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O somma luce

3.0 较差

分类:劇情片 法國 2010

主演:Giorgio Passerone 



《O somma luce》是由知名导演讓-馬裏·斯特勞布 执导的一部劇情片,Giorgio Passerone 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  轉自:http://www.filmlinc.com/nyf f/2010/view  s-from-the-avant-ga rde-friday-  octobe r-1/views- from -the -avant-garde-jean-mari e-st raub  “The end of  paradise on earth.”—Jean-Marie Straub  The 3 3rd verse and last chant  of “par  adise” in  Dante’s Divine C omedy. The film starts with verse 67, “O somma luce… ” and continues to the end.  “O Somma luce ” recalls th  e first words uttered by Empedocl es in Dani èle Huillet and Jea n-Marie Str aub’s 1987  The Deat h of Empedo cles—“O himmlisch Lich t!…” (O hea venly light!). This extract from Hölderlin’s text i s also inserted into their 1989 f   ilm Céza nne.< br/>  “O  somma lu ce” inv okes utopia, o r better   still “u-topos,”  Dante  , Ho lderl in, Cézanne…  the camera movement, recal ling Sisyphus, in t he film’ s long sho ts,  suggests its difficulty.< br/>  In O  somma luce , with Giorgio Passerone’s Dante and the vers e that concluded the Divine Com edy, we find at th e extremity  of  its poss ibilities, th e al most happy  speech of a man who ha s just lef t earthly pa radise, who tries to f ully realiz e the poten tial of his nature. Between the   two we find the story o  f the world. The f irst J ean-Marie Straub film shot in H D.  So sing ular  are the textual working methods of St raub-Huillet, and now Strau b on his own, that it is  hard to gras p ho w far reachi ng th ey are. Dire  ction is a matter  of wo rds and speech, n ot em otions and action. Nothing ha  ppens at the edges, everythin  g is at the core an d shines from there alone.  During  the rehe arsals we se nse a slow proce ss by which ing   redients (a text, actors, an intuition) progress  towar ds cohesiveness. It is, forgive the comparison, like the kneading of do ugh. It is the assembli ng and working  of someth ing until  it become s something else… a  nd, in this case, starts to shine. Actually it ’s very simple , it’  s just a question of openi ng up to the lig ht material that ha s been sealed up. Here, the pr ocess of kneading is to bring  to life and then rev eal. The m  aterial that is worke d on is  speech.  So it is speech th at becomes visible —nothing else. “Logos” come s to the cinema.  The mi se en scène of what words exac tly?  The proce ss of revealing,  “phaines tai” ; “phainom enon,” the phenomenon,  is what take splace, what becomes visible to the eye.   Is “Straubie” Greece?  Thi s mise en scène of speech , wh ich goes beyo nd a close readin g of the ch osen text, is tr  uly comes  from a distant source. —Bar bara Ulrich  这一次,她直接从袖 中暗袋里 摸出一个大型储物袋,“知道我要来见您,不仅爷爷让我给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心,就是我师父师叔他们,都逼着宗里的大 师父,给您弄了好些好  吃的,我师姐采薇还把她弄的极品花茶给我了。”

  • 10.0分2010 HD


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