• 正在播放:全能偵探-第03集
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导演:Damon Thomas 

主演:史蒂芬·曼甘 達倫·博伊德 海倫·巴克森代爾 

《全能偵探》是由知名导演Damon Thomas 执导的一部美劇,史蒂芬·曼甘 達倫·博伊德 海倫·巴克森代爾 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Green Wing and Free Age nts star Stephe n Mangan is t o play the lead role   in BBC4 9;s adap tation of the late Douglas Adams Dirk G   ently's Holistic Det ective Agen cy.   Mangan will be joined by Darren Boyd as his sidekick Richard MacDuff and Cold Feet an  d Friends actor Helen Baxen dale, as MacDuff 's girl friend Susa  n.  Adapt ed by the Ba  fta-winning writer Howard Overman – who is also behind  Misfits, Vexed and Merlin – D irk Gently's Holistic Detective  Agency f ollows the exploits of A dams's chaotic character as he uses his unusual met hods to solve crimes .   Mangan sa id: "I' ve been a  fan of Dougl as Adams eve r sinc  e the Hitchh iker's radio series which I used t o record as a chil  d an d listen to o  ver and over aga in in my be droom. It's such a  thrill to n ow be playing one of  his brilliant characters.  &quo t;Dirk i s a chaotic,  anarchic force o f natur e with a totally  unique take on the world. He  is de scribed as 'la zy, untidy , dismissiv  e an d unreliable'. I've absolutely no  idea w hy they tho ught I 9;d be right for the role." ;  The Dirk Gentl y books have formed t  he basis  of a play   and a BBC Radio 4 serie s but have never before been fil med for  TV.  Adams's agent, Ed  Victor, said: & quot;For all the years I represe nted the late, great  Douglas Ad  ams, the m ost substantial frustration for both of us was that we co uldn  9;t get  films made ei ther of Hitc hhiker or Dirk.  " Douglas onc e said , memorably, that 'getting a fi lm made in H ollywood was like tryi ng to coo k a steak by having a bunch  of people c ome into the  room and br eathe on it  ' ;. Well,  we did  eventual  ly get a  film mad e in Hollywood of Hitchhik er a nd, tragic  ally, Douglas didn 9;t live to see  it. Nor will he see this adapta tion of Dirk – but it' s worth bearing in mind  that Doug las alwa ys thought Dirk woul d make  a better film than Hitchh iker and I fee l sure th  at this new  TV drama wi th a te rrific s cript by  Howard Overman will prov e his point."  Shooti ng begins this week  in Bristol on the 6 0-minute drama,  which is being made by ITV Studios in association with the Welded T andem P icture Co mpany.  T  he Dirk Gently  prod uction is to be directed by Damon Thomas  – who al so directed  BBC4 drama The First Men in  the Moon – and will air e arly next yea r.   说到这里,木头人顿了顿,“你可能不知道,我主人一直怀疑,他们之中,有早就到这 方宇宙的佐蒙人潜  伏。他说,那个人智计无双,大家一直查不到他,可能是 因为,那人 的修为远  在他们之上,是对方隐藏起来的第三位圣者。”

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