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导演:Ernest B. Schoedsack 

主演:阿爾伯特·德科 Thomas Coley Janice Logan 

《獨眼巨人博士》是由知名导演Ernest B. Schoedsack 执导的一部科幻片,阿爾伯特·德科 Thomas Coley Jani 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  "D r. Cyclops" is known as one of the better &quo t;early sci- fi" films, made in '39 a  nd released  in 1940. (It is  also in col or.)  But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is  a very con fused  film.  Th e plot  is simple - crazy m ad scientis t on so me remote  island can  shrink animals, and wants  to try it on humans. He manages  this on a scienti fic team that came to c heck things out. The y get  angry, and the c   razy scientist eventua lly gets really angry beca use his  new shru  nken s ubjects won't cooperate.  The th ing is, the  film does n' t seem  to know if i  t wan ts to be a thri   ller, or  a goof y movi  e. Dr.  Cyclo ps (never  called that but  refere  nced to a Cyclops after   one lens in his glasses  bre aks) looks cool in his "30's style sci-fi helmet&  quot; as he performs experiments a nd can be c  hilling at times. But t here is so m uch "Disne y-style  goofy musi  c"  going on that it is hard to take anything  serio  usly. The mus ic bel ongs in   a fami ly c omedy for the most p art, and is played when the shrunken people do things li ke try t o survive,  and c reep around  the floor. Add that a few of th em have pretty  gruesome  deaths  and that just ad ds to the  confusing atmosphere.    The F X ar en't so bad but nothing special. The giant  sets buil t are  pretty impres sive though. Th ere is a scene where little fires a  re tossed at a real crocodile9;s  head  which prob ably made an  imal ac  tivists angry.   It also tak es a  long ti  me for a nyth ing to rea lly happen.  This  movie co uld have been done  in a nice tight h alf-hour.  Good for a viewing, but you probably won't watch   again.  The performance of the guy wh o plays Dr. Cyc lops is definitel  y the  main attraction.  宁知意点头,“他现在每  次来,都是从这里 进。”说到这里,她想到什么,现场给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖参与了仙上楼三百 六十八家  的禁制改造,他在 各店都弄了一个随机传 送阵,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门 遇到危险,寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。” 

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