• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第21集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Episode 1: Gay  Witch Hunt  O riginal Air Date —21 September 2006  Michae l apologi zes to Oscar, a fter  he finds o ut he's gay, for calling   him a hom osexu al slur- -but  his apology outs Oscar to t he enti re office. And Jim d ecides  to take a promotion at  the Stamford of fice.  ----------------------- ---------------- --------  ----------- ---------- ------------    Se ason 3,  Episode 2: The Con vention  Origi nal Air Da te—28 Sep  tember 2006   Micheal a nd Dwight go to a convent ion in Ph iladelp hia and run into Jim, and  Michael be comes jealo us of Jim's relationship with his new  boss. Mea  nwhile, Pam  gets   ready for her first date since her e ngagement.    --------------------  ------ ------ -------- ----------- -------------------- ---------   Seas on 3, Epis  ode 3  : The  Coup  Ori ginal Air Date—5  October 2006   Mic hael is in tr ouble on ce again as Jan busts  him  for de claring it&#39;s  "Movie Monday&quot; where everyo ne wa tches a movie and negl ects work. Angela p ushes  Dwight to ma ke a move on  Michae l's job while Pam and Jim find creat ive ways to waste time.  --------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------  Season 3, Ep isode  4: Grief Counseling  Orig inal Air Date—12 October 2006    Michael takes on  the  role of office  grief counselor when he lear ns that  his old boss ha s died .  ---  --------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------ ----------< br/>  S easo n 3, Ep isode 5: I nitiation< br/>  Original Air Date—19 October  2006   Dwight takes forme r temp Ryan to his  beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job a t Dunder Mi fflin.  - ---- ------------------------------------  ---------- ------------- ------ ----------  Season 3,  Episode 6:  Diwa li  Origina l Air Date—2 November 2 006  M ichael encourages the entire Scranton  branch  to support Kelly a nd att end a lo cal celebrat ion of Diwali, the  Hind u Festi val of L ights. Me anwhile, An dy convin ces Jim to turn a  late night of wor k into a drinking game.  --------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------<  br/>  Season 3, Episod e 7: Branch Closing  Original   Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tells Mi chael t hat  the Scranton Branch  will be shutting  down, Michael s trives t o keep h is staff&# 39;s spirit s up. Meanw hile, everyone privat ely beg ins to envision how their l ives will change in the af  termath.   --------- ------------------- --------------- ----  --------  -------------------- -----  Seas on 3, Episode 8: The Merg er  Original Air Da te—16 Nove mber 2006  Jan in forms Michael that t he Scan ton br anch of Dunder Mi fflin will  be mer ging with th e Stamford Branch. Jim a nd Pam are reunited while the  other e mployee s of both branches must adjust to their   new co-workers.   --------------------- ------------ --------------------- ---------------- ----------  S eason 3,  Episode 9: The Convic t  Origi nal Air Date—30  November 2006  Michael  lea rns that on e of the new emp loyees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a c riminal record. Me anwhile,  Jim helps Andy m ake a move on Pam.  -------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------  Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana  Christmas  Orig inal Air Date—14 December 2 006  Trouble a  mong the  members of the party planning committee results  with th e office h avin g two competing Christmas p  arties, but Mi chael isn't  interes ted in celebr ating b  ecause he ha s just broken up wit h his girlfriend.  -------  ------ ----------- ---- -------- -------------------------------- ------- -----   Season 3, Episode 11: Back from Vacation   Origin  al Air Date—4 Janua ry 2007  Mic hael isn 9;t supp osed to l et anyon e kn ow t  hat he and Ja n went on vacation togethe r in Jamaica, but he accidentall y circ ulates a compromi sing photo of them to the office via e-mail.  --------------- --------------------------- ------------ -----------  ----------- ----   Season 3, Episode 12: Travelin g Salesme n  Orig inal A ir Date—11 Janua ry 2 007< br/>  Dw ight does a favor for Ang ela to keep he  r from  getting in   trouble. Andy find s out and uses it against him to get in tighte r with Micha el. Now  Dwi ght must fess up, which will reveal his relationshi p with Angela, or  risk  getting fired.  ------------------  --------  ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------  Seaso n 3, Episo de 13 : The Return   Origina  l Air Date—18 January 2007   Andy  does  the impossible--he mak  es everyo ne in the of fice miss D wight, w ho is forced to take a job at Staples. Meanwh ile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael pred ictably throws a stereotypical Mex  ican party to cele  brate.   --------- --------------- -------- ------------------------------ ------------------  Se ason 3,   Epis ode 14: Ben F  ranklin  Original Air Date —1 February 2007  Michael asks  Jim to get a male st ripper fo r Phyllis&#39;s office bachelorett e party,  but he gets a Ben F ranklin impersonat or instead.  Meanwhile,  the men' ;s bachelor pa  rty goes as planne d until M ichael becomes uncomfortable with the stripper.  Next US airin gs:  Tue. Fe b. 17 10:00 PM T BS  ---------- ------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- --------    Season 3, Episode 15: Phy  llis9; Weddi ng  Original Air Date—8 February 2007  Mi chael exag gerates the import ance of his sma ll role  in Phylli s's wedd  ing and makes an a ss out of h imself,  and Pam notices  that Phyllis stole all of her wedding i deas from her ori ginal wedding plans.   ----------------- ---------------------  ---------------------------------  ---- -----  Seas on 3, Epis ode 16:  Business School   Original Air Da te—15 February 200 7   Michae l is  a guest speaker for Ryan's  busines s class, but they have a falling-ou t after Michael fin ds out t hat  Ryan spoke nega tively about Dunder-  Mifflin. And  back at the   office, Dw ight trie s to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling.    Next US  airin  gs:   Tue.  Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS  ------------------------- ----  -------------------- -------------------------------   Season 3, Episode 1 7: Cocktails   Origin al Air Date—22 February 2007  While Michael and Jan g  o to   their f irst Dunder-Mifflin outing as an official couple,  the office  workers left beh ind go out  for  happy  hour. During happy hou  r, R oy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at  Casino Night.  -------- -------- ---- ----------------------  ---------------------------- ----------  Season 3, Epis ode 18: The N egotiation  Original Air Date —5 April 2007   Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Ro y, but D wight won't a llow Jim to thank h im for it. Meanwhile,  Darryl asks Michael for a  pay raise, and Mich ael discovers that he  is  woefu lly unde  rpai d--so Michael goes to head quarters to   ask  for one himself.  ------ -----------  ---------------------- ---- ---- ------------------  ---------------  Season 3, Epi  sode  19: Safety Training  Original A ir Date—12  April 2007  A ndy returns to the office after weeks of anger management traini ng, det  ermined  to ma ke a fresh  start with all the Dunde  r-Mifflin em ployees. Meanwhile, it's safety  training   day i n the office, and Michael and Dw  ight are on   a mission to illum inate  the dangers of  the workplace.  ----------------- --------- ---------------------------- -------  ----- --------------   Season 3, Episode 20: Product Recall   Original  Air Date —26 April 2 007  Michael tries  to be proactive dur ing a  watermark cr isis, but onl  y makes the situat ion worse. Meanwhile, An gela has troub le being a pologetic with customer s, and Andy discovers a secret about his  new girl friend.   ------------------------------------- ---- ------------ ---------- ------ ----  -------  Se  ason 3, Episo  de 21: Wo men& #39;s Apprec iation   Original  Air Date—  3 May 2007  Phyllis gets flash  ed i n the parking lot, an d Dwight goes al l out to secure the pr emises. Michael ostensibl y takes the women in the offi ce t o the mall to co mfort them,  but he'  ;s really doing  it to get advice   about breaking  up with Jan.  ----------------- ---- ------------------ ------ ---------------------------------  --  Season 3, Episode 22 : Beach Games  Origina l Air Date—5 May 2007  Michael us es ";beach day&q uot; at Dunder-Miff lin to find  out wh ich em ployee wo uld be his most capable replac  ement, just in c  ase he receives the p romotion to the New York o  ffic  e that he&# 39;s a pplied  for.  ----------------------  --------------------- ------------  --------------- ----------  Season 3, Epis ode 23: The Job  Origi nal Air  Date—17 May 2007  Michael appoints Dwight a s regional manager, antici pating that he will receive the job at corporate. Jim and Karen also  interview for the same posi tion. And  Michael gets back tog ether with Jan after she gets a boob job.  安画有些意兴 阑珊地摘下一个储物戒 指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这件事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘密留言了,所以,他那边失 却的东西,我管不了,这 里的……是我们收集的各方资料,你好好看,也许对你 有用。”

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