• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第09集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season 3, Ep isode 1: G ay Witch Hunt    Original  Air Date—2 1 Septemb er 2006  Michael a  pologizes to Os car, after  he finds out he& #39;s ga y, for calling him a homos exual slur--but his  apology o  uts Oscar to the entir e off ice.  And Jim decides t o take a promotion at the Stamf ord office.  ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------   Season 3,  Epis ode 2: The Conv enti  on  Original A ir Date—28 Sep tember 2006  Micheal an d Dwight   go t o a convention in Phil  adelphia and run in to Jim, and Michae l becomes jealou  s of Jim&#39;s relationship with his  new boss. Mea nwhile, Pam gets read y for her first date  sinc e her engagement.   ----- ------ ----------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- ------   Season 3, Episo de 3: The Co  up  Ori gina l Air Date—5 October 2006  Michael is i n troub le once  again as Jan busts him fo r declaring it's  &quo t;Movie M onday&qu ot; where everyone watc hes a m ovie and neglects work.  Angela pushes Dwigh t to make a move on Mic hael' ;s job while Pam and Jim fi nd creative ways to waste t ime.  - -----  ------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------   Season 3, Episode 4: Grief C ounseling   Original Air Date—12  Octobe r 2006  Mich ael takes  on the role of office g rief counselor when he  learns that his old b oss has died.  -------------------------- -----------------------  ------------- ------- -----------  Sea son 3, Episod  e 5: Initiation   Original Ai r Date— 19 Octobe r 2006  Dwigh t takes former temp Ryan to his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his  new j  ob at Dunder Mifflin.  ---  ------ ------------ ---------- ------ ------------------------------------- ----- -  Seas on 3, Epis ode 6: Di wali  Original Air Date— 2 Novem ber 2006  Michael encourage  s the entire Scranto n branch  to s upport Kelly and attend a lo cal celebr ation of D iwali, the  Hindu Festival of Light s. Meanwhile, A ndy convinces Jim to   turn a late night o f work into  a drinki ng game.   - ---------------------------------- -------- ------------------ ----------  ---------  Season  3, Episo de 7: Branch Closing  Or iginal Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tell s Micha el th at t he S cranton Branch will be shutting down,   Michael str  ives to keep his staff 's spirits  up. Mean while, ev eryone p rivately b  egins to envision  how t heir lives will change in the aftermath .  --------  -------- -------- ------------ --------------------------------------------  Seaso  n 3, Episode 8: The Mer ger  Origina l Air Date—16 November 2006  Jan informs Michael that the Scanton  branch of D under Mifflin w  ill be  merging with the Stamford Br anch  . Jim and P am a re r  eunited while t he other emp loyees of both bra nches must adj ust to thei r new co-workers.< br/>  ----------------------- ------ --------- ----- ----- --------------------------- -----  S eason 3, Episode 9: The Convict   Original Air Date—30 Nov ember   2006   Michael le arns that one of the ne w employees at Dunder Mifflin  Scranton  has a  crim inal  record. Mean  whil e, J im helps Andy make a mo ve on Pam.  --- ---------------- ------------  ------------ ---------------------- ---------- ---- -    Season 3, Ep isode 10: A Benihana Christ mas  Original Air Da te—14 December 2006  Trouble among  the me mbers of the party planning  committee results with the office havin g two competing Christmas partie s, but Micha el isn9;t interested  in celebrati ng becau se he has just broken up with his girlfriend.  ------- ------------------------------------------ -------------------- -----------  Season 3, Episod e 11: Back from Vaca tion  Original Air Date —4 January 2 007  Mi chael isn9;t supposed to let a nyone kno w that he and Ja n went on va cation together in Ja maica, but h e accidentally circulates a compromisin g photo of them to the office via e-mai l.  -------------------  ----- --------- ---------------------- ---- ---- ----------- ------  Season 3, Ep isode 12 : Traveling Salesmen  Original Air Date—11 Janu  ary 2007  Dwigh t does a favor for An gela to k eep her from getti  ng in t rouble. Andy  finds out and  uses it against him to g et in tighter with Mic hael . Now Dwight must fess up, which w ill reveal h is re  lationsh  ip with  Angela, or risk getting fired.   --------------------------------- -------- ------------------ ---------------------  Season 3, Episode 13: The Return  Original Air Date—18  January 20 07  Andy does the  impossible--he makes  ever yone in the  off ice miss Dwight, who is  for ced to  take a job at Staple  s. Me anwhile, Oscar come s back to the office an d Michael predictably  throws a st ereotypical Mexican party to  celebra te.   -- --------------------------- ----  ------------------------ ----- ------------ ---- --  Season 3, Epi sode 14: Ben   Frankl in  Original  Air Dat e—1 February 2007    Michael asks  Jim to get a male stripper for Phyllis& #39;s office  bachelo rette part y, but  he gets a B  en Franklin imperson ator instead. Meanwhile,  the men' ;s bachelor  party goes as planned until Mic hael becomes uncomfortable wi th th e stri pper.   Next US airin gs:  Tue. Feb. 17 1 0:00 PM TBS   ----- ------------ ------------------------- ---------- ----------------------- -----  Season 3,  Episod e 15: Phylli s9; Wedding< br/>  Original Air Date—8 Febru ary 2007  Mic hael exaggerates the importance of h is smal  l role in Ph yllis& #39;s we dding  and makes an ass out o f himself, and Pam n otices that Phyllis stol e all o f her  wedding ideas f rom he  r original wed ding plans.  --- ---- ------------- ------------  ---------------- ---------- ------------  ----------  Season 3, Episode 1 6: Business School  Original Air Date—15 February  2007   Michael is a guest speaker f or Ryan' ;s bu siness class, but th  ey have a falling -out after Michael finds ou t that Ryan spoke negati vely about   Dunder-Mi fflin. And back at the o ffice, Dwight tries to kill a bat t hat he foun d in the ceiling.   Next  US airings:  Tue  . Feb.  17 1 0:30 PM TBS   ------------ ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------- -  Se ason 3 , Episo de 17: Cocktails  Original Air Date— 22 February 2007  While Michael and Jan  go to t heir  firs t Dund  er-Mi fflin o uting a s an o ffic ial co uple, the office wo  rkers lef  t behi nd go out f or hap py hour. During happ y hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night.  ---- -----------------------------  -------------------------- --------- ------- -----  Se  ason 3, Episo  de 18: T he Negotia  tion  O rigina  l Air Dat e—5 Apr il 2007  Dwigh t saves Jim from a n attac k by Roy, but Dwig ht won't allow J im to tha nk him for  it. Meanwhile,  Dar ryl asks M ichael for a pay raise, and M ichae l discovers  that he is  woeful  ly underpaid--so Michael goes to h eadquarters to ask f or one h imself.  ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ----------  Season  3, Episode 19: Safety Training  O rigi nal Air Da  te—12 Ap ril 2007  Andy returns to the offi  ce after week  s of anger management trainin g, determined to mak  e a fresh start wi th all the D under-Miff lin employees. Meanwhile, it 's safe ty training da y in the office, and Mic hael  and Dwigh t are on a mission  to il luminat e the d angers of the workp lace.  --------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------  -----------    Season 3  , Episod  e 20: Product R ecall  Original  Air D ate—26 April  2007  Michae l tries to be proactive du  ring a watermark cris  is, but only makes the situation wors e. Meanwh ile, Angela has trouble being apo logeti c with cu stomers, an d Andy discovers a s ecret about hi s new girlfri end.  --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------  ----------------  Season  3, Episo de 21:  Wom en';s Appreciation  Original Air Date—3 May 2007  Ph yllis gets flashed in the parkin  g lot, and Dwight go es all out to secure the premis es. Michael  ostensibly takes the wo men in the office to th e mall to comfort them, but he9;s real ly doing it  to get advice about breaking up with Jan.  --------------------- --------- ---- ------- ------ ----- ---- ----- ------- -------  ---- -  Seaso n 3, Episode 22: Beach Games   Origina l Air Dat e—5 May 2007  Mich  ael uses  &quot;beach day&quot; at Dunder-Miff lin to find out which empl oyee wou  ld be his most capable replacemen t, just in case he rece ives the p romotion to the New York office  that he's applied for.  - ---------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------  Sea son 3, Epi  sode 23: The   Job  Original  Air Date—17  May 2007   Michael appoints Dwight as r egional manager,   anticipating that he w ill re ceive the jo b at corporate. Jim an d Kare n also intervi ew for th e same position. A nd Michael  gets back toget her with Jan after she gets a  boob job.  想到那个神出鬼没 的东西,印颜的心又剧烈跳动起来,“ 本来,昌 长老感觉能按住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的,它突然又厉害起来,然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一  般,借着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖子,昌长老没办法  ,才完全放开了身体的封印。”

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