while the other employees of  both branch  es must adjust to their ne w co -workers.    ------ ---------  ------------------- ------ -------------- -------------------------  -  Seas  on 3, Ep  isode 9: The Co  nvict  Origi nal Air Date —30 November 2  006  Michael le arns that on e of the new emplo yees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a  criminal r ecord. Meanwhile, J im hel ps Andy make a move on  Pam.   ------- ----------------------- ----  ---------- ------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode  10: A Benihana Christmas  Original Air Date—14 December  2006  Troubl e among the m embers  of the party planning committe e results  with the off ice hav  ing two  competing Christ mas  parties, but Micha el is  n't interested in celeb  rating be cause he  has just broken  up with his girlfriend.   -------- ------------------------------ ----------- --------------------------- ----  Season 3, Episo de 11: Back f rom Vacati on  Original Air Date —4 January 2007  Michael   isn't supposed to l et anyone kno w that he and Jan went  on vac ation togethe r in Jamaica, but he accid entally  circulates a compromising photo of them to the office via e-m ail.  ------------- -------------------- ------------ ----------- -------- ----- -----------    Season  3, Episo de 12: Traveling Sale smen   Original Air Date— 11 January 2007  Dwig  ht does a f avor for Ang ela to keep her fr  om getting in trouble. A ndy finds out  and uses  it against him to  get in tighter with M ichael. Now  Dwight must fess up, which will reveal his  relation ship with Angela, or risk  getting fir ed.  -- ------ ------------------  -------- --------- -------- -----------  ------------- -----  Season  3, Episode 13: The Retu rn  Original Air D ate—18 January 2007  Andy doe s the impos sible--he makes every one in  the office miss Dwight, who is   forced to take a job a t Staples.  Meanwhile, Oscar com es back to  the office and Mi chael pr  edictably thr ows a  stereot  ypical Mexic an party to celeb rate.  --------------------------- ------- ------- -----------  ----------------------------  Sea son 3, Episode 1 4: Ben F  rankli n  Ori ginal Air  Date—1 Februar y 2007  Mi chael ask  s Jim to get a male strippe r for  Phyllis's office bach elorett e party, but  he get s a Ben Franklin  impersonator ins tead. Meanw hile, the men&#39;s bachelor pa rty goes as p  lanned until Mich ael becom es uncomfortable with the stripp er.  Next US  airings:  Tue. Feb. 1 7 10:00 PM TBS   ---------- --------- ------  ------- --------- ---- ---------------  --------------------  Se ason 3, Episod e 15: Phyllis 9; Wedding  Origina l Air  Date—8 Feb ruary 2007  Michael exag gerates  the importance of his small rol e in  Phyllis&#39;s weddin g and makes an ass out  of himself, and Pam notices t  hat  Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original weddin  g plan s.  --- ------ -------------------- ----- ----  ---------- --------- -------------- ---------  Season  3, Episode 16:  Busin ess School  Origin al Air Date— 15 F  ebruar y 2007  Mich ael is a guest speaker for Ryan' ;s busin ess class, but  they h ave a fallin g-out after Michael find s out tha t Ryan spoke n egatively abo ut Dunder-Miffl in. And ba  ck at the office, Dw ight t ries  to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling.  Next US a irings:  Tu e. Feb. 17 10:30  PM TBS  ------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------<  br/>  Season 3, Episode 17: Coc  ktails  Original Air D ate—22 Feb ruary 2007   While Micha  el and J  an go to their fi  rst Dunde r-Mifflin outing as an official couple,   the office  workers le ft behind go out for ha ppy hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam  kissed at Casino  Night.  ------------- ------------ ------------ -------- --------- ------ --------------------  Seas on 3, Episod  e 18: The Negotia tion  O riginal Air Date—5 April 2007  Dwight s aves J im from an attack by Roy, but  Dwight won&# 39;t allo w Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Mich   ael for a pay raise,  and Michael discover s that he is woefully underpaid--so Michael goes t  o headquar ters t o ask for one himself .  ----------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------------    Seaso n 3, Episode 19: Safety Training  Origi nal A  ir Date—12 April 2007  An dy returns to the office a fter  weeks of anger management training, determi ned to  make a fresh sta  rt with all t he Dun der-Mifflin employ  ees. Mean while, it's safety tr aining day  in the  office, and Michael and Dwight are on  a mission  to illumi nate the dangers of the wor kplace.  ------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- --------------  Season 3, E pisode 20: Product Recall  Original Air Date—26  April 2007  Michael tries  to be pro active durin g a watermar  k crisis, but on  ly makes th e situa  tion wors e. Mean while, Angela has trouble being apologetic with  custom  ers, and Andy disco vers a secret ab out his new girlfrien  d.   ------------ -------------------------- ---------------- ------------ --------- -----  Seas on 3, Episo de 21: Wom  en's Appreci ation  Original Air Da te—3 May 200 7   Phyll is get s flashed in the parking lot, and  Dwight g  oes all out to secure the premises. Michael  osten sibly ta kes the wo men in   the office to th e mall to comfort them , but he&#39;s really doing i t to get a dvice abou t breaking up wit h Jan.   -------- -------- ----------------------- -------- ----------------------------  -----   Season 3,  Episode 22: Beach Games  Original Air Date—5 May 2007  Mi chael u  ses " ;beach day " at Du nder-Mif flin to  find out wh  ich emp loyee woul d be his mo st capab le replacem  ent,  just in c ase he receives the  promotion to the  New York office that he& #39;s applie d for.  ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------- -------- ---- ----------  Sea son 3, Episode 23: The Job  Orig inal Air Date—17 Ma y 2007  Micha el appoints  Dwight a s regiona l manage r, anticipa ting that he wil  l receive the job at corporate. Jim and Karen also interview for  the same posit ion. An d Michael g ets back together wi  th Jan after s he gets  a boob job.  这一次,她直接从袖  中暗袋里摸出一个大型 储物袋,“知道我要来见您, 不仅爷爷让我给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米 饭和各类点心,就是 我师父师叔他们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我师 姐采薇还把 她弄的极品花茶给我了 。”

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