• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第02集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3 , Episode 1 : Gay Wit ch Hunt  Original Air  Date—21  Sep tember 2006  Michael  apologizes to Oscar, after he fin ds o ut he's  gay, for c alling h im a homosex  ual s lur--but his apology outs O  scar to the entire of fice. And Jim dec ides to take a promotio n at the St  amford office.  -------------- ------- ----- ------ ----------------------------------------------- -  Season  3, Episode 2:  The Convention    Origi nal Air Date—28  September 2006  Mic heal and Dwight go to  a conve ntion in  Philad elphia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes jealous of Jim' ;s relationship with his new bo ss. Me anwhile, Pam gets read y for h er first date since her engag ement.  ------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- -----------  -------   Season 3, E pisode 3: T he Coup  Original  Air Date—5 October 20 06   Michael is in t rouble once again as Ja n busts him for declar ing it';s &quot;Movie Mon day&quo t; where   everyone wa  tches a movie and neglects  work. Ang ela pushes Dwight to make a move on Michael& #39;s job while Pam and Ji m find cre ativ  e ways to waste tim e.  ---------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- -------- --------  -  Season 3, Epi sode 4:  Grief Coun seling    Orig inal  Air Da te—12 October 2006  Michael takes on the role o  f office gr ief c ouns elor when he learns  that his o ld boss  has died.  ------------ ----- --------------------------- ---------------------  -------- ------ -  Season 3 , Episode 5: Initiati on   Original Air Date—1 9 Octob er 2006   Dwight  takes for mer temp Ryan to his beet farm to  initiat e Ryan to his new jo b at Dunder  Mifflin.  -------- ---- ---- ------------- ------------------------------- --------------------  Seaso n 3, Episode 6: Diwa li  Original Air Date—2 Nov ember 2006  Mi chael encourages the  entire Scranton branch to support Kell y and att end a l ocal celebration of Diwali, the Hin du Festival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late nig ht of wor k into a d rinking game.  - -------  ----------------------------------- -------------------- -----------------  Sea son 3, Epi sode 7: Bran ch Closing  Original Air D ate—9 November 20 06  When Jan tel  ls Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael str ives to k eep his staff&# 39;s spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone priv ately beg  ins to envision how t heir lives  will change in  the aft ermath.   -------------------------------- -------- -------- --------------------  ------------    Season 3,  Episode 8: Th e Merger  Original A ir Date—16 November 2006  Ja n informs Michael that  the S canton branch of  Dunder Mifflin will be merg ing with the St amfo rd Branch  . Jim and Pam are reunited while the other  employees  of bo th branches must adjust to th eir new co-w orkers.  ------------------ ----- --------- ----------- -------------------------------------  Season   3, Episode 9: The Convict   Original Air Date—30 N ovember 2 006  Michael le  arns tha t one of the new employees at D under Mifflin  Scranto n has a criminal record. Meanwhile, Jim helps  Andy make a move  on Pam.  -------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- --------- --------  Season 3, Epi  sode 10: A Benih ana Christmas  Original  Air  Date—14 Decembe r 2006  Trouble among the members  of the pa rty planning committee re  sults with t he office having two c ompeting Christmas parties,  but Michael is n't i nterested in celebrating because he ha  s just broken up with  his girlfriend.  ------- ----- -------- ---------------------- -------------- ------------------------  S eason 3,  Episode 11: Back from Vacation  Original Ai r Date—4 J anuary 2007  Michael isn't  supposed to let anyone know that   he and Jan went o n vacation togethe r in Ja maica, but h e accident ally circulates a co  mpro mising photo of  them to the office via e-mail.  ---------------- -------------------- ----------  -------- --------------- -----------   Season  3, Epi sode 12 : Traveling Salesmen   Original Air Date—11 January  2007  Dwight  does a f avor for Angela to  keep her from getting in trouble. Andy fin ds out and u ses it a gainst him to get in tig hter with M  icha  el. Now Dwi ght must fess up, whi ch w ill re veal his relation ship with  Angela,  or risk ge tting fired.     --------- --------------- --------------------------------------  -------- ----------   Sea son 3, Episode 13:  The R eturn  Original Air Date—18 January 2007  A ndy does the impossible--he makes eve ryone in  the office miss Dwight, w ho is forced to t ake a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Os car  comes back to the office  and Michael predictably  throws a stereotypical M  exican party to c elebrate.  --------------------------------------- -------------  ------- ----------- ----------  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Franklin  Origina l Air Date —1 February 2007  Michael asks Jim to get a male st ripper fo r Phyllis 9;s office b achelorette party , but he g  ets a Ben Frankl  in impers onator instead  . Mea nwhile  , the men 's bachelor party goes a s pla nned  until Michael b ecomes uncomfort able with the strip per.    Next US airings:   Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS   ------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- -----------------< br/>   Season 3, Ep isod e 15: Ph yllis' Weddin  g  O riginal Air Date—8 Febru ary 2007  Micha el exaggerat es the i mport ance of his small role in Ph  yllis's wedding and makes a n ass out of hims  elf, and Pam notices that Phyllis st ole all of her weddi ng ideas from her original wedding pl ans.  -- ------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------   Season   3, Epis ode 16: Business  School  Original Air Date—15 Febru ary 2007  Michael is a guest  speaker for Ryan&# 39;s business class, but they have a falling-o ut after Michael finds out that Ryan  spoke negatively about  Dun der-Miffli n. And back  at  the office, Dwigh t tries to kill a bat that h  e found in  the ceiling .  N ext US airings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:30  PM TBS  -- ---------------------- ------------ ----- ----------- ----------------------------  S eason 3, E pisode 17:  Cocktails  Original Air  Date—22 F ebruary 2007  While Michael a nd Jan go  to their first Dunder-Miffli n outi ng as an o fficial couple, the office workers l eft behind go out for happy hour. During happy  hour, Roy finds out that Jim an d Pam kissed a t Casino Ni  ght.  ---- ------------------- ------------------  ------------ --------------------- ------  Season 3, Episode 18: The Neg otiation  O riginal Air Date— 5 April 20 07  Dwight sa ves Jim from an attack by Roy, but  Dwight  won't allow Jim  to thank him fo r it. Meanwhile, Da rryl asks Michael  for a pay rai se, and Michael discovers that he is woefully underpaid--so M  ichael g oes to he adquarters  to ask  for  one hi mself.  ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -----  Sea son 3, Episo de 19: Safety  Training  Original Air   Date —12 April 2007  Andy returns to the offic e after w eeks of ang er management training, de termined t o make  a fresh star t with all the Dunder-Mifflin employees. Meanwhile , it' s safety traini ng day in the office, and  Michael  and Dwight  are on a  mission to illuminat e the dangers o f the wor kplace.  ----- ---------- ----------- -------------- ------------ ----------------- -----------  Sea son 3, Episode 20: Pro  duct Recall  Original Air Date—26 Apr il 2007  Mic hael tries to be proa ctive during a watermark cris is, but only makes t  he sit uati on w orse. Meanwhile, Ang ela has trouble being apologetic w ith c ustomer  s, and Andy discovers a secret about  his new  girlfrie  nd.  ----- -------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------- --  Se ason 3, Episode 21:  Women9;s Appre ciation  Original A ir Date—3 May 2007  P hyllis gets flashed in the parking lot, a  nd Dwight goes all out to secure the pre mises. Michae l ostensibly ta kes the women in the  office to the mall to  comfort the m, but he&#39;s really do ing  it to get a dvice ab  out breakin g up wit h Jan.  -------- ----------------- ------  ------ --------- ------------------------ ------ ----  Season 3,  Episode 22 : Beach Games  Original Air Date—5 May  2007  Michael u  ses &q  uot;beach day"  at Dunder-Miff  lin to find out which e mployee would be hi s most capable repla cement,   just in cas e he receives the promotion to the New York o ffice  that he's app lied for.  - -------------------------- ---------------------- ---- ------ -------  ---------- ----  Season  3, Episode 23 : The Job  Original Air Dat  e—17 Ma y 200 7   Michael appoints Dwight as regional manager, anticipating that   he will r eceive the job at c orporate. Jim and Ka ren also interview for the same position.  And Michael gets back t ogether with Jan after she g ets a bo ob job.  她朝两边的贵宾席和下 面的看台,团团一揖,“佐蒙人是肯 定要杀我的,他们善用 渗透之法,所以, 林蹊在此恳请诸位前辈,诸位道友,看在我也算为仙界立过一点  功劳的份上,一起监督一  下,在我未晋天仙之前,不要让任何人,以任何理由,打断我在刑堂的工作。 

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