• 正在播放:與摩根·弗裏曼探尋神的故事第一季-第04集
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《與摩根·弗裏曼探尋神的故事第一季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部美劇,摩根·弗裏曼 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Who is Go  d? Where did we   come from? Why does evil  happen? What  happens wh en we die?  Every human being  on earth has asked themse lves these q uestions at some point, and mos  t likely each person ha s found  a different answer .This series will  tak e viewers   on a trip arou  nd the w orld to explore different cultures and religions  on the ultimate ques t to uncover t he mean ing of life, Go d and al l these big questions in betw een.  The series seeks to understand how  religion has ev olved throughout the course of  civilization, and  in turn how  religion has shaped the evolution of societ  y. Al thoug h in our cur rent geopolitica l landsca pe, religion is often seen as so  mething that divides,   the  series ill uminates t he r emarkable similarities among  different f aiths, ev en those that seem to be in staunch cont rast. This  is a quest for God: to shed li ght on the questions tha t have puzzled, terri fied and in spired mankind, not  to me ntion Free man himself .  Each  episode is  centered on a di  fferent big que stion about the d ivine:  C reation  – Are there similarities amo ng the religiou s creation stories fr om around the  world? How do they com pare with  the scientific the ory of the cr eation of the cosmos and the dawn of civi  lization?  Who  Is God? – How  has t he per ception of God evolved over human histo ry? Is God just an idea,  and if so, can we find  evidence of a divine  presence in our b rains?  Evil – What i s the root of evil a nd how has o ur idea   of  it evolve d over  the mil lennia? Is the devil real? The birth of  religion  may be inextricably tied to the need to  cont rol evil.    Miracles – Are miracles real ? For many  believers, mi racles are the foundation of  their fa ith. Others rega rd miracles as merely unlikely event s on  which our brains  impose divine meaning. Belief in miracles, h owever we d efine t hem, could be what gives us  hope and drives us  to turn possibility into reality.< br/>  End of Days –  Violent upheaval and fiery judg ment  fill popular imagina tion, but was the lore of a  pocalypse born out  of the strife that   plagued the  Middle East two millennia ago? The t rue religiou  s me aning of the apocalypse may not be a global war, but an inner revelation.   Resurrection – How h ave beliefs in the afterlife d eveloped, an d ho w has our re action to the afterlife changed the way w e liv e this l ife? Now that science is making such  rapid advances , we may soon be confronted with  digital resurrect  ion.  What will that do to o ur bel iefs?  To explore  each of these topics, host and narrato r Freem an went on the ground to som e of humanity’s grea test religi ous sites, including Jer usalem’s  Wailing Wall , India’s Bo  dhi Tree, Mayan temples i n Guatemala and the pyramids of Egypt. He tra veled with a  rchaeologists to un cover the  long-lost r eligions of our ancestors, such as those at the 7500 B.C. N eolithic settlement Çatalh öyük in Tur key. He i mmersed hi mself in rel igious  experiences and rituals all around t  he wor ld, an d became a test sub  ject i   n scien tific labs to examine how t he frontiers of neuro science are  intersecting the  tradit ional domain of r eligion .  - \  说到这里,木头人顿了 顿,“你可能不知道,我 主人一直怀疑,他们之中,有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智 计无双,大家 一直查不到他, 可能是因为,那人的修 为远在他们之上,是 对方隐藏起 来的第三位圣者。” 

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