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分类:劇情片 美國 1978

主演:約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine 



《馬丁》是由知名导演喬治·A·羅梅羅 执导的一部劇情片,約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Martin (J ohn A mplas), a young man who loo ks around 20-y ears-old, boards a tr ain i n Ind ianapo lis, Indi ana for New York. At nig ht, he breaks into a sleeping car and seda tes a w oman with a syringe full of narcotics. She  struggles, but  he tells her not to str uggle or be upset because sh e wont feel pain. After  a few minutes,  the woman fa lls asleep, and M artin has sex with the unconscious woman. Afterwards, he slices her wrists with a razor blade so he can d rink her  blood. The woma  n bleeds t o death in her sl eep.  In the morn ing,  the train stops in Pittsburgh, Pe nnsy lvania where Martin disemba rks. He is met by Tata Cuda ( Lincoln Maazel) an elderly and hostile ol d man who claims t o be h is cousin from the Old World. Together, th ey tra  vel by   another tra in to the to wn of B raddock, a d ying in  dustrial suburb. They  walk to Cu da9;s large ho use where he shows Ma rtin his living qu arte rs. Cud a then ac cuse s Martin of being an 84-yea r-old vampir e from his  old cou ntry.  He has taken in Martin because he  is family, but tells h im, & quot;First I will save your soul. Then I shall destroy  you." Marti n denies being a vampire and impli   es that Cuda  is m  erely his uncle rather than his  cousin. Cuda th en puts up strings of ga rlic on th e doors t o his and his gra  nddau  ghter's room, and  then holds up a  small cross  when Martin appro aches him. Martin t  akes away the cross, and even takes a bite of the garlic mocking   these attempts by say ing bitterly , "T here's no r  eal magi  c... ever&   quot ;. C uda tell s Martin tha  t he ca n co me and go as he pleases . But he a lso warns Martin that he will kill  him if he ki lls anyone in Braddock. He also tells M artin to stay a way from his gra nddaughter  Christine (Christine Forrest), whom arrives ho me from her job tha t evening .  Cuda introduces  Christine to Martin , but also   warns her to stay away f rom him. Bu t Chri stine instead strike s up a friendship with Martin  who conf ides in her  about his vampire heritage . When Cuda later co nfirms Mar tin's cl  aims to  be a vampire, Ch  ristine, not surprisingly,  refuses to believe e ither one. She thin  ks that Cuda and the other membe rs of her family hav e driven Martin to insan ity by  making him think that he is a vampire. It is  never revealed if Mart  in really is a va mpire, or just a shy and lonely y outh wi  th troubled  issues.  Christine is th e only person that Marti n gets the  courage to talk to. Wh en Christine'  s boyfri end Art hur (Tom Sa vini) arrives at the h ouse for dinner, Martin stop  s talking and bac  ks away despite Arthur's att empt at a conversation. Chri stine later confides i n Mar  tin that she hopes t o leave Brad dock someday wi th Arthur, even though  Martin points out  that Arthu r treats her  badly and is b oth verb ally and physical ly abusive t owards her.  When Christine sees t hat Martin won';t talk to anyone  else, she buys him a phone which  he  installs i n his room. Martin begins to repeatingly call a radio talk show where he describes what it's like to b e a vampire . He  becomes know n on the radio as &q uot;the Cou nt" to al l the  list ener s. But the patronizi ng host (Mic hael Go rnick) thinks he's   jus  t crazy.   Martin gets a job a t Cuda' s grocery  store of stock  ing shelves , hau ling boxes aro und, and even  gets to be a delivery  boy for s ome of the customers. One of h is customers   is a certain Abby Santini (Elyane Nadeau), who becomes taken in with Martin. She is a very friendly  young woman who  is depre ssed when  she tell s Mar tin that her husband is unfaithful. But  Martin st  ill does  not have th e nerve to  talk with her, so she  is happy to  have  someone to conf ide in with her life pro blems. Martin phones the radio show ho  st to describe his i nfat uation with the ho usewife and senses that s  he wants t o have sex with him. When  the radio  show host asks Martin if it   is a sexual problem that he has involving  women criticizing him during sex, Mar tin replies that he has never had se x with a wo man who was  awake.   One day, Martin  travels by trai n to outsi de Braddock to look for victims. At a s upermar ket, he  follows a  young woma  n (Sarah Ve nable)  home to  her posh s  uburban house. He sees  the woman's husband (Richar d Rubenste in) l eave for a long b usiness trip  , and Martin decides this would be the right  time for more feed ing. Martin  returns to the house after dark a nd breaks in through the garage door. But it i s Martin who gets  the surprise when he bursts int o her bedroo m to find  her in bed with her adulterous love r Lewis (Al Levi tsky).  