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导演:Ian Michael Jones 

主演:Jonathan Adams 

《弗蘭克·勞埃德·賴特:建築美國之人》是由知名导演Ian Michael Jones 执导的一部紀錄片,Jonathan Adams 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Fran k Lloyd Wrig ht is Ame rica's greatest-ever a rchitect. Howev er, few people know about the Welsh roots that  shaped his lif e and world-famo us building  s. Now, leading Welsh  architect Jonathan Ad ams sets off acr oss America to explore Frank Ll oyd Wr ight's ma sterpieces for hi mself. Along the way, he uncovers th  e tempe  stuous life  story of  the man behind them an d the significance of his radical fami ly background.  I n a career spanning seven d ecades, Fran k Lloyd Wrig ht built ov er 500 buildings, and changed  the face of modern architectu re: Fallin gwater, the house ov er the  waterfall, has been called  the gr eatest house of the 20th century; the spiralling Guggenheim  Museum in  New Y ork reinvented  the art m useum; the concrete Unit  y Temple was  the fi rst tr uly modern building in the wo rld.  But the  underl  ying philosop hy that links all Wright 9;s build ings is as  important as anything he b uilt.  Those ideas we re ro oted in the Unitaria  n religion of F rank Lloyd Wright's mo  ther. Anna Lloyd Jones was  born and raised near Llandy sul i n wes t Wales and migra ted to Am  erica with her family in 1844, most  likely to  escape religious persecution. Her s on, Frank, was raised  in a Uni tarian commu nity in   Wisconsin, a small piece of Wales in Americ a. The value s he absorbed there were based  on the s anctity of nat ure, the importance of hard wo rk, and the need t o question convention  and defy   it where necessary. Wright's arc hitecture wa s shaped by, and expressed, these belief s.   Frank Ll oyd Wright s et out to cre ate a new American arc hitecture for a new coun  try. H e built his  own lifelong home in the valley  he was rais ed in, and he named it  after an ancient Welsh  bard called Ta liesin. It  was the scen e of many adventures - an d a horrif ic crime. In 1914, a s ervant at Tali esin ran   amok and killed seven peopl e inclu ding Wright&# 39;s part  ner, Ma mah Cheney,  and her two you  ng chi ldren.  Wrigh t rebuilt his home and went on to  marry a Montenegrin woman, Olgivanna Milanoff, some 30 years younger th an him. It was Olg ivanna who st ruck upon the idea that  save d Wright  ';s career after t he Wall  Street Crash and per sonal scanda l laid it l ow. She dec ided that her husband should t ake on apprentices and t hat the appr  entices should pay for the  privilege. The Taliesin   Fellowship had  a hands-on  approach, with apprentices often building extensions  to Wr ight's own houses , labouring an  d cooking  for him. S omehow it worked, lasting for decades and n urturing hundreds of yo ung  talents.   Frank Lloyd Wright died in 1959 ag ed 91 while working on his final m  asterpiece, New York's incomp arable Guggenheim M useum. He had been born  in the w  ake of t he America n ci vil war, the  son of a pioneer, and  died a televi sion celebr ity, in the s pace age. He is burie  d in the sha dow of Tali esin, alongside his Welsh ancestors.  A 150 years af ter hi  s birth , Jonathan Adam s argues that Frank Lloyd W  right is now a vit ally import  ant  figure who can teach  us how to b uild  for a bett er w  orld. Wright  believed i n what he c alled organic architec ture; buildi ngs that grace the landscape, express an idea of how to l ive and respond to  indi vidual needs. This bespoke a  pproach - a  philosophy, not a   style -  puts him at the heart of mo   dern archit ectu  ral thinking.  这一次,她  直接从袖中暗袋里摸 出一个大型 储物袋,“ 知道我要来见您 ,不仅爷爷让我给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心, 就是我师父师叔他们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我师姐采薇还把她弄的极品花茶给我了

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