当前位置: 首页 喜劇片 鬼屋之影


10.0 力荐

分类:喜劇片 英國 1983

主演:Vincent Price Christopher 



《鬼屋之影》是由知名导演皮特·沃克 执导的一部喜劇片,Vincent Price Christopher 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A quick glimpse at the cast for  this film would  make any horr or fan giddy with glee. The act ual movi  e doesn 9;t li ve up to those high e xpectations,  but it';s fa r from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a craz  y $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could w rite a grea t novel in only 24 ho urs. To do s  o, t he publisher gives hi  m the keys t o an old a bandoned ho use where  he won  9;t be d  isturbed. Not true. Once   he gets ther  e he is in  terrupted b y a multitude of guests including a f  amily whi ch con  sists of John Carradine, Sh  eila K eith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They ar e gather ed there in a twiste d family reu nion to re lease their brother f  rom  the room he's been imprisoned i n for forty years. Ev en Christo pher Lee drops by as Corrigan, th e man who  has just purchase d the h ouse.  Soon, they  realize that the  caged brother is loose and out for revenge.   What a great plotlin e and what a dream cast! This movie shou ld have been a hell of a lot bet ter. It& #39;s h  ard to  pinpoint the exact problems  with the  film,  but I wou ld venture to say that the lack o f lighting was a m ajor  fault. Sure th e house has no electricity  but I think the y took the t itle of t he movie a littl e too li terally. Sc enes after scenes are barely visible  and  the actors' face s are undeci pherable. Only the mom  ents in the main dinning  hall  are well lit. Also, the great actors are gi ven very lit tle to do.  Cushing gets a few chuckles as t he scared  brother but Price, Lee  and especi ally Carradine are somewhat wasted  here. W ell, at lea st Price gets  the best line o f the f ilm: `Please don't interrupt me whil e I am solil oquizing.' And on the plus side, the story  has en ough tw  ists and turns throughout to k eep o ne`s interest an  d the ending, wh ile a bit of a cop-out, mana ges to surprise.  安画有些意兴阑珊地摘  下一个储物戒指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了 ,这件事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘密留言了,所以,他那边失却的东西,我管不了,这 里的……是我们收集的各方 资料,你 好好看,也许对你有用。”

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