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10.0 力荐

分类:紀錄片 法國 2019

主演:蘇萊曼·易蔔拉欣 易蔔拉欣·沙達德 



《當我們談論樹的時候》是由知名导演蘇哈伊布·加斯梅爾巴裏 执导的一部紀錄片,蘇萊曼·易蔔拉欣 易蔔拉欣·沙達德 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  蘇利曼和“蘇丹電影俱樂部”的另外三名成員決定重振一家舊電影院。他們不僅因爲對電  影的熱愛和對恢複舊電影存量、再 次關注蘇 丹電影曆史的 強烈渴望而團結在一起,而 且因爲他們都曾在流放中接 受過電影教育。不知 疲倦地,他們試圖讓影院老板站在他們一邊,讓這  個地方重新運作起 來,但他們一再發現自己遭到了相當大的阻力。同時,他們坐在一起談論過去——包括他們作爲對立 藝術家遭受迫害甚至折磨的 經曆。他們還朗讀流亡和夢想蘇丹時寫的舊信 ,在那裏藝術和智力思想 可以自由。“我們比他們聰明,但不如他們強大,”他們一 致總結了 他們的處境。正是在這些簡 潔的時刻,觀衆才能夠感知到友誼,以及在爲共同理想而鬥爭中存在的紐帶和意識形態的團結。  蘇哈伊布·加斯 梅爾巴裏把蘇丹電影的曆  史放在影片的中心,同時也揭示了一個受到持續危機 影響的國家的現狀  Su liman a nd three further members of th  e ‘Sudanese Film Club’ have decided t o revive an old cinema. They  are united not only by  their love of  cinema a nd th eir pass ionate desi re to  restore old film stock and dr aw attention to Sudanese film history once  more, but als o by the  fact that they have  all   enjoyed a film education in exile. Tire lessly, t hey try to g et th e cinem a’s owners on their side and make t he place operational agai n, but repea  tedly find themselves up against considerabl e res istance. In the meantime,  they sit to  gether and talk about the past – in cluding their experienc  es o f persecution and even torture as oppositional artists. Th ey also rea d ou t old letters written whil e in exile and dream   of a Sudan in whic h art and inte llect  ual t hought can b e fre e. ‘We  are   smarter than them, but  not as strong,’ is how t  hey unanimously summarise  their situation . It is in l aconic  moments such as t hese th at the view  er is  able to per ceive the friendship, as well   as the bon d and ideological solidarity t hat exists in the struggle for common ideals .  Suhaib Gasmelbari pu ts the history of Sudanese cinema at  the c entre of hi s film  and at the same tim e sheds light on the curr ent situatio n in a country shaken by ongoing crises.  “我又给您装了两枚美人果,您不 管是自己用,还是卖,都是 可以的。”说到这里,她顿了顿,笑着道:“老祖,那个虎坤龟的大龟壳实在太大了,我们没人能弄 开,所以 ……这活就交给您了, 回头您弄好了,赏我一个趁手的龟盾就行!”



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