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导演:Olivia Martin McGuire 


《中國式愛情》是由知名导演Olivia Martin McGuire 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Just over 4 0 years ago, marriage in China was arranged  by  the state  . Romantic lov e was seen as a capitalist conc ept and was not allowe d during thi s period  . Wedding pho tography  (if any a t all) consisted of one b lack and whi te pas sport photo of the couple  (dressed in Mao- styl e outfits) a s proof of t he marr iage. Now, C hina has fallen  in love with love an d its ex  ploding  wedding in dustry i s wort h 80 billion d ollars, and it is on an upward curve. Pre-wedding photography is one of the mos t sign ificant a nd curious parts o f the  industry. Ev ery couple marrying in China will take  part in a pre-wedding  shoot. It i nvolves several co stume and backdrop changes wh ere y ou can become a char acter in any fantasy you choose. For the most exoti c lo- cati ons coupl  es pay  up to $250,000 AUD.  Pre-wedding photo shoots  have become a n impor tant national ritual. They are proo f of the marriag e but now also of l ove, r omance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an ex pat living in Shanghai w ith a long history  of comi ng to China, Sinophile  photographer Olivia Mar- tin-McGuir e was captivated by  the constru ction  of dreams thr  ough this booming photographic world. Once she star ted t o delve deeper into this new tr adit ional she found a uniq ue win dow into China. One that  revealed a country dreaming, a country rapidly booming a nd a country reconstruct ing  its recen t past trauma all  through their own lens. China Love takes us on  a wild journey into the warmth of the f amily web in  China  into t he hearts of   our characters and into  their  personal  dreams with an underst anding of wh y and where these as pirations come fro m. The  project explores  China's new posit ion as a gl obalised country fr om it s res tricti ve and highly traditional past -  through the window of its boom ing wedding  industry and  asks what is the new  China Dream  when it c omes to love.  宁知意点头,“他现在每次来,都是从这里进。”说到这里,她 想到什么, 现场给她复制了一枚 玉简,“陆望老祖参与 了仙上楼三百六十八家的禁制改造,他在各店都弄了一个 随机传送阵,你记住各店 传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险,寻就近的仙上楼,百 里内随时可定位传送  。”

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