• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-22
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch Hunt  Original Air Date—21 September  2006  Michael apologizes to Osca r, after he  finds o ut he's gay, fo r calling him a homosexu al slur--but  his ap ology outs Oscar to the entire  office. And Jim decides to take a  promotio n at  the Stam ford office.   ---------------- --------- ----- --------  ------- --------- --------------------------   Season 3, Episode 2: The Convention  Original Air Date —28  September   2006  Micheal and Dwi ght go t o a co nvention in Philadelphi a and run i nto Jim, and Michael becomes jealous o f Jim's relati onship  with  his new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first   date since her engage ment.  ----- ---- ---------------- --------------------- -------------------- ------ --------  Seaso n 3, Episode 3: The Cou p  Original Air Date—5 O ctober  2006  Micha  el is in trouble once a gain as Ja  n busts him for declaring it's &q uot;Movie  Monday&quot; where every one watches a movie and ne glects work . Angel a pushe s Dwight to make  a mov e on Micha el'  ;s job while Pam and J  im find creative ways to waste time.   ------------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------- ----- -  Season 3, Episode 4: Gr ief Counseling  Or iginal Air Dat e—12 Octobe r 2006    Michael ta kes on the role o f office gri ef counselor whe n he learn s that his old boss has died.  --------------------------  ---- -----------  ----------------------- -------------- --  Season 3,  Episode 5:  Initiation  Original Air  Date—19 O ctober 2006  Dwight  takes former temp Rya n to his beet farm to initiat e Ryan  to his  new job at Dunder Mi fflin.  --------------------------  ---- -----  --------------------------- ----------------- -  S eason 3 , Episode  6: Diwali  Or iginal Air   Date—2 November 2006   Mich ael enc ourages the entire S  cranton branch to  support Kelly and atte nd a local cele bration of  Diwali, the Hindu Festival o f Lights. Meanwhile, A ndy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinkin g game.  --- ------- -------------------------- ---- -------------------------- ------------ --  Season 3, Episo de 7: Branch Clo sing  Orig inal Air Date—9  Nove mber 2006  When Ja  n te lls Michael that the Scranton Branch w ill  be s  hutting dow n, Mi chael striv es to keep his staff's  spirits  up. Meanwhile, everyone privat ely begin s to envisi on how t heir liv es will change in the aftermath.  ------------ -----  -------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------  Seaso n 3, E pisode 8:   The Merge r  Origi nal Air Dat  e—16 Novem ber 2006  Jan informs Michael tha t the Scanton br anch of Dunder Mi fflin will be merg ing with the  Stamford Branch . Jim and Pam  are reunit  ed wh ile the oth er employe  es of both branches mu  st adjust to their  new co-w orkers.  ----------------------- ------------------- ----------- ------------------- --------< br/>  Season 3, Episode 9: Th  e Convict   Ori ginal Air Date—30 Novemb  er 2006< br/>   Michael learns that on e of the new emp loyees at Dun der M ifflin Scranton has  a criminal record. Meanwhile,  Jim helps An dy make a move on Pam.  ------- -------- -------------------------------- ---------- -----------------------  Season 3, Episode 10: A Benih ana Christ mas   Original Air Da te—14 D ecember 2006  Trouble  among the me mbers of  the party  planning c ommitt ee results with  the o ffice  having two competing Christ mas parties,  but Michael isn' ;t in  terested in celebrating because he h  as just broken up wit h his  girlfriend .  ---------- ---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------  Se ason 3, Episode 11: Back  from Vacation  Origina l Air Date—4 January 200 7   Micha el isn't  supposed  to let anyone k now that he  and J an went on  vacation together in Jamaic a, but he acci dentally ci rcula tes a comp romising photo of them to the   office via e-mail.  --------- ----------------------------- ------ ------- ---------------------- ------ -  Season 3, Episode 12: Trav eling Salesmen  Original  Air Date—11  January 2007  D wight does a favor for An gela to keep her from getti ng in trouble. Andy finds out   and us es it a  gains t him to g et in tigh ter with Michael. Now Dwi ght must fess up, which will reveal h  is relati onship wit h Angela, or ri sk getting fired.  ------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------  Season 3, Episode 13: The R eturn   Original  Air Date—18  January 200 7  Andy does the impossible--he makes ever  yone in the office miss Dwigh t, who is fo rced to take a job at Stap  les. Meanwh ile, Oscar c omes back to the office and Michael  predictably th rows a stereotypical Mexican party to celeb rate.  ---------- ---------  ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------ -----  Sea son 3, Episode  14: Ben Franklin   Or iginal  Air Date —1 February 200 7  Michael asks Jim to get   a mal e stripper for Phyllis's  office bac helorette pa rty, but he gets a Ben Fr anklin impersonator  instead. Meanwhil e, the men&#39;s  bachelor  part y goes as  planned until Michael becomes un comfortable with t he stripper.  Next US airings:   Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS  -------------------------  --------  ------------ -----------------------------------  Sea son 3, Ep isode   15: Phyllis' Wedding  Original Air Date—8 Febr uary 2007  Michael exaggerates t he importance of his small rol e in Phyl lis& #39;s weddin g and makes an ass ou t of himself, and Pam notices t hat Phy llis sto le all of her weddi  ng idea s from her original wedding pla ns.  -- ------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------- -------  Season 3 , Episod e 16 : Bu siness Scho   ol  Ori ginal Air Date—15  February  2007  Michael is a gue  st speaker for Ryan' s business   class, bu t they hav e a fal ling -out a  fter Michael finds  out   that Ryan spoke nega tively ab out Dunder-Mifflin. And  back at the o ffice,  Dwight tr ies to kill a bat that  he foun d in  the ceiling.   Next US airings:  Tue. Feb. 1 7 10:30 PM  TBS  ----------  ---------------------------------- ------- ------------------ ------- ----  Season 3, Episode 17: Cocktails  Origi nal Air Dat e—22 February 2007  While M ichael and Jan go  to their fir st D under-Mifflin outing as  an of ficial  couple, the office workers left behind go out for happy hour . During  happ y hou r, Roy finds out that Jim  and Pam ki ssed at Ca sino Night.  --------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------------------- ------- -------  Season 3, Episo de 18: The Negotiation  Original Air   Date—5 April 2007  Dwight saves Jim fro  m an attack b y Roy, but Dwight wo n't allow Jim t o th ank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks  Micha  el for a pay raise, a nd M ichael   discovers that he i s woefully underpaid--so Michael goes  to headquarters  to ask fo r one himself.  ---- ----------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------- ------  S eason 3, Epi sode 19: Saf ety Training  Original  Air Date— 12 April 2007  Andy ret urns t o the office after week s of  anger man  agement trai ning, determine d to make a fresh start wi th all t he Dunder-Miffli n em  ployees. Mea  nwhile, it&# 39;s safety tra ining day  in t he office, and Michael  and Dwight are on a m ission to illuminate the dangers of the workpla ce.  ------------------- --------- ------- --------------------  -----  --------------------   Season 3 , Episo de 20: Product Recall  Ori ginal Air D ate—26 April 2007  Michael tries   to be proactive dur ing a waterm ark cri sis, but only makes  the situ ation worse.  Meanwhile, Angela has tr ouble b eing a pologetic with customers, and  Andy discove rs a secret about his new girlf riend.  -----------  ----------------- ----------- ------------- --------- -------------------  Season 3, Ep isode  21: Wome n's Appreciation  Original Air Date—3 May  2007  Phyllis gets flashed in the parking lot, and Dwight goes all  out to secure  the premises. Michael ostensibly takes t he women in the office to th e mall to comf ort th em, but he&  #39;s r  eall y doi ng it to get advic e about brea king up  with Jan.  --------------- ---------------- ----------  ------ --------- ----- ------- ------------  Season  3, Episo de 22: Be ach Games  Original A ir Date—5 Ma y 2007  Michae l uses &q uot;be ach day&quot;  at Dunder-Mifflin to find out which employee would be his most capable re placement, just  in case he receives t he promotion to the New York offic e that  he's applied for .  ------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- --  Season 3, Episode  23: The  Job  Original Air Date—17 May 2007  Michael appoints Dwight as regional manager, antic ipating that he will rec eive the jo b at corpora  te. Jim a nd Karen  also interview for th e same position. And Michael gets back to gether wi th Jan after she get s a boob jo b.  按规矩 ,两人每收一个人的 好处,就 要往外掏点货,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们 来一遍,没办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的事了。

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