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主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克 凡·赫夫林 柯克·道格拉斯 

《奇愛疑雲》是由知名导演劉易斯·邁爾斯通 执导的一部劇情片,芭芭拉·斯坦威克 凡·赫夫林 柯克·道格拉斯 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  On a rainy night in 1928 in a Pennsylvania fa ctory t own call ed Iverstown, Martha I vers (Janis Wilson), t hirt een years old, is  trying to escape  from the guard ianshi p of her wea lthy, domineeri ng aunt. Her fr iend, the  street-smart , poor Sam Masterson (Darryl Hic kman), comes for  her through her bedroom window, but Martha';s aunt catch  es them . While Sam slips o ut un noticed, Martha hits Mrs. Ivers  on the head, causing h er to f all dow n the long  staircase and die. Though Sam  saw nothin g, th e eve nt was wi tnessed by W  alter O'Neil  (Mickey  Kuhn), the son of M artha's tutor (Roman Bohnen), known  as Mr. O&#39;Neil. Martha lies  about the incident to Mr. O&#39;Ne il, an d Walter  support s her.[5]  M r. O';Neil s uspects wha t happened but presents Martha's v ersion of events to the  police, that an intruder is re spon sible; he makes  use o f his knowledge by having her ma rry his son.  When the police identify a fo  rmer empl  oyee of the aunt as the murdere r, the two  O'Neils and Martha help convict him; he is punished by hanging.[5]   Eigh teen yea rs l ater,   the olde r O'N eil has died. Walter (now played by  Kirk Douglas) is the   district attor ney,   while Mar tha (B arbara Stan wyck) has used h er inheritance from her  aunt  to build  a large business empir e. Their marria ge is one-sid ed; he loves her, b ut she  doe s not l ove him.< br/>  Sam  (Van Hefli n), n ow a dr ifter  and gambler , stops in  the small town b y chance to  have his car repaire d after an accident. While waiting for repairs, at his o ld home, now   a boa rding hous e, he meets Antonia & quot;Ton i" M arachek  (Lizabeth S cott), who has  just  been released from j ail. She i s later picked up for viol ating her probation by not retur ning to her home  town. Sam goes to se e Walter, to see  if he can use his i nfluence to get her rel eased.  Walter is convince d Sam has re turned w ith blackmail in mind, giving Walter a   motive to r  un Sam out of town. When Martha reacts with joy to th e news of Sam's ret urn, Walter&#39;s jealousy provides an additio nal motive.  Walter f orces Toni to  set Sam up. Sam is be aten and driven out of town, but he is  too tough to be intimid ated. When all else fails, Walter makes a half-he arted attemp t to kill Sam h imself, but is easily d isarme  d. Martha then inadvertently blurts out the c ouple's fears of blackmail, which prove to be groundless: S am says he  did not witness the death. Martha b reaks down  and laments th at he left witho ut her all thos e yea rs ago, taking with  him her on ly cha nce for l  ove and free dom.  Sam is torn bet ween his   old lov e and his new. Although   he eventually for gives Toni for bet  raying  him, he and Mart ha spend an idyllic day  together, re kindling his feel ings for her.   Walter arranges to meet Sam to finally settle matte rs. Before Sam arrives,  Walter gets drunk and Martha finds out  about the meeting . When Wa lter  falls down the stairs a nd is kn   ocked uncons cious, Martha ur ges Sam to kill him. Sam inst ead brings Wal ter around. M artha pulls out a gun and thre  atens to shoot Sam in &qu ot;self defens e&quot; as an intr uder. Howe ver, Sam gambles that Walter will not back up her  story;  he turns his back on her  and leave s.   Walt er embr aces and kiss es his wife; then he points th e gun at her midriff. Oddly reliev ed,  she puts  her hand o  ver his hand on t he trig ger and presses. As she  is dying, she defiantly stat  es her name is not Martha Ivers, but Mart ha Smith. Outside,  Sam hears  the shot. He runs back toward the mansion, but se  es Wa lter, holding Martha&# 39;s body, sho ot himself. Sam and T  oni drive a way toge  ther.   陆灵蹊搂住小家伙时,心里软软的,“我们也好想你,放心, 爷爷会上来的, 青主儿和葵葵也会上来的,以后还会有敖象、 小贝他们,对了,他们也有礼物给你噢,神神秘秘地封着,也没让我看,回头你瞅瞅,要是宝石什么的,也分 我两块玩。”

  • 6.0分1947 HD


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  • 2.0分1996 蓝光

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