• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第10集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Sea son  3, Episode  1: Gay Witch Hunt<  br/>  Original Air Date—21  September 2006   Michael apologizes to  Oscar, after  he fi nds out he&# 39;s gay, for calli ng hi m a hom osexual slu r--but his apology out s Oscar to the entire office. And Jim decid es to take a p romotion at the Stamf ord o  ffice.   ----  ---------- ---------------------- ------------ ------------------------------ --   Season 3, Episode 2: The Convention   Original Ai r Date—28 September  200 6   Micheal and Dwight  go to  a convent ion in  Philadelphia and run into Jim,  and Michael becomes jealous of Jim&#39;s  relati onship  with his new boss. Meanwhil e, P  am gets ready for he r firs t dat e since her eng agement .  ---- ------ -------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------  -----  -------- -   Season 3, Episode 3: The Coup   Original Air Dat e—5 O ctober 2006   Mi chael is in trouble once again as Jan bus ts him for declaring it's & quot;Movie Monday&qu ot; whe re everyone watches  a movie  and negl ects work. Angela  pushes Dwight to make a move on Michael' ;s job wh ile P am and Jim  find creative ways  to waste  time.   ----- --------- ----- --------- ------ ---------------------- -------------- -------- --  Season 3 , Epis ode 4: Grief Counsel ing  Original Air Date—12 October 2006  Michael ta kes on the role of office  grief c ounselor wh en he l earns that his old boss has died.  --- -------------------  ---------------------- ------------------- -----------------  Season  3, Episode  5: Init iation  Origi nal Air D ate—19 Octob er 200 6  D wight takes former temp R yan to h is beet farm to ini tiate Ryan to hi s new job at Dunder  Miffl in.   ----------- ------------------------  ------- ------------------ --------------------    Season 3, Episode 6: D iwali  Origi nal A ir Date— 2 November 2006  Michae l encourages the enti re Scranton branch to support  Kelly and atten d a local  celebrati on of Diwal i, the Hindu Fest ival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces  Jim to tur n a late ni ght  of work into a drinking game.  -------- --------- --------- -----------------------------------  -------------------  Seas on 3, Ep   isode 7: Branch Closing  Origi nal Air Date —9 November  2006< br/>  W hen Jan tells Michael that the Scran ton Branch will be sh utting down,  Mich ael strives to keep his staff&#39;s spirit s up.  Meanw hile, eve ryone priva  tely begi ns to envision how the ir lives  will change in the aftermath.  ----------------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------------- -------  ----   Season 3, E pisode 8: The M  erger  Origina l Air D ate—16 November 2006    Ja n informs Michael that  the Scanton  branch of Dun  der Mifflin will be m erging with the Stamford Br anch. Jim and Pam ar e reunited w hile th e other employees o f both bra nches must adju  st to their new co-w orkers.  - ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------  Season 3, Episode 9: The  Convict  Original Air  Date—30 N ovember  2006  M ichael lear ns that one   of the n ew employees at Dunder Mifflin S cranton  has  a criminal record. Mean while, Jim helps Andy make a move on Pam.   ------ -----------  ----------- ------------------ ------- ------ ---------------- -----  Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana Christmas  Original  Air Date—14 Decemb er 2006  Trouble  among the  members of the par ty planning c ommi ttee res ults with the office having t  wo compe ting Christmas par ties, but Mic hael isn& #39;t interested i n celebrating because  he has just  broken up w  ith his girlfrien d.   --------- ------- ---------- ------------ ------- --------------- -------- ---- --------  Season 3, E pisode 11: Back from Vacation< br/>  Original Air Date— 4 January 2007  Michael i sn't supposed to let anyone  know that  he and  Jan went on vacation t ogether in J  amaica, bu t he accidentally circulat es a compromising p hoto of them to the office via e-mail.  ------- ------------- ----------   ------ ---- ------------------ ------------- -------  --   Season 3, Epis ode 12: Trave ling Salesmen   Or iginal Air Date—11 January 20 07  Dwig ht does a  favor for Angela  to ke ep her from getting in t rouble.  Andy finds o  ut and uses  it again st him t o get in tig hter with  Michael. Now  Dwight must fess up, w hich w ill reveal his relationship  with Angela, or risk getting fi red.  ---------- ------------------------  ----------- -------- -------  ----- ---- ----- ------  Sea son  3, Episode 13  : The  Return  Or  iginal Air Date—18 Janu ary 200 7  Andy does the impossi ble--he makes everyone in  the offi  ce miss  Dwig ht, who is forced to take a job at Staples. Mea nwhile, Oscar co mes back to  the offic e and M ichael predictably t hrows a stereotypical  Mexican party to celebrate.  - ----------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------- --------- ---  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Fra nklin  Original Air Date—1 February 2007  Michael ask s Jim to  get a male  strippe r for Phyl lis's office b achelore tte party , but  he gets a Ben Franklin  imperso nator instead. Meanwhile, the men 's bachelor party goes as planned until Michael becomes  uncomfo rtable with the stripper.  Nex t US ai rings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS  ------- ------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------  Season 3, Episode 15: P hyllis' ; Wedd ing  Origin al Air Date—8 February 2007  Michael exag gerates the importance  of hi s small rol e in Phylli s's wedding and mak es an ass out of himself, and Pam notice s that Phyllis  stole all of her wedding ideas  from her o riginal wedding  plans.  ----------------------  ------------ ------------------ ------ ------------------- ---  S eason 3, Epis ode 16: Busi ness School  Original Air Da  te—15 February 2007  Michael is a guest  speaker for Ryan9;s business  class, but they have a falling-out   after Mi chael finds ou  t that Ryan spoke negatively about Dunder-Mi fflin. And back at th e offi ce, D wight tries to kill a ba t that he found in the cei ling.  Next US airings:  Tue. Feb. 17  10:30 PM T BS  ----------- -------- ----------------- ------------------------ --------------------  Season 3, Episode 17: Co cktails  O riginal A ir Date—22 February 2 007  While  Michael and Jan go to their first Dunder-Mifflin out ing as an  offici al couple,  the office w orkers le  ft b ehind go o  ut for hap py hour. Durin g happy h our, Roy finds out th at Ji m and Pam k  issed at Casin o Night.  ----------- --------- ------- --------------------- ---- ---------------------  ------ -  Season 3, Episode 18: The Negotiation   Orig inal Air Da te—5 Apr  il 2007  Dwig ht saves  Jim from an attack by Roy, but Dwi ght won't allow Jim to  thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl a sks Michael for a pay raise, and Mich ael di scovers that he is woefully  underpaid--so Michael   goes to headquarte  rs to a sk for one h imse lf.  --------- --------------- --------------------- -------- ----- ----------------------   Season 3, Epis  ode 19: Safety Training  Original Air  Date—12 A pril 2007  Andy returns t o the office after weeks of anger management train ing, de termined to  make a fresh start with all the  Dunde  r-Mifflin emp loyees. Meanwhi le, it 9;s safety t raining day in the off ice,  and Michael   and Dwight are on a mission to illumi nate th e danger s of the workplace .  --- --------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --  Season  3, Episod e 20: Product Recall  Orig inal Air Dat e—26 April 2007   Michael tries to be proactive during a water mark crisis  , bu t only make s the situati on worse. Meanwhile, An gela has tr  ouble being a pologetic with cust  omers, and  Andy discovers a secret about hi s new girlfriend.  ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------   ------- --------  S eason 3, Ep isode 21: Women&#39;s Appre ciation   Origi nal Air Date—3 May 2007  Phyllis  gets flashed in the par king  lot, and Dwight goes all o ut to s ecure the premises. Michael os tensibly tak es the women in the off ice  to the  mall to com fort t hem, but he&# 39;s really  doing it to get advice about br eaking up with  Jan.  ---- ----- ----- ----------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------    Season  3, Episode  22: Bea ch Games   Original Air Date—5 May 20 07  Mich ael uses "bea ch day&quot; at Dunder-Mif flin to find out which employee would be his most capable replacement , just i n case he receives the promotio  n to the Ne w York office that he9;s applied  for.  ---------------- -----------------------------------------------  -----------------   Season 3, Episode  23: T he Job  Original Air Date—17 Ma y 200 7   Mich ael appoints Dwigh t as reg ional manage  r, anticipating that  he will receive the job at corporate. Jim and  Karen also intervi ew for the sa me positio n. And M ichael  gets back   together with Jan a fter  she get s a boob job.  按规矩,两人每收一 个人的好处, 就要往外掏点货,偏偏他 们是一个一个飞 升的,总不好 意思把说过的消息,再给他们来一 遍,没办法 下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的

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