当前位置: 首页 歐美綜藝 鏡子的另一面:紐波特民歌藝術節1963~1965


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分类:歐美綜藝 美國 未知

主演:Bob Dylan Joan Baez Judy  

导演:Murray Lerner 


《鏡子的另一面:紐波特民歌藝術節1963~1965》是由知名导演Murray Lerner 执导的一部歐美綜藝,Bob Dylan Joan Baez Judy  等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  "Bob Dylan going elec tric" at the 1 965 Newport Folk Festival is   one of those epochal moments in rock histor  y that seeming ly ev eryone has heard abo ut, but what few people seem to know is that it wasn 9;t some ephemer al event that we only kn ow from word of mouth  -- fi lmmaker Murray Lerner documented the performances at the Newp ort Festival for several years  running  , and The Ot her S ide of the M irror collects footage from the thr  ee years Dylan appea red  at the cel ebrated fol k gathering, allowing us to s ee Dylan 's rise through the folk scene for ourselves. Watch  ing Lerner' ;s documenta ry, what's most remarkabl e is how m uch Dylan changed over   the course of 36 months; the yo ung folkie performing at the afternoon  "  workshop " at  the side of Joan Ba ez in 1963 is at  once  nervy and hesitant, singin g hi  s wordy t unes while chopping  away at his acous tic guitar  and  energizing  the crowd without seeming to  know jus t what he 's doing. In 1964, Dylan all but owns Newport, and  he clearly kn ows it; he 's the talk  of the  Festival, with Baez and Johnny Cash singing his p raises (an d his songs), and his command of the st age is  visibly stronge r and  more   confident while his n ew mat erial (incl uding "Mr. Tambourine Man&quo t; and "It Ain&  #39;t M e, Babe&q uot;) sees h im moving aw ay from the &qu ot;protest songs" that first made h is name. When t he audience demands an encore after Dylan's evenin g set (O detta and Da ve Va n Ronk were  scheduled to follow him),  Peter  Yarrow  tries to keep the show moving along while  Dylan beams at the crowd's adulation, like th e rock star  he w as quickly becoming.  By the time the 196 5 Newport  Festival rol led around, Dylan9;s epochal  "Li ke a Rol  ling Stone" was starting to scal e the singl es cha rts, and the hardcore folk  audience was clearly of two minds about his popular  (and po pulist) succ ess. When Dylan, Fe  nder Stratoc aster in   hand , perfo  rms ";Mag gie9;s Farm" backed b y Al K  ooper, Mik e Bloom  field and th e rhyth m sect ion from the Paul Butterfield  Blues Ba nd, the  raucous but hard-drivi ng num ber inspires a  curi ous mixture of enthu siastic cheering and eq ually emphatic booing, and whil e leg end has   it tha  t the vers ion of &q  uot;Like a Roll ing  Stone" that fo llowed was a sha mbles, the  song cooks de spite drum mer Sa m Lay's dif ficulty  in finding t he groove, though if anything the division of the crowd  's loyalties is e ven stronger afterward. After thes e two number  s, D ylan and his ban  d leave the  stage, with  Yarrow (once ag ain serving as  MC) citing technic al proble ms (if Pete Se eger really  pulled the  power on Dylan, as le gend has it, the re's no sign of it here); Dyl an returns to t he stage wit h an  acoustic six-string t o sing "Mr. Tamb  ourine Man& quot; and ";It's All Over Now,  Baby Blue&qu ot; before  vanishing  into the night wit hout  com  ment. While much of the aud ience a t Newport   in 1965 wanted the " ;old&qu ot; Dylan back, his strong, w illful perf  ormances  even  on the acou stic stuff makes it  obvious that th  e sc rappy  semi-amateur we saw a   t the beginning of the movie was gone f orev er, and th  e ovatio ns sugges  t more than a few people wanted to see Dylan rock. Le rner' ;s film tel ls us a certain am ount of what we already kn   ows,  but it gently   debunks a few myths about  Dylan during this pivotal moment in  his car  eer, and his  perform ances  are com  mitted and fo rceful th roug hout; no matter ho w ma ny ti  mes you'v e read about Dylan  's Newport sh oot-out of 1965, seeing it i  s a revelatory  experience, and Lerner has as  sembled this archival materi al with inte lligence and taste.  Thi s is  must-see vi ewing for anyone inter ested in  Dylan or the folk  scene of  the '60s.  此时,球中的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜  中,清楚地看到了外面的一切,她小心地戳了戳蓝玉板上的 另一个好像半圆的符文 ,腰间一股柔力袭来,把她挤到一边,一 张好像全由小网织成的东西,从两端连结到到一起,看着……似乎是



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