After a vicious struggle , Martin jabs both of them with hyprodermic needles with na rcotics, and waits fo  r the  drugs to take affe ct. He drags the  unconsc ious body  of Lewis from the house to a clump of trees acros s the  street where he kills  him  by shoving a broken tree bra nch into   his neck a nd dri  nks his blood. Martin returns to t he house where he h  as sex with the  unconscious wo man. But out of compass ion and pity, he decid  es to let her l ive.   Martin beg ins to have romantic monochrome vi sions of his vamp ire pa  st (r eal or imagined), where  he drained blood from a y oung woman and was chased through t he s treets of a nameless European town by a  torch-lit  mob.  During one S unday at chu rch, Cuda b ring s home Father Howard (Ge orge A. Romero)  who asks him about the possibility of  exorcism and demon possessi   on. Father Howar d cal ls upon the   elderly Fat her Zulemans (Clifford Forrest, Jr.) over at Cuda9;s request. Together, Cud a and Zulemans confront Martin his bedroom and attem  pt to perform  an exorcism on  him. At this point,  Martin remembers (another real or ima ginary flashback  ), in the Ol  d Co  untry of peo ple trying t o perform an exorcism on  him, and he  flees  them. Martin th  en flees from Cud a and Z uelmas as well. A little la ter that nig  ht, Mart in terrorizes Cuda i n a c hildre n's playground when he p uts on a Dracula cape and  puts false fangs i  nto  his mouth to p retend  that he really is a vampire.  O ne day, Ma  rtin fin  ally must ers the cou  rage to tal k with Mrs . San tini during a rout ine delivery to her hous e where he tells her that he 's  aware of her attempts to seduce him and wan ts now to have sex wit h her. After having sex for th e fir st ti me, Mrs. Santini  becomes more  depressed  for  she tells Ma rtin that her h usband just left her because s  he discove red that she cannot bear children, and that her desires towards him are based on sex and nothing else. But Mar tin wants to st ay with her   and help h er move on with her li fe. Martin tell s the radio show h ost about  his affair with the housewife and that  he no longer has the urge to attack oth  er women.   Me  anwhile, Arthur meets  with Cu da and tells him that he wants Christine to le ave town with him so they can get married   and start a fa mily. But Christine becomes angry at  Cuda whe n he t ells Arthur that in sanit y runs in their family and he shou ldn't consider having children wi th h er. Shortly aft erwa rds, Christ ine packs  up and leaves Braddock for N ew York with Arthur despite Martin  telling he r that Arthur is a busive towar ds her. Bu t her mind is made up. B efore  leaving  , Christine tells M artin that she really has  no ill fe elings towards  him a nd ju st wants to make a fre sh start with her l ife. She says goodbye to him a nd prom ises to write.  But  Martin k nows that  with an ab usive and  possessive man in Christine 9;s life, she prob ably won&# 39;t .  D epressed ov er losing his one true friend, Martin ph ones the radio   show host and tells  him that  he's getting &quo t;shaky" a nd wa nts to go out loo king for m ore victims. Tha t night, Martin trave ls to a rou gh crime-ridden area of Pittsburgh and attack s two derelicts in a alley, in jecting th em with narco  tics. He kills one  of them b y sil ting the bum 9;s  wrist and drinking  his blood. Martin is about to kill the second one when a police car shows up and giv es chase . Martin narrowly escape s durin g a long  chase on foot which  leads from the garbage  strew streets and  through a local  store.  Martin runs into an old ware  house where a drug  deal is goi ng down. A shootout  between  the tw o cop s and the three thugs be gins  where all  of them are killed, leaving   Martin as  the sole survivo r who casually w alks away from the carnage .  One day, Mart in fin ds M rs. San tini dead in her bathtub, after she had slit her   writ s with a  razor b lade. Ma rtin anonymously calls the police to report the body and l eaves. He phones the radi o show host one fi nal ti me to say  that  he really doesn';t need friends or people to talk to for h e is   his own pers  on. But whe n Cuda learns about Mrs. Santi ni  9;s suic ide, is mistakenly thinks Martin killed her and made  it look lik e a  suicide as he' ;s done before . Cud a walks into Martin&  #39;s  room while he is asleep  and kills him by ham meri ng a wooden stake  through Martin  9;s heart.   Cuda buries Marti n';s bod y in his back garden, while over the closing credits various  voices from people are hear d talking to th e radio s how host asking the  whereabouts of  " the C ount&qu ot;.  宁知意点头,“ 他现在每次来,都是从 这里进。”说到 这里,她 想到什么,现场给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖参与了仙上 楼三百六十八家的禁制改造,他在各店都弄了一个 随机传送阵,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到 危险,寻就近的仙 上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。”

  • 10.0分1985 HD


  • 2.0分1975 HD中字


  • 1.0分1978 DVD


  • 4.0分1985 HD



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