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主演:拉塞爾·希克斯 艾恩·艾斯·科迪 歐文·培根 

《西部聯盟》是由知名导演弗裏茨·朗 执导的一部劇情片,拉塞爾·希克斯 艾恩·艾斯·科迪 歐文·培根 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  While surv eying a  telegraph line in 1861, Weste rn Unio  n engineer  Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) is severely i  njured in an accident. H e is disco vered by Vance Shaw  (Randolph Scott) , an  outlaw  on the run f rom a pos se. Forced to trave l on f  oot after his horse was hurt, Shaw at fi  rst co nsiders steali ng Creig hton's horse, but   changes  his mind  and tak es the man with h im, s  aving his  life.  Someti me later, following his recovery , Cre ighton returns to Omaha , Ne  braska  and p lans the construction of a telegraph line from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Utah. Facing considerable oppositio  n to the line from Confederate  soldiers, Indians, and outlaws  , Creighto n elicits t  he help of his sister Sue (Virginia Gilmore), foreman Pat Gr ogan (Min  or Watson), and assistant   Homer  Kettle (Chill Wills).    Looking to  put his outl  aw pa st b  ehind him, Shaw arrives at Creighton& #39;s  Western Un ion office looking fo  r honest work and is hired as a scout by  Grogan wh o is unaware of   his past.   Creighton r ecognizes him among the men a  nd allows him to  stay despi te his suspi cions. Creighton also hires tenderfo ot Ric  hard Blake ( Robert Young),  a Harvard-educa ted engin  eer as a f avor to Bl ake's f ather.  Shaw and Bl ake are  both at tracted to  Sue an d vie for her attent ion, but their roma ntic rivalry is c ut short when constructi on of the te  legraph line starts on J uly 4, 18 61.  Af ter work co  mmences on the l ine, one of  the men is killed apparently by a mysteriou s band of ca ttle-r ustli ng Indi ans. Unconvinced that Indian s ar e to blam  e, Sha w rides o ut to investigate and f ollows the ru stlers ' trail to the camp of Jack Slade, a f ormer friend and cohort , whose gan g committed the killing disg uised as Indians—the gang Shaw  left following his last b ank robbery. S lade reveal s that   they are working for the  Confederac y to disrup t Western  Union beca  use they beli  eve t he telegrap  h se rvice will help the Union. Shaw r ides a way and r eturns to the line. Not want ing to  tur n in his former fri ends, Shaw tells Creighton that a  large band of Dakota Indians stole the cattle, and recommend s th at they simply rep lace the herd and not  ris k a fight wit h the  Indian s.  Sometime later, a conf rontation takes place between men  working on the forward line and a band of drun ken Ind ians. When  one of th e Indians trie s to steal some  equipment, a ne rvous Blake s hoots him,  ignoring Shaw's order to remain  calm. After w  ord arrives that the m  ain camp is  under attack by other In   dians,  the Western  Union men rush  back to help with the defense. At the  main cam p, Slade';s men, w ho are again disguised as Indians , steal th  e Western Union  horses. The company disco ver the ruse when one of the wounded Indi ans t urns out to be a white man. Forc  ed to  buy back their stolen horses from  Slade, Creighton becomes s uspi cious of Shaw 9;s involvement, especially w hen he adm its t o knowing the gang.  Soon the U.S. Army a rrives and announc es the  Indians  have now refuse d to a llow the telegraph lines to go through their  territory in response to B lake 9;s shooti ng of the d runken Ind ian. Creigh ton, Sha  w, and  Blake ri de out  to c  onvince Chief Spotted Horse to allow them  to build the line through In dian territory, even though the man  Blake wounded was Sp otted Hors  e9;s son. Creigh  ton is  finally able to  persuade th e Indi ans to allow  them pa  ssage, and work  continues until the  compan y approa ches S alt Lake Ci ty.  Sometime later,  Shaw receives w  ord that Jack Slade wants  to m eet wi th him. On the way  to see Slade , Shaw is captured and bound by Slade';s men. S lade says his grou p is going to burn down the W estern Union camp and the y don't want Shaw to int erfere. Aft er Slade and his men rid e of f, Shaw  escap es f rom his  ropes but arrives back t oo late to prevent th e fire. He helps rescu  e some of  the Wes tern Unio n men from the flames and burns his hands in th e proces s.  After the fire, Creigh ton  conf ronts Shaw f  or an explanation, but Shaw does not reveal wh  at he knows and is fired by C reighto  n. As Shaw leaves th e camp, he tells Blake that Slade is actually Shaw&# 39;s br other and th at he, Shaw , will find   Slade 's ga  ng and s top them from int  erfering with the teleg raph proje  ct. Sha w rides off and finds S lade and his men in a nearby town. At  the barber  shop, Shaw conf ront s his brother,  whose gun is concealed und  er the barber9;s sheet. Slade s hoots Shaw through   the shee t. Shaw fights back in spite  of his wound, killing  some of the  gang members, and then dies. Blake arri ves and continues the  fight wi th Slade who dies from his wounds. Soon after, the We stern Union  line is complet ed and  the workers celebrat  e. When Sue la ments t he absence o f Shaw, Crei  ghton tell s her that  Shaw can h  ear t  hem.  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好处,就要往外掏点货 ,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说 过的消息,再给他们来一 遍,没办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他  们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被

  • 5.0分1947 HD


  • 1.0分2006 蓝光

    大 貴族 漫畫 線上 看

  • 6.0分1996 超清

    妖精 的 尾巴 283

  • 6.0分1943 HD中字


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  • 8.0分1940 HD中字


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  • 4.0分1941 DVD



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