• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第16集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Episode 1: Ga y Witc h Hunt  Original Air D ate—21 Sept ember 2006  Michae l apologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he ' s gay, for calling hi m a homos exual s lur--but his apology  outs  Oscar to the e ntire o ffice. And Jim deci des to take a promotion at the Stam ford office.  -------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------- ------ ----  Season 3, Episode 2: The C onve ntion  Original Air Date—28 Sep tember 2006  Mi cheal and D  wight go to a  convention  in P hiladelphia  and run into Jim, and M ichael  becomes jealous of Jim9;s relationship with his new boss. M eanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first date  since her engagement.  ------------ -------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------  Se ason 3, Episode 3: T he Coup  Original Air Date— 5 Octo  ber  2006  Mich ael is in tr ouble once agai n as Jan  busts  him f  or declaring it's &quot; Movie Monday" w  here everyo  ne wat  ches a mo vie and  negle cts wor k. Angela  pushes Dwight to mak e a move on Michae l's job while Pam an  d Jim  find c  reative ways to waste  time.  ---------------------------- ---------------- ---- ------ --------------------------   Season 3 , Episode  4: Grief Cou nseling   Original Ai r Date—12 O ctober  2006   Mic hael takes on the role of offic   e grief couns  elor  when he lea rns that his old boss has  died.  ----------------   ------------ ----------------------------------------------- -----  Season  3, Episode 5: Initiat ion   Original Ai r Date—19 Octo ber 2006   Dwight tak es former temp  Ryan to his beet farm  to ini tiate Ryan to hi s new job at Dunde r Mifflin.  -------- ----------- ----- ---------- ----------------  ------ --------- --------- ------  Season 3, Epi  sode 6: Diwali    Original Air Da te—2 November 20 06   Michael encourages th  e entire Scrant on branch to supp ort K elly  and attend a local ce lebration of Diwali, the Hindu F estival of L ights.  Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to  turn a late night of wor k into a dri nking game.  --------- ------ --------------- ---- ---- -----------  ---------------------- ---- -----  Se ason 3, Episode 7 : Branch  Closing  Origi nal Air Date—9 No vemb er 2006  Whe n Jan tells Mich ael that the Scranton Branch will be shutt ing d own, M ichael strive s to keep his  staff's spirits up. Meanw hile, everyone priva tely begi ns to envision how t heir lives will cha nge in the  aftermath.   ----- --------- ------------------ ------ ------- ------------- ------ ----------------  Season 3,  Episode 8: T  he Merger    Orig inal Air  Date—16 November 2006  Jan info rms Michael that the Scan  ton branch of Dunder Mi  fflin will be merging  with the Stamfor  d Branch.  Jim and Pam are reunited wh ile the other em ployees of both branches mu st adj ust to their new co-wo rkers.   --------------------------  ----------- -------------------------------------------  Season  3, Episod e 9:  The Convi ct  O  riginal Air Date—30 November  2006    Michael l  earns that o ne of the new   emp loyees at  Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record . Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy make  a move o  n Pam.    --------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----  Season 3, Epi sode 10: A Benihan a Christma s  Original Ai r Date—14  December 20 06  Trouble among the membe rs of the party planning  com  mittee results wi th the office having two competing Christmas parties, but Michael isn 9;t  interested  in c elebrating because  he has jus  t broken u p with his girlfriend.<  br/>  -- ----------  ------------ ---------------------------- -------------- ---------- ----  Season 3, Episo de 11:  Back from Vacati on  Original Air Dat e—4 January 2007  Micha el isn' t supposed to let anyone kno w that he an d Jan went on va  cation together i  n Jamaica, but he accidentally circulates a  compromis ing photo of them  to the office via e- mail.   --------------- --------------------------------------- -------- --------- ---------   Sea son 3, Episode 12: Traveling Salesmen  Original  Air Date—11  January  200 7   Dwight does a  favor for Angela to keep her from  getting in troubl e. Andy fin ds out and u ses i t again st him to get in  tighter with Micha  el. No w Dwi ght must fess up, which will reveal his relationshi p with Angela, or   risk getti ng fired.  -------------- ----  ---------  --------------------------- ------ ---- ----  ------- -----  Season 3,   Episode 13: The Return  Original Air Date—18 Janu ary 2007  And  y does the  impos sible- -he makes  everyo ne i n the office  miss Dwight  , who i s forced t o take a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Oscar comes back to the offi ce and Michael predictably th rows a stereotypical Mexican party to celebr ate.   ------------------------------------------ ----------- ------- ------------ --------  Seaso  n 3, Ep isode 1 4: Ben Franklin    Original Air D   ate— 1 February 2007  Michael asks Jim to get a male st ripper for  Phyllis&# 39;s of fice bachelorette party , but h  e gets a Ben Frank lin imp erso nator instead. Mea nwhile,  the men's   bachelor p arty goe  s as pla nned until Mi chae l becomes uncomfortable with the stripp  er.  Next US airings:  Tue . Feb. 17 10:00 PM  TBS  ----------------- ---------------------- ---------- ----------- ----- --------- ------   Seaso n 3, Epi sode 15: Phyllis9; Wedding  Origina l Air Date—8 February 2007  Michael  exaggerates the importance  of his smal l role in Phyl  lis's wedd ing and makes an  ass out of himself, and Pam notices that  Phyllis stole a ll of her weddi ng ideas from her orig inal wedd ing plans.  ------------------------------------  ----------------- ------------------------- --  Season 3,  Episode 16: Business Sch ool  Original Air Date—15 February 2007  Michael is a gue st speaker for  Ryan's business c lass, but they h ave   a falling-out after Michael find s out that Ryan s poke neg atively   about D under-Mif  flin. And   back at the office, D wight tries to kill a bat  that he fou nd in the ceiling.  Next U S airings:  Tu e. Feb. 17  10:30 PM TBS  ----------- --------------  ---------- ----------- ------  ------------------------ ----   Season 3, Episode 1 7: Cocktails  Original  Air Dat e—22 February 2007  While Michael and Jan g o to their first Dunder -Mifflin outing as a n official c  ouple, the  office workers left behind go o ut for happy hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out t hat Jim and Pam kissed at Casino  Night.  --------- ------ --------- ---------------------------------------  ------- ---- ------  Season 3, Episode  18: The Negotiatio  n   Original Ai r Date—5 April 2007  Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Roy, bu  t Dwigh t won' t allow Jim to tha  nk him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Mich  ael fo r a pay rais e, and Mi chae l discover s that  he is woefully underpaid--so Mich ael goes to  headquarters to   ask for one himself.  ---------------- -------------------- ---------------- ------- --------  -----  --------  S eason 3, Episode 19: S afety T raining< br/>  Original Air Date—12 April 2007< br/>  And y returns to  the office after weeks of anger management training,  determined to make a fresh start  with all the Dun der-Mifflin employees. Meanwhile, it's safety tra ining day in the office , and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illu minate the d  angers of th e wor kplace.  -------------------  -------------------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -----------------   Season 3,  Epis ode 20: Product Recal l  Original Air Dat e—26   April 2007   Mi chael trie s to be proactiv e during   a watermark  cris  is, but only   makes th e situatio n wors e. Mea nwhile, An gela ha  s trou ble being apologetic with customers, and Andy discovers a  secret about his new gi rlfrien d.  -- ------------ ------------------------ ---- ---------- ----- ----------- ------------  Season 3, Episode 21: Women 9;s Appr  eciatio n  O riginal  Air Date —3 May 2007  Phy llis gets  flashed in the parking lot, a nd Dwight goes all out to secure the prem ises. Michael osten  sibly takes the w omen in  the office to   the mal l to comfort th em, but he&# 39;s really doing it to get advice about breaking  up with Jan.  ------------------------------------------ ------------ ----------------- ---------  Season 3, Episode 22: Beach Games  Origina l Air Date—5 May 2 007  Michael uses ";bea ch day&q uot; at Dunder-Mifflin to find  out  which  employee w ould be his most c apable replaceme nt, just in case he receiv es the pr omotion to  the New Y  ork office that h  e's applied for.  --------------------------------------------------------  -------- ---------- ---- --  Season 3 , Episode 2 3: The Job  Original Air Date—17 May 2007< br/>  Mich ael appoints Dw ight as  regional man ager, anticipating that he will receive the job at corpo rate. Jim and Karen also interview  for the s ame po sition. And Michael ge  ts back tog ether with Jan aft er she gets a boo  b job.  安画轻叹了一口气,“她在我的面前,从来没有放开过,哪怕 喝水,也小心翼翼 地只沾个唇。她和夏 正明确关系以来,表面上,纯阳宗 是得了丹堂的一些照应,但是,以她和夏正的关系,如果有心,元一百灵丹与骷髅 蝗的真正关系,我觉得,完全可以弄来

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