• 正在播放:與摩根·弗裏曼探尋神的故事第一季-第05集
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《與摩根·弗裏曼探尋神的故事第一季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部美劇,摩根·弗裏曼 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Who is  God? Where did  we come from? Why d oes evi l happen? W hat happens when  we die? Ev ery human being on earth   has asked thems elves the se questions at some point, and most like ly each  person has f  ound a  different  answer.Thi s series will take  viewers o n a trip aro und  the world to explore different cu ltures and r eligions on t he ultimat  e quest to uncover the meaning of life, God and all these b ig questions  in betwee n.  The  series seeks to understand how r eligion has evolv  ed throughout  the cours e of civilization, and in  turn how religio n has shaped th e evolut  ion of s ociety. Alt hough in our  cur rent geopolitical landscape, religion is often seen as some thing  that divides, the ser ies il luminates the remarkab le simil arities among di ffere  nt faiths, even  those that seem to be in staun ch contrast. This is a quest fo r God: to shed light on the questions t hat have puzzled, terrifi  ed and inspired mankind, not to m  ention Freeman himself.  Each e  pisode is centered on a different big qu estion about  the divine:  Creatio  n – Are there similariti es a mong th e religiou s creation s tories fro  m around the world? H ow do they compare with the   scientific the ory of the c reatio n of the  cosmos and the dawn of civilizatio n?  Who Is God? – How has th e perc eption  of God evol ved over  human history?  Is God just an idea , and  if so,  can we fi nd evidence of a d ivine prese nce in our   brains?< br/>  Evil – What is the root of evil and how has our idea of it evo lved over the millennia? Is the  devil real? The bir th of religion may b e ine xtricably t  ied to the need to control evil.   Miracles – Are miracle s real? For  many beli  evers, miracle s are the foundation of their fait h. Othe  rs regard miracles as merely unlikely e vents on whic  h our brains imp ose divine meaning. Be lief  in mira cles, however we define t hem, could be what g ives us hope an d drives us to turn  possibility into reality.   End of Days – Violent upheaval and fie ry jud gment  fill popular imagin  ation, but   was the lore  of apocal ypse born out of the strife tha t plagued  the Middle East two millennia  ago? The true r elig ious meaning of t he apocalypse may not  be a  global war, but an i nner revel ation .  Re surrection – How have beli efs in the afterlife developed,  and how has   our reaction to t he a fterlife changed the way we live this life  ? Now that science is making such rapid advances,  we may soon be  confronted w  ith digital   resurre ction. What will that do to our b eliefs?  To explore eac h of these topics, h ost an d nar rator Freeman went on  the  ground to  som e of humanity’s gr eatest religious sites,  including  Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, India’s Bodh i Tree, Maya  n temples in Guatemala and the  pyramids of Egypt. H  e traveled with a rchaeologi sts to uncover  the long -lost rel igions of our ance stors,  such as tho se at the 7500 B.C . Neolithic settlemen t Çatalhöyük in  Turkey. H  e immersed himsel f in rel igious exp eriences a nd rituals a ll a roun d the worl d, and be came a test subject in scientific labs to examine how the frontiers of n eurosc ience are intersecting the traditional domai  n of religio n.  - \  从师父那 里,听过很多故事的卫九锡看了眼正在 上香的人, 就接着八卦  道:“我师父说,八 臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位魔 神能够分神 万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都不可 能死。所以,镇他之人,必须是个意志坚定, 认了死理后,绝不会被外 物影响的八臂

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