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分类:劇情片 瑞典 1919

主演:Greta 約翰·埃克曼 伊迪絲·埃拉斯托夫 奧洛 



《紅花之歌》是由知名导演莫裏茲·斯蒂勒 执导的一部劇情片,Greta 約翰·埃克曼 伊迪絲·埃拉斯托夫 奧洛 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:“Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blomma n” (  “Song Of T he Scarlet  Flower” ) was  a rece nt and rema rkable sile  nt su rprise   for t his Herr  Von;  the oeuvre is an excellent  Herr Stiller silent film  that  this German count watched in  a newly  restored and tinted co py. It combines the well-known aesthetics, technic al improvements and artistic merits for wh ich the Nordic director was known  and praised since those early silent times  till t oday.          &nb sp;   &nbs p;       & nbsp ;   &nb sp; & nbsp;    ;                          ; &nb sp; &nb sp;          Th e film tells of the merry and  carefree love life of youn g Olof ( Herr La rs H anso n ) a woodsman wh o during  his search for  true love, seduces many frauleins ( just like this German ari stocrat… well, n ot exactly because the purpose of this Her r Von’s seduction of rich fräulein h eiresses are their  great  fortunes… ). He will suffer disapp ointment   and deception, all those  problems t hat tu rn u p in any loving rel atio   nship.  Finally he will find responsibility and maturity, lea rning duri ng his  particular quest th at his actions alw ays hav  e consequences in different degrees to the people arou nd him. This Herr Von ca n describe “Sangen O m…” as a kind of comi ng of age film, the spec ial introspectiv  e growt h towa rd matu rity of  a free and e asy  youngster. &nb sp; &n bsp; & nbsp;                &nbs p;      ;      &nb sp;         &n bsp;           ;   &n  bsp; &n bsp;  ;        &n bsp; & nbsp;As this German count said  befor e, the film displays St iller’s characteristic artistic virtues. ; in t he first par t of th e film , we can s ee elements of comedy, not exactly  like the comedy  of  intrigues  in other S tiller films, but humor of  a more cheerful sort, highlighting the self-invol veme nt of our hero. Ol of ‘s frivolous flirt ations with   the di fferent gi rls eventual ly tu rn romantic and then turn into  drama. There is confl ict in the troubled rela tionshi p betwe en Olo f and his father and late r with t he f ather of his beloved. The be autiful an d wild natural landscapes of Norrland and northern Sweden len d the tale a certain power and is char  acte ristic of Herr Stiller’ s other silents wher e Nature emerges as an imp ortant character in the sto ry. This is strongly reflect ed thr oughout the film but especia lly during t he frantic scene wherein Olof descend s into the troubled   waters of a river, a beautiful metaphor for the hardships that our hero h as to endu re until he finds himself. &n bsp;                 ;                 &nbs p;                  &nbsp ;       &nb sp;      &n bsp;   &n bsp;“Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blom man” is an excellen t, beau tiful film, a solid, technical ly perfec  t and i ntricate production of 1919 that demonstrates once ag ain the importa nce of Herr Stille r for  silent film history .  说到这里,木头人 顿了顿,“你可能不知道, 我主人一直怀疑 ,他们之中, 有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智计无双,大家 一直查不到他,可能是因为,那人的修为远 在他们之上,是对方隐藏起来的第三  位圣者。”

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