• 正在播放:全能偵探-第01集
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导演:Damon Thomas 

主演:史蒂芬·曼甘 達倫·博伊德 海倫·巴克森代爾 

《全能偵探》是由知名导演Damon Thomas 执导的一部美劇,史蒂芬·曼甘 達倫·博伊德 海倫·巴克森代爾 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Gree n Wing  and Free Agents sta r Ste phen Mangan is to play the l ead role in  BBC4 9;s ada  ptation of the  late Dou glas A dams Dirk Gently' s Hol istic D etective Age  ncy.  Mangan will be jo ined by Darre n Boyd as his  sidekick Rich  ard MacD uff and Cold Feet and Frie nds a ctor Helen Baxendale , as MacDuff's girlfr iend Sus an.  Adapted by   the Bafta-winning w riter Howard  Overman  – who is also behi nd Misfits, Vex ed and M erlin – Dirk Gently 9;s Holist ic Detective A  gency follow s the expl oits of Adams's  chaotic ch aracter as he uses his unusual   methods to solve crimes.  Mangan said: " ;I've been a fan o f Dougl as Adams  ever  since the Hitchhiker& #39;  s radio se ries which I used to record as a child and l isten to over and ove r again in my bedroom. It' s such a thril l to now be p laying one of   his brilliant charact ers.  "Dirk is a chaot  ic, anarchic force of na ture w ith a tot ally uniqu e take on the world  . He is d escribed as ' lazy , untidy, dismissive and unreli able' . I& #39;ve abs olutely no idea why they thought I';d be right for the  role."  The  Dirk Gentl y book s have fo rmed t he b asis of  a play  and a BBC Ra   dio 4 series but h ave never be fore  been filmed for TV .   Adams' ;s agent, Ed Victor, said: &quo  t;For all the ye  ars I  represente  d the late, great Douglas Adams, the most substantial frus tration for both of us was that we couldn't get films mad  e either of Hitchhiker or Dirk.  "Douglas once said, memor ably, tha t 'get ting  a film made in H ollywood was like tr ying to cook a steak by  having a bunch of  people come  into th e room and breathe on  it'. We ll, we di  d eventually get a film   made i n Holl ywood of H  itchhiker and, tragi cally, Douglas didn't li  ve to s ee it. Nor will he  see this adap tation  of Dirk –  but it';s worth bearing   in mind that Doug las always thought Dirk  would make  a better film than Hitch hiker  and I feel sure that this new TV drama with a terrif ic script by Howard Overman will prove hi s point."  S  hooting begins this week   in Bristol on  the 60-minut e drama, whi  ch is being made  by ITV Studios  in associ atio n with th e We lded Tan dem Picture Company.  T  he Dirk Gently  prod  uction is t o be dire cted  by Dam  on Th  omas – who also di rected BBC4   drama The Fi rst Men in t he Moon – and will air e arly  next year.  她朝两边的贵宾席和下面的 看台,团团一揖,“佐 蒙人是肯定 要杀我的,他们善用 渗透之法,所以,林蹊在此恳请诸位前辈,诸位道友,看在我也算为仙界立过一点功劳的  份上,一起监督一下,在我未晋天仙之前,不要让任何人,以任何理由, 打断我在

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