• 正在播放:與喬納森·丁布爾比一起遊非洲-第01集
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导演:Jonathan Dimbleby 

主演:Jonathan Dimbleby 

《與喬納森·丁布爾比一起遊非洲》是由知名导演Jonathan Dimbleby 执导的一部歐美綜藝,Jonathan Dimbleby 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  After f  our decades  of r eporting fro m the con tinent, Jonathan Dimbleby returns to Africa on  a 7,000-m ile journey to discover  how it is changi ng.   【Mali, Ghana an d Nigeria】  He  starts his Afr ican journey in the capital o f Mali, Bamako, the f astest-gr  owin  g Afric an city. Following the cour se o f the Niger river, Dimb leby  finds n ot a continent of   beggars b ut of industrious people, some  of whom go to extraordinary  lengths to make a living, free-diving 20 feet to excav ate buil ding s and.   Travellin g north-ea  st, he sees how trad ition is preserved i n an a rea where a  sophisticat  ed urba n society  has th rived f or 1600 years. J onathan gets h is hands di rty as the ap prentice o f a 74-year-old mud maso n in Djenne, a town built entirely  of mud.< br/>  In Ghana, one of Africa&#39;s freest and   most stable coun tries, Jonat han sees a  spectacular  festival  before playing a game of  golf  with the Ki ng of the As hanti, who recalls his t ime working for Br ent council. D imbleby at  tends the King's court to see what less ons the UK can draw from tra  ditional African structure s that promote harmony an d reconcil iation.  Jonat han disc  overs that the  African brain drain is turning into  a brain gain as econ omic opportunity and patrioti sm draw pe ople home. Football unites Ghana like nothin g else , superseding poli tical and tribal divisions. There   is a rich seam of young  football tal  ent  on the  continent in the year that the World Cup is hosted b y an African nation  for the first ti me.  In Lago s, Ni geria9;s business  capital , Jo nathan D imbleby sees  a di  fferent take on a city that is of ten depicted as a hotbed of violen ce, crime and  corruption. He is taken on a pri vate je t by Africa 's ric hest man, then savours th e creative  talents of two of African music';s rising stars who are  help ing to cement  Lagos9;s place as the contine nt's cultural h ub.  【Ethiopia, Kenya a nd Tanzania】  On the second leg of  his illuminating jou rney acr oss Africa, Jonathan Dimbleby travels 2000 miles  throu gh East Africa&#39;s Rif t Valley.   Starting  in Ethiopia,  where he was the first journa list to rep ort the 197 3 famine, Dimbleby dis covers the g reat strides being made to  safeguard the coun try from future cata strophes.  In Kenya  he finds ou t how mobile phones are revolutionising sma ll busin esses and even the l ives of Masai t ribes.   In Tanzania he j oins in  a football m atch with the judges and guards of Africa9;s own H uman R ights  Com mission and meets  the s treet kids in Da r-es-Salaam wh o are bui ldin g an international  profile for their  music.  【Cong o, South Af rica and Zambia】  O n the fin al leg of his 7,000-mile od yssey, Jo  nathan Dimble by travels  from Congo to Dur  ban in  search o f the  storie s revealing   contemporary Africa.   He learns how Ch ina's billion-dollar deals have re  booted Afric an economies  , onc e depende nt on Weste rn a id a  nd in vestment.  Passing thro ugh Zambia, Jonathan survive s a train ing sess ion with  boxing  world cha mpion Esther  Phiri and meets Hug h Masekela, who shares with him  his view of  Africa 9;s emerg ing re vival.   想到那个 神出鬼没的东西, 印颜的心又剧烈跳 动起来,“本来,昌长老感觉能按住那条大 尾巴,可是 ,不知怎的,它突然 又厉害起来, 然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着抹了西才 他们的脖子,昌长老没办法,才完全放开了身体 的封印。”

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