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8.0 推荐

分类:歐美綜藝 英國 2010

主演:Jonathan Dimbleby 

导演:Jonathan Dimbleby 


《與喬納森·丁布爾比一起遊非洲》是由知名导演Jonathan Dimbleby 执导的一部歐美綜藝,Jonathan Dimbleby 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  After four decades of reporting from th  e con tinent, Jon athan Di mbleby returns to Afri ca o n a 7,000-mile j ourne y to discover how  it is  changing.  【Mali, Gh  ana and  Nigeria】  He start s his African journey in the capital of Mali, Bamako , the fastest-growing Afric an city. F ollowing the cour se of the N iger river, Dimbleby finds not a contine nt of beg  gars but  of industrio us pe ople, some o f who m go to extraordinary lengths to make a living, free  -diving 20 feet to excavate bu ilding  sand.  Travelling north-e ast,  he sees how tradition is  preserved i n an area where a  sophist icated urba n society has thrived for 1600 years . Jona  than gets his hands dirt y as the apprentice of a 74-year -old mud mason in Djenne, a town b uilt entirel y of mud.  In Ghana, one  of Africa's  freest and most stable co untr ies,   Jonathan sees a specta cular festival  befo re pla ying a game  of golf with th e King of th e Ashanti, who recalls his time working for Brent council. Dimbleby atte nds the King&# 39;s c  ourt to see what  lessons the UK can  draw from tradi  tional African st ructures that promote harmony and re concil  iation.     Jonat han   disco vers that the Afr ican brain drain is  tur ning into  a brain gain as e conomic opport unity  and pat riotism draw  people home. F ootbal l unites Ghana like nothi ng el se, su perseding political  and t ribal divis  ions. There is a ric h seam of young football  talent on the co ntinent in the year tha  t the World C up is host ed by an African nati on for th e first ti me.   In Lagos  , Nigeria 9;s business capital, Jonath  an Dimb leby sees a  different take  on a c ity that is often depicted as a hot bed o f violence,  crim e and corruption  . He is taken on a  private j et by A frica's richest man, then savours the cr eative tale nts of tw  o of African music's ris ing stars who are helping to c ement Lagos& #39;s place as the  cont inent's cult ural hub.  【E  thiopia, Kenya and Tanzania 】   On the second  leg  of his illuminating journey across Africa, J onathan Dimbleby travels 2000 miles through East Africa9;s Rift V alley.   Starting in Ethiopia, where he wa s the fir  st journalist to rep ort the  1973 famine, Dimbleby disco vers the great strides being mad e to safeguard t he country  from  future ca tastrophes.  In Kenya he finds out how m obile phones  are revolutionising s mall businesses and even the live s of Masai  tribes.  In  Tan zania he j  oins in a fo otball match with the judges and guards of Africa' s own Huma n Rights Commi ssion and meets  the street ki ds in Dar-es-Sala am who are buildin g an int ernational pr ofile for  their musi c.  【C ongo, South Africa  and Zambia】   On the final l eg of his 7,000-mile odyssey,  Jonathan D imbleby trav els from Congo t  o Durban in search of the  stories revealing contemporary Afric a.  He learns how China's bi llion-dolla r deals have rebooted  African economie s, once depend ent on Western aid and investme nt.  Pa  ssing through Zambia, Jonathan survive s a traini ng sessio n with bo xing w orld champio n Est her P hiri and meets  Hugh Ma sekel a, who shares with him his view of Africa's em erging revival.   说到这里,她把 她在幽古 战场好不容 易拍来的宝物拿出,“师父,这是我们在大拍卖会上拍  到的春月莲子,一共有四十九枚, 听云天海阁的朋友说,他 们的宗主,以前 就服用过不少春月莲子,您试试看,有没有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意 着。”


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