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分类:紀錄片 其它 2018


导演:Olivia Martin McGuire 


《中國式愛情》是由知名导演Olivia Martin McGuire 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Just over 40 years ago, marr iage in China was arranged by the st ate. Ro mantic love was seen as a capitalist conc ept and   was no t allowed during t his period. Wedding p hotography (if any at all) consiste d of one  black and white passport photo  of the couple (dress  ed in Mao- style outfits) a s proof of the marriage.  Now, China  has fall en in lo ve wit h love a nd its  explod ing wedding  industry is  worth 80 bi llion dollars, and it is o n an upwa rd curve. Pr e-weddi ng photography is one  of the most significant an d curious par  ts of the industry. Every couple marrying i n China will tak e part in a  pre-wedding sh  oot. It involv es seve ral  costume and backdro p changes w here  you can be come a character in a ny fa  ntasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations couple s pay up to $250 ,000 AU D. Pre-wedding phot  o shoots  have beco me an importan t natio nal ritual. They are proof of t  he marriage but now also o f love, rom ance, freedo m, s tatus, mo ney and the new  China Dream. As an expat li ving in Sh  anghai  with a  long  history o f coming  to China , Sinophile photographer Olivia Mar-  tin-McGuire was captivated b  y the construction of dr  eams through this boo ming photogr aphic world. Once she started to delve deeper into th is new traditi onal she found a unique window i nto China. One that revealed a co untry dr eaming, a country rapidly boom  ing and a country reconstructing its recent pa st trauma all thr ough thei r own lens. China Love takes  us o  n a wild journey into the warmth of the family   web in China into the heart  s of our  char acters and into their personal dreams with an understandi ng of why and where these aspiration s come fr om. The project explo res China's new position as a globalised  country  from its restric tive and h ighly traditional past - th rough th e window of its booming wedding  industry and asks what is the new Chin a Dream  when it comes to love.  “我又给您装了两枚 美人果,您 不管是自己用,还是卖,都是可以的。”说到这里 ,她顿了顿 ,笑着道:“老祖,那个虎坤龟的大龟壳实在太大了,我们没人能 弄开,所以……这活 就交给您了,回头  您弄好了,赏我一个趁手的龟盾就行!”



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