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Villa Empain

4.0 较差

分类:紀錄片 其它 2019


导演:Katharina Kastner 


《Villa Empain》是由知名导演Katharina Kastner 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Wha t coul d the fat e of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain ’s crazy pro ject in Bru ssels, which has gone thro ugh a long  and eventfu  l jou rney s  ince its  completion in 1934, possib   ly inspire? Katha rina K astner’s challenge was to draw the p ortrait of t  he place, keeping in mind the work  of time, li ke in a human existence.  Shot in 16mm, her fil m appe als to the senses, it captures the stirring of lea ves undulating  in the garden light, the movement of iri descen t pearls, or the colourful games of
a p iece by Dani el Buren. Without a wor d, but wit h a ca ressing camera,  she pays clos e attention to the hi dden pa tterns on  the gorgeo us m arbles, or to the v eins in the most precio us types of wood  used to deco rate the rooms. In  slight  touches, reg ardless  of the monum ental aspect of t he 2 7.000 square-feet vi lla and the  pool that  so impre ssed its first visitors, Katharina Kastn er o  ers an orga nic vision of the  place, which has been marked  by the trials and tribulations of li fe, and used successively as a m useum, an e   mbas sy and a squat,  until  its final renovation.   The clev er edi  ting ma kes furtive connections, underlines colour associations, mixes up times and   tact ile sensation s, while the spaces   we exp lore keep rus tling. The film takes us on a reminisc ing journey, with slic es of Empain ’s li fe, fr om the famil  y archive here on a h oliday,  ther e playing on  the beach, image s from a distant  past that keep haunting the premises. Th e film  reveals to us this livin  g sp ace that was designed like a piece of art, but it does so in a wandering way. This dream vision guides us t hrough the villa like an echo of for egone fantasies, a mental s pace , but also a welcoming backdrop for the work of time. A bit like the fi ngerprint work we see in the film, or the slight  touch of  a pen cil on a blank sheet.  此时,球中的陆灵蹊  在小小的水镜中,清楚地 看到了外面的一切,她小心 地戳了戳蓝玉板上的另一个好像半圆的符文,腰间一股柔 力袭来,把她挤到一边,一 张好像全由小网织成的东西,从两端连结到到一起,看着……似乎是可以躺的。



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