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主演:蘇萊曼·易蔔拉欣 易蔔拉欣·沙達德 

《當我們談論樹的時候》是由知名导演蘇哈伊布·加斯梅爾巴裏 执导的一部紀錄片,蘇萊曼·易蔔拉欣 易蔔拉欣·沙達德 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  蘇利曼和“蘇丹電影俱樂部 ”的另外三名成 員決定重振一家舊電影院。他們不僅因爲對電影的熱愛和對恢複舊電影存量、再次關注蘇丹電影曆史的強烈渴望而團結在一起,而且因爲他們都曾在流放中接受過電影教 育。不知疲倦地,他們 試圖讓影院老板站在他們一邊,讓這個地方重新運作起來,但他們一再發現自己遭到了相當 大的阻力。同時,他們坐在一起談論過去——包括他們作爲對立藝術家遭受迫害甚至折磨的經  曆。他們還朗讀流 亡和夢想蘇丹時寫的舊信,在那裏藝術 和智力思想可以自由 。“我們比 他們聰明,但不如他們強大,”他們一致總結了他 們的處境。正是在這些簡 潔的時刻,觀衆才能夠感知到友誼,以及在爲共同理想而鬥爭中存在的紐帶和意識形態的團  結。  蘇哈伊布·加斯梅爾巴 裏把蘇丹  電影的曆史放在影片的中心,同時也揭示了一個受到持續危  機影響的 國家的現狀    Suliman and three further members of the ‘Sudanese Film Club’ have decide d to revive  an old cin ema. T hey a  re united no t only by their love of cinema and their passiona te desire to re store old fi lm st   ock and dra w attention  to Sud  anese  film his tory once mor e, but also   by the fact that they have  all enjoyed a fi lm educa tion i n exile. Tir  elessly , they  try to get the cine ma’s owners on their side and make the pl  ace operational again, but repeatedly find t hemselves up against consider able resistance. In the me antime, they sit together  and talk about the past –   including their ex periences of persec ution  and even torture a s oppos itional a rtist s. Th ey also read out old letters wri tten while in exile and d ream of a Sudan in which art and in tellec tual thoug ht can be  free. ‘We are smarter than them, but not as strong,’ i s how  they unanimously summaris  e th eir situat ion. It  is in lacon ic moments s uch as these tha t the viewer is able t  o perceive  the friendship, as well as the bond and ideological so lidarity tha  t exists in the struggle for   commo n ideals.  Suhaib Gasmelb ari puts the history of Sudanese c inema at  the cen  tre of his film and  at the same time s heds light o n the cu rrent situation in a  countr y shaken by  ongo ing cris es.  此时,球中的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜中,清楚地 看到了外面的一切,她小心地戳了戳蓝玉板上的另一个好像半圆的符文,腰间一股柔力袭来,把她挤到一边,一张 好像全由小网织成的东西,从两端连结到到一起,看 着……似乎

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