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3.0 较差

分类:恐怖片 美國 1958

主演:約翰·赫德森 佩吉·韋博 拉斯·康威 



《尖叫的頭骨》是由知名导演艾曆克斯·尼科 执导的一部恐怖片,約翰·赫德森 佩吉·韋博 拉斯·康威 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The fil m opens with  a narrated  disclaimer o ver footage of an  opening co ffin. The narrator explains tha t the film's climax   is so terrif ying that it  may kill the viewer, and reassures th e audi ence tha t if they  die  of frigh t while watching the fi lm, they w ill receive a free burial  service, and it closes on t he casket w  hich has  a card  inside rea ding &quot ;Reserved  for You."[1]  Newlyweds Jen ni (Peggy Web ber) and E ric (Joh n Hudson) mo ve into Er ic9;s pa latial cou ntry home.  Jenni is E ric' ;s sec ond wife; h is first wife Marion di ed wh en sh e accidentally slipped and hit her head  on th e edge of a   decorative  pond on the estate. At the home they meet Eric 9;s friends  , the Revere  nd Snow (Rus s Conway) an  d his wife (Toni Johnson), as well as   Micke y (Alex Ni col), the developmentally  disabled gardener. Eric privately   mentions to the Snows that Jenn i spent time in an asylum f  ollowing the sudden dea th of both her parents, and Mrs. Snow reveals tha t Je nni is very wealthy.   Jenni is disturbed bo  th by M ickey's belief that Marion';s g host wanders the estate and  by Marion'  s self -portrait inside the house, which   Jenni believes re sembles he r mother. When she begin s to hear unexp lained screaming noises and  see skulls aroun  d her ho use, she b elieves that Mar ion is  haun ting he  r. Tho ugh Eric speculates to J enni that Mickey,  who was a childhood friend of  Marion and thus dislikes  Jenni, may be behind the tricke ry, Jenni  worr  ies that s he is going insa ne. Eric then  suggests t o re move Marion's se lf-portrait from the home.  Eric a nd Jenni take   the p  ainting outsid e and burn it. While th ey clean up   the rema ins  of the painting, a sk ull eme rges fro m the ashes. Whi  le Jen ni p anics at the sight of the skull, Eric denie s that  the  skull is th ere. Jenni faints and Eric wi thdr aws the skull and hides it , revealing  that he was responsible for  the trick ery all along in an effort to  get hold of  her wea  lth.  Believing she has finally los t her sanit y, Jenni r esolves to be co mmitted. She tells Eric that the en tire property will be  meticul ously searched for  the skull a s a last resort. Before Eric can retrieve it, Mickey sec retly ste als the skull and br  ings it to the  Revere nd, revealin g Eric's plans. T hat night, Eric prepa  res to murder Jenni and stage it as a  sui  cide . Jenni sees Mari on' s gho st in Mickey's  greenhouse and  flees back to the house. Wh en she enters, Eric begins th rottli ng her. The gho st the n appears and chas es Eric  outside and about the  prop erty; it fin  ally corners and  atta cks him, drowning him in t he decorati ve pond.  Aft er Jenni regain s cons ciousness, the Snows arri   ve. Mrs. Snow comforts a hy sterical  Jenni and the Rever end di scovers Eric's bod y in t   he pond.  Some undisclosed time  later, Jenni and the Snows  depart from the h  ouse. Reverend Snow d eclares whether or not Mar ion's death was an accident will remain a mystery.  说到这里,她把 她在幽古战场好不容易拍来的宝物拿出,“师父,这是我们在大 拍卖会上拍到的春月莲子,一共有四 十九枚,听云天海阁的朋友说,他们的宗 主,以前就服用过不少春月莲子,您试试看  ,有没有用,如果有用, 我们以后多替您留意 着。”

  • 5.0分2022 完整版

    泰 劇 bl 線上 看

  • 3.0分1958 HD中字


  • 10.0分1949 HD中字


  • 6.0分1947 HD中字


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