• 正在播放:老大哥(加拿大版) 第三季-第20集
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主演:Arisa Cox 

《老大哥(加拿大版) 第三季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,Arisa Cox 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Big Bro ther 3 is the third season of the C anadian reality televi  sion  series Big  Brother Canada. It is bas ed upon the Netherlan ds series  of the same  name  , which gained  notoriety in 1999 and 2000. The series premiered on Global on March 23, 2  015 and will l ast   for t en weeks. T  he series revolves around sixteen strangers living in a  house together with no co mmunication with the outsi de worl d. They ar e constantly filmed d uring their time  in the  house, and  are n ot permit ted to commu nicate wit  h those filming th   em. One  HouseGu est, known  as the Head of Ho usehold,  has th e task o f no minating t  wo of thei r fellow HouseGuests for evict ion. The Power of Veto can be used to  save a nominee.   The HouseGue sts then vote to evict one of the nomine es, with the HouseGuest who rec eives the most vot es being evicted fro  m the house. When only two HouseGues  ts remained, the previous  ly evicted HouseGuests d ecide wh ich of  them would win the $100,000 grand prize.   说到这里,木头人顿了顿,“你可能不 知道,我主人一直怀疑 ,他们之中,有早就到 这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,  那个人智计   无双,大家一直查不到他   ,可能是因为 ,那人的修为远在他们之  上,是对方隐藏起来的第三位圣者。”

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