• 正在播放:老大哥(加拿大版) 第三季-第02集
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主演:Arisa Cox 

《老大哥(加拿大版) 第三季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,Arisa Cox 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Big Brother 3 is t he third season of the Canadia n reali ty t elevision series Big Br other Canada . It is based upon the Net  herland s series of the same name , which  gained notoriety in 19 99 a nd 2 000.  The series premiered on Glob al on Ma rch 23, 2015 and will last for ten week s. The seri es revolves around  sixteen strange rs living in   a house toge ther w  ith no commu nication wi th the outside world. They are  constantly  filmed durin g their tim e in  the house, a nd are not permitted to communic ate with   those fil ming t hem. One Hou seGuest, known a s the Head of Household, has the t ask of nominating two of t heir  fello w HouseGuests for eviction. T he Power of  Veto can be used  to save a no minee. The HouseGuests then  vote to evict one of the nominee s, wi th the Hou seGuest who rece ives the most vote s being evicted from the hou se. When only two HouseGu ests remained, the previou sly evict ed HouseGu ests decid e which of them would win th e $1 00,000 grand prize.  “我又给您装了两 枚美人果,您不 管是自己用,还是卖,都是可以的。”说到这里,她 顿了顿,笑着道:“老祖,那个虎 坤龟的大龟壳实在太大 了,我们没人能弄 开,所以……这活就交给您 了,回头您弄好了,赏我一个趁手的龟 盾就行!”

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