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辦公室 第三季

9.0 力荐

分类:美劇 美國 2006

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  

导演:Ken Kwapis 


《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Sea son 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch H unt  Original Air Date—21 Septembe r 20 06  Michael apologize s to Oscar  , afte  r he f inds out h e's ga  y, for  calling him a homosexual slur--but his apology outs Osca r to the entire off ice. And Jim deci des to tak e a promoti on at  the Stamford office.  ---- ------ -------------------- -------- ----------------   --------- -----------------  Season 3,  Episod e 2:  The Convention  Original Air Date—28 September 2006   Micheal an d Dwight go to a conv  ention in Philadelphia and run into Jim, and Micha el becom es jea lous of  Jim's relationship with his new bos s. Meanwhile,  Pam gets ready f  or he  r first date since her e  ngagement.  ---- ----------- ---------- ----- ----- -------------- -------------------------------  Season 3, E pisode 3: T  he Cou p  Orig inal Air  Date—5 Oc  tobe r 2006  Michael is in trouble once  again as Jan busts him for declaring it&#39;s   "Movie Monda y&quot; where everyone watch  es a movie and neglects work.  Angela pushes Dwight to make a move on Mich ael's job while Pam and Jim fin d creative w ays to was te tim e.  ----------------------- ------- -------------- -------  --------------- ------ ----  ----  Season 3, Epi sode 4 : Grief  Counseling  Origi nal Air Date—12 Octo ber 2006  Michael takes o n the role  of office grief counselor when he learns that his  old boss  has died.   -----------  ---------- -------------------- ----------------- --------- ---------- ---  Season 3, Ep isode 5: Initiation  Original Air Date—  19 Octo ber 2006  Dwigh t takes  former temp Rya  n to his beet farm to  initiate Ry  an to his  new job at D under Mifflin.  --------  ------- ------ ---- --------- -------- ----------------------------- ---------  Season 3, Epis ode 6:  Diwali  O  rigi nal Air Date—2 Novembe r 2006  M ichael encourages t he en tire Scranton branch to sup port K elly and a ttend a  local celebr ation of Diwa li, the Hin du Fe stiva l of Lights. Meanwhil  e, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late  night of wo rk into  a drinking game.  ----------------------------------  ------ ------ ------------ ----------------------   Season 3, Episode 7 : Bran  ch Closing   Origin  al Air  Date—9 N ovembe r 20 06  Wh en Jan te lls Michael t hat the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael   strives to  kee p his staff's spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone  privately begins to envisio  n how their lives will chan ge in the aftermath.  --- -------- ------------ -------------- ----- ------- ---------- ---- -------- ----- ----  Season 3, Episode 8: The Merger  Original Air Date—16 N  ovember 2006   Jan informs Michael that the Scanton br  anch of Dun der Mif  flin will  be merging with the Stamford  Branch . Jim and Pam are reunited wh ile the other employees of both branches must adjust to their  new co-work ers.  -------------- --------------------------- -----  ----------- --------------- --------    Se ason 3, Episode  9: The Co nvict  Original Air Date—30 Nov ember 2006   Michael learns th at one of the new em ployees at Du nder M ifflin Scran  ton has a c riminal record. Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy make a mov e on Pam.  ------------- ------ ----------------- --------- ------------ ----- ------------ ------  Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana  Christmas  Original A ir Date—14 Decem  ber 2006  Trouble among the member s of the party pla nning committee resul  ts wi th the office h aving two competi  ng Chris tmas  parties,   but Michae  l isn't interest ed in celebra ting because he has just broken  up with h is girlfrie nd.  --------- ---------- ------------  ------------ -------------------------------------  Season  3, Episode 1 1: Bac  k from Vacation  Origin al Air Date—4 Janua ry 2007   Micha el isn 9;t supposed to let anyone know that he and Jan went on vacat ion together in Jamaica, but h e accidentally circulates a compro mising photo of them  to the office via e-mail.  ------------------- ---------- ------------------- ------ ------  ---------- ------ ----  Season 3, Episode  12: Traveling Salesmen  Original  Air Date—11  January 2007<  br/>  Dwight does a f avor for Angela to keep her from getting in tro uble. And y finds out and u ses it  agains  t him to get in  tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess up, which will reve al his re latio nship with Angela , or risk getting  fir ed.  --  ----------- ---- ----------  --------------------- ----------------- ---------------   Seas on 3 , Episode 13 : The R eturn  Original Ai r Date— 18 Jan uary 2 007   Andy does the impossible--he ma kes ever yone in  the office miss  Dwight, who is forced to tak e a job a  t Staples. M eanwhile, O scar comes back  to the office and Mic  hael predictably throws a  stereot ypical Mexican p arty to celebrate.   - ------ --------------------------  --------------------------------- ---------- ----  Season 3  , Episode 14: Ben Franklin  O riginal Air Date—1 Febru ary 2007  Michael asks Jim   to get a male str ipper for Phyllis 9;s of fice bachel orette party, but he g ets a B en Fr anklin impersonat or instead. M eanwhile, th e men' ;s ba chelor party goes  as planne d until Michael becomes un comfortabl  e with the  stripper.  N ext  US airings:   Tue.  Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS   -------------------------------- -----------------------  ---------- ---------------  Season 3, Episode 15: Phyl lis&#39; Wedding  Original Air Date —8 Fe bruary 2007    Michael exag gera tes the importance of his small ro le in Phyllis&#39;s wedding and makes an  ass out of h imself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all  of h er wedding ideas from her  original  wedding plans.  ------------------------- ---- ---------- ---------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------  S eason 3, Epis ode 16: Bu  siness Sc hool  Original Air Date—15 Fe bruary 2007   Michael  is a guest  speaker for Ryan';s b usiness class, but  they have a fal ling-out after Michael finds out that Ryan spoke negative ly about Dunder-Mifflin. And back a  t the  office,  Dwight tries t o kill a bat that he found in the ceiling.  Ne xt US airi ngs:   Tue. F eb. 17 10:  30 PM T BS  --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----- --  Sea son 3, Episode 17: Cocktail s  Original Air  Date—22 Feb ruary 2007  While Michael and Jan  go to their first D under-Miffli  n outing as  an official couple, the office work ers left behind go out for h appy hour. During happy hour, Ro y finds ou t that Jim and Pam kissed at Ca sino Night.  - ----------- ----- ------ ----------- ------------------------------- ---------------  Season 3, Episode 1 8: The N egotiation  Original  Air Da  te—5 April 2007  Dwight saves Jim fr om an attack b y Roy, but Dwig  ht won';t allow Jim to tha  nk him for it. Mean while, Darryl asks Michael f or a pay  raise, and Michael discovers that he is woef ully underpaid--so Mic hael goes  to hea  dquar  ters to ask  for one himsel  f.  -- -------------------  ----- ---- -------------- ------------------------------------   Season 3,  Episode 19: Safe ty Training  Original Air Date—12 A pril 2007    An dy returns to the offic e after weeks of ang  er manag ement trai ning, determined to make a fresh star t with all the Dunder-Mif flin employees. Meanwhile, it' s safety trainin g day in th e office, and Michael a nd Dwight ar e on a mission to illuminate the danger s of t he workplace.  ---------  ------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------   Season 3, E pisod e 20: Produc t Recall  Original  Air Date—26 April 2 007  Michael trie  s to  be proa ctive during a watermark crisis,  but only  makes the  sit uation worse.  Meanwhi le, Angela has tro uble being apologetic wi th custom  ers, and An dy discovers a secret about his new girlfriend.  -------- ---------- ------------------------------- --------------  -------------- ---  Seas on 3, Episode 21: Women's Appreciatio  n  Ori gina l Air Date—3 May 2007    Phyllis gets fl ashed in the parking lot, and Dwight go es al l out  to secur e the  premises. Michael  oste nsibly  takes the wo men in  the office to the mal l to comfort them, but  he  9;s really doing it to ge t advice  about bre aking up with Jan.   ------- --------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------- --------------   Seaso n 3, Episode 22: Beach Games  Original Air Date—5 May  2007  Michae l us es &qu ot;beac h day" at Dunder-Mifflin to f  ind out  which employee would b  e his most capable repl acement, ju st in case he r eceives th e promotion  to th  e New York office that he ' s appl ied for.  ---- ----------------------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------  -------   Season  3, Episode 23: T he Job  Or iginal Ai r Date—17 May 200 7  Michael appoi nts Dw ight as regional manager, anticipating that he will receive the job at c orporate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same posit ion. And M ichael gets back to gethe r with Jan  afte r she gets  a boob job.  陆灵蹊搂住小家伙时, 心里软软的,“我们也好想你,放心,爷爷会上 来的,青主儿和葵葵也会上来的,以后还会有敖象、小贝他们,对了, 他们也有礼物给你噢,神神秘秘地封着,也没 让我看,回头你瞅瞅,要是 宝石什么的,也分我两块玩。”

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