• 正在播放:辦公室 第三季-第03集
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导演:Ken Kwapis 

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森 珍娜·費舍 B·J·諾瓦克 拉什達·瓊斯 

《辦公室 第三季》是由知名导演Ken Kwapis 执导的一部美劇,史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 約翰·卡拉辛斯基 雷恩·威爾森  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Season  3, Episode  1: Gay Witch Hunt   Original Air D ate—21 Sep tember 2006  Michael apolog izes to Osc ar, a fter he finds out  he's ga y, for cal ling him a homosexual slur--bu  t his  apology outs O scar to the en tire office.  And Jim decide s to t ake a promotion a t the Stam ford office.  -------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -----------   Season 3 , Episode 2: The Convention  Origi nal Air Date— 28 Septembe r 2006  M icheal and Dwight go to   a convent ion in Philadelphia a nd run into  Jim, and  Michael becomes jealous  of Jim' ;s relationship with his new  boss. M eanwhile, P  am get s ready for her first date since her en  gagement.  -----------------  ------------------------ --------------------- ----------  --------  Se ason 3,  Episo  de 3: The   Coup  Origin al Air Date—5 October 2006   Micha el is in trouble once a gain as Jan  bust s him for de claring it ';s ";Movie  Monday" where  everyone watches a movie and neglects work. Angela p ushes Dwigh t to make a mov e on Michael' ;s job while Pam an d Jim find creative ways to waste time.  ---- ----------------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------   ----- ---- -  Season 3, Episode  4: Grief Counseling  Original Air  Date —12 October 2006  Michael takes on the r ole of of fice gri ef counselor whe n he  learns that his old boss has   died.   ----------------- --------------- ---------  ---- ----------------- -------- ----------  Season 3, Episode  5: Initiati on  Origina  l Air Date—19 October 2006  D wight  takes fo rmer temp  Ryan to   his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his ne w job at Dunder Mifflin .  --------- ----------- --------- ----------  ------------------------ ---------------- -  Season 3, Epi sode 6: Diwali  Or iginal Air Date—2 November 2006   Micha el encourages the entire Scranton branch to supp ort Kelly and attend a local cele bration of Di wali, the  Hind u Festival of Lights. Meanwhile,  Andy   convinces Jim to tur  n a late night of work into a dri nking game.  --- ------ --------------  ------------------- ------------------------------- -------   Season 3,  Episode 7: Branch Closing   Origin al Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tells M ichael that the Scra nton Branch will b e shutting down, Michae l strives to keep his staff';s spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone privatel y begins to envision how their  lives wil l change in the  aftermath .  ---- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------ ------  Seas on 3, Ep isode 8: The Merger  O  riginal Air  Date—16 November  2006   Jan informs Michael t  hat the Scan ton branch of Dunder Mif  flin will  be m ergin g with the Stamford  Bran  ch. Jim and  Pam are r eunited wh ile the other empl  oyees of b oth branches must  adjust to their  new co-workers.  ---- ----------- -------------------- ---- --------- ----------------------- ---------  Season 3, E pisode 9: The Convi ct  Original Air Date—30 November 200 6  Michael learns that on e of the new em ployees at D under Mif flin Sc ranton h as a criminal  recor d. M  eanwhile, Jim he lps A ndy make  a move on Pam.  ------- --------- ---------- -------------  --------- ------------ ------------ --------  Season 3, Episode  10: A Beniha na Christmas     Original Ai r Date—14 December 2006  Trouble among the membe  rs of the pa   rty planning committe e results with the office  having two  competing Ch ristmas pa  rties, but Michael isn't interested in celebrating because he has just broken u  p with his g irlfriend.  - --------- -------------------  --------- ----------------- ------------ ----- --------  Season 3, Episode 11: Bac  k from Vacation  O riginal Air Date—4 Janua ry 200 7  Michael isn 9;t suppose d to let  anyone know that he and Jan went  on vacation to  gether in Jamai ca, but he accidentally circulates a  compr omis ing photo of them to  the office via e-mail.  - ---- --------- ------------------------------ ------------------------ ------ ------  Season 3, Episode 12:  Traveling Salesm en  Original  Air Date—11 January 2007  Dwig ht does a  favor for Angela to keep her from  getting in tro  uble.   Andy finds  out  and use s it aga  inst him to get in ti ghter with  Michael. Now Dwight  must fess up, which  will re veal his re lationship with Angel a, or risk  getting fired.  ------------  ---------- --------------------------------------------- -------------  S easo n 3,  Episode 13: The Return  Original Air Date— 18 January 2007  Andy does the impossible--he makes everyone in the office   miss Dwight, who is for ced to  take a job at Staples. Meanw hile , Oscar co mes back to the office and M ichael predictably th rows a stere  otypical M exican  party to celebrate.  ------------------ --------------- --------------------------------- --------------  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Franklin  O  riginal A ir Date—1 Fe bruary 2007  Micha el asks Jim to g et a male stripper for P hyllis&# 39;s office bachelorett  e party, but  he gets a Ben Franklin imperso nator  instead. Meanwhile, t he men';s bachel  or party  goes as planned until Michael  becomes uncomforta ble with the stripper .  Next US airings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:  00 P M TBS  ------  -----------  ----- ------- ------------  ----- ------------------------------- ---  Se ason 3, Episode 15: Phyllis'; Wedd ing  Original Air Date—8 February 2 007   Michael exag gerates the importance of his sma ll role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out  of himself, and Pam n otices that Phyllis st ole all of her wedding  idea s from h er original wedding plans.   ----  ------------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ---------- ------------  -------   Seaso n 3, Episode 16: Business Schoo  l  O riginal Ai r Date—1 5 Febr  uary  2007   Michae l is  a guest speaker for Ry an's business clas  s, but they ha ve a falling-out  after M ichael finds out that R yan spoke negativ ely about Dunde  r-Mifflin. And  back at the offic e, Dwight tries t o kill a bat t  hat he found in the ceiling.   Nex t US airings  :  Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS  -------------- ----- -------------------- ----- ------------------------------ ------  Season 3, Episode 17  : Cocktails  Original Air  Date—  22 February 2007  Whi le Michael and Jan g o to their fir  st Dunder- Mifflin out  ing as an  official couple, the office workers left  behind go  out f or happy ho  ur. During happy  hour, Roy finds out t hat Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night.  ------- ---- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------   Season 3, Epis ode 18 : The N egoti ation   Original Air Date—5 April 2007   Dwight  saves Jim fro m an attack by Roy,  but Dwight  won't allow Jim to thank him for  it. Meanw hile, Darr yl asks Michael  for a pay  rais   e, and Mich ael discover s that he  is woefully und erpaid--so Michael goes to headquarters to ask  for one himse lf.  ------------------------ ------------ -------  ----- --------- --------------- --------  Seaso n 3, Episode 19: S afety Traini  ng  Or igina l Air Da te—12  April 2007  Andy returns t o the o ffice after weeks of anger ma nagement  traini  ng, determ ined to make a fresh st art w ith  all the D under-Mif flin  employees. M  eanwhil e, it&# 39;s sa fety training day in the offi ce, and Michael and Dwight  are on a mission to il  lumi nate the dangers of the workplace.  -------------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------------- ---- ---- ----------------   S eason 3, Episode 20: Product Recall  Orig  inal Air  Date—26 Ap ril 2007  Micha el tries to be proacti ve during  a watermark  crisis , but o nly ma kes the situation w orse.  Meanwhile, Angela has trouble b eing apologetic  with custom  ers, and Andy discov ers a   secre  t about his new girlfrien d.  -------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------ -------------  Season  3, Episode 21: W omen's Appreciation  Or  iginal Air Date—3 May 2  007  Phyllis gets fla shed in the parking  lot,  and Dwigh t goes al l out to  secure the premises. Michael ostensibly  takes the  women  in th e office to the mall to c   omfort them, but he's r eally  doing it to get advice about b reaking up with  Jan.  - ------ ---- ----------- --------------------------- ------------ ------- ------------  Season 3, Ep isod e 22: Beach Games  Orig inal Ai r Date—5 May 2007   Michael uses &q uot;beach  day &quo t; at D unde r-Miff  lin to find out which e mployee   would be his most capable replacement, just i n case he receives the promotion to the New York office that he9;s applied for.  --- ---------- ------------  ----------------------------- --------------------------  Seaso n 3, Episode 23:  The Job   Original  Air Date—17 May 2007   Michael appoints Dwight as regional manag  er, anticip ating that he wil  l receiv e the job  at corpor ate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same p  ositi on. And Michael gets back togethe r with Jan after she ge ts a b oob job.  安画有些意兴阑珊 地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地 里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这件事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘密留言了,所以,他那边失却的东西 ,我管不了,这里 的……是我们收集的各  方资料,你好好看,也许对你有用。”

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