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主演:拉塞爾·希克斯 艾恩·艾斯·科迪 歐文·培根 

《西部聯盟》是由知名导演弗裏茨·朗 执导的一部劇情片,拉塞爾·希克斯 艾恩·艾斯·科迪 歐文·培根 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  While survey ing a teleg raph line i n 1861, W estern Union en  gineer Edward Creighton (De an Jagge r) is seve rely in jured in an acci dent. He is disc overed by Vance Shaw (Randolph Sco tt), an outlaw  on the run  from a  posse . Forced t o travel on foot after hi s hors e was hurt,  Shaw at fi rst considers stealing Creighton's hors  e, but change s his mind  and takes the man with him,  sav ing  his life.  Sometime later, following his recover y, Creight on returns to O maha,  Nebraska  and plans t he constru ction of a telegr aph line from Om aha to Salt Lake City, Utah. Facin g consi derable  opp osition  to the li ne from Conf ederate soldiers, Indians, a nd outlaws, C  reighton  elicits th e help of hi s sist er Su e (Virginia Gilmore), foreman Pat Grog an (M inor Watson)  , an d assistant Homer Kettle (Chill Wills).  Lookin  g to  put  his outlaw past behin d him, Shaw arrive s at Cr eighton';s Weste rn Union office looking for honest work an d is hired  as a scout by Grogan who is unawa re of his past . Creighton recognizes him among the men and allows  him to stay despite his suspic ions. Creight on also hires tenderfoot Richard  Blake (Robert Young), a Harvard-e ducated eng ineer as a favor to  Blake&# 39;s father. Shaw and Blake are both attracted to  Sue and vi e for her a ttenti on, b ut their romantic rivalry is cut shor t when co nstruction   of the tel egraph line  starts  on Ju ly 4 , 1861.  After work commences on the line , one of  the men is kille d apparentl y by a mysterious band  of cattle-rustl ing  Indians. Unc onvinced th at Indians are to blame, Shaw rides out to investigate and foll ows the r ustlers' trail  to the cam p of Jack Slade,  a former friend a nd cohort, whose gang  committed the killin g disg uised as Indians—the gang Shaw lef  t following his last bank robbery. Slade reveals  that they ar e working fo r the Confederacy to disrupt Western Union  because they believe the telegrap h service will he lp the  Union. Sha w rides away  and returns to the l ine. N  ot want ing to turn in h is former friends,  Shaw tell s Creighton  that a large band o f Dakota  India ns stole t he cattle,  and recommends  that they simply re place the herd and not risk a fight  with the In dians.  Somet ime later,  a confrontation ta kes place betw  een men wor king on the  forw ard li ne a nd a band of drunken Indians. W  hen one  of the Indi ans tries to steal s ome eq  uipment, a nervous Bla ke shoots him, ignori ng Shaw's  order to rem  ain calm. Af ter  word arrive s that the main camp  is under attack by other Indians, the Western Union me n rush back to help  with the defens e. At the main camp, Slade's men, who are again disguised  as Indians, steal the  Western Union horses.  The company   disco  ver the ruse when one of the wounded India ns t urns ou t to be a  white man. Forced t o buy back t heir stolen horses from Slade, Creigh ton bec omes suspici ous of Shaw& #39;s involvement, especial  ly when he   admits t o knowin g the gan g.  Soon the U.S. Army arrives and  annou nces the  Indi ans have now  refused to a llow the  telegraph lines to go th rough th eir territory in response to Bla ke' ;s shooting   of the dr  unken Ind ian. Creigh ton, Shaw, and Blake ride out to  convince Chief  Spotted Horse to  allow the m to build the line throu gh Indi  an te rritory, even  though the ma n Blak e wounde d was Spotted Horse's son. Creig hton is fi nally  able to persuade the Indi ans to allow them passage, and work contin ues until the co mpany app  roaches Salt Lake City.  Sometime later,  Shaw recei ves word  that Jack  Slade  wants to meet with him. On  the way to see Slade, Shaw is captu red and bound by Sl ade's men. Slad  e says his group is going to  burn down the Western Unio n ca mp and they don't want Shaw to  interfere. Afte r Sl ade and his men ride off, Shaw escapes from his r opes but arrives back too late to  prevent th e fire. He helps rescu e some of the Western Union m  en from the flame s and burn s his hands in t he process.  After the  fir e, Creighton confro nts Shaw f or an explanation, b  ut Shaw d oes not reveal what he knows and is fire d by Crei ghton. A s Shaw  leaves th e camp, he  tells  Blake that Slad e is actually Shaw's brother and  that  he, Shaw,  will find Sl ade's gang and stop them from interfering wi  th the  teleg raph project . Shaw rides off and finds Slade  and his men  in a nearby town . At the barber sh op, Shaw conf ronts his brother, wh ose gun i s concealed  under the barber's sheet.  Slade sho ots Shaw through the sheet  . Shaw fi ghts  back in spite o f his wo  und, ki lling some of the ga ng members, and th  en dies. Blake arrives and continues  the fight  with Slade  who dies from his woun ds. Soon after, the W estern Union line is completed and the w orkers cele brate. When Sue laments the abs ence of Shaw, C reighton tells h er that Shaw  can hear them.  说到这里 ,她把她在幽古战场好不容易拍来的宝物拿出,“师父,这是我们在大拍卖会 上拍到的春月莲子,一共有四十  九枚,听云天海阁的朋友说 ,他们的宗主,以前 就服用过不少春月莲子,您试试看,有没有用, 如果有用,我们以后多替 您留意着。”

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