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导演:Katharina Kastner 


《Villa Empain》是由知名导演Katharina Kastner 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   What could the fate of the V illa Empain, Bar on Empain’s crazy project in Brusse ls, which has gone thro ugh a long a nd eventful journey since its completion in 1934, p ossibly inspire? Katha rina Kastner’s challe nge was to draw the portr ait of the  place,  keeping in  mind the work  of time, lik e in a human existe nce.  Shot i   n 16mm,  her f ilm appe als to the senses, i t captur es the stirrin g of leaves un dulating in the garden light, the moveme nt of  iridescent pearls, o r the colourful games of
a piec e by  Daniel Buren. Without a  word , but with a  caressing camera, she pay s close attention to the hidden pattern s on t he gorgeous  marbles, or to   the veins in the most precious types of wood used to d ecorate the rooms.  In slight touches,  regardless  of the monumental aspect of the 27.000 square-feet v illa and the po ol that  so impressed its first vi sitors, Katharin a Ka stner o ers an organic vision of the place  , whic h has bee n mark ed by the trials an d tr ibulati  ons o f life, and used succe ssively as a museum, an  emba ssy and a squat, until  its final renovat ion. The clever editi ng mak es furtive con nections, un derline s colour ass ociatio ns, mixes up times and ta ctile sensa tions, whi le the spac es we explore keep rustling. The  film  takes u s on a reminiscing  journey, with slices of Em  pain’s lif e, fr om the family archive here o  n a holiday, there playing on the beach, images from a distant past that k eep haunting the premise s. The film reveals to us this living space t hat wa s desig ned like a p iece of a rt, but it  does so  in a wandering way.   This dream vision  guides us throu  gh the vill a like an ec ho o f foregone fantasies, a mental space, but also a welcoming backdrop  for the work of time. A bit like  the fin gerprint work we see i n the film, or the  slight touch of a penci  l on a bla nk sheet.  这一次,她直接从袖中暗袋里摸出一个大 型储物袋,“知道我要来 见您,不仅爷爷让我给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心,就是我师父师叔他们 ,都逼着宗里的 大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我师姐采薇还把她弄的极品花茶给我了。”

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