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分类:喜劇片 美國 1972

主演:庫爾特·拉塞爾 恺撒·羅摩洛 喬·弗林 



《隱形噴霧》是由知名导演羅伯特·巴特勒 执导的一部喜劇片,庫爾特·拉塞爾 恺撒·羅摩洛 喬·弗林 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Now You Se e Him, Now Y ou Don' ;t is a 19 72 Walt Disney Production s film star ring Kurt Russell as a chemistry student who accidentally discovers the  secret to invisib ility. It is the sequel to   the 1969  film  The Computer Wore Tennis Sh oes and was follow ed by 1 9759;s The Str ongest Man in the W orld.  Now You See Him, Now Yo u Don';t was th e first Disney film to be  shown on te  levision in  a two-hour time sl ot, in 1975.Previous television showings  of Disney films h ad either  shown them edi ted or split into two one -hour time slots.  At Medfield College, science buff Dexte r Riley and his fr iends, inclu ding Richard  Schuyler a nd Debbie  Dawson,  eavesdrop via a  hidden walkie-talkie on a  board meeting  led by Dean Eug ene Higgi ns, discu ssin g the small col lege's cont inuing precarious finances. Lat  er that afternoon, Pro fessor Lufkin shows Higgins ar ound the  science  lab where Dexter is work ing on an experiment with invisibility and another student, Druffle, e  xplores the  flight of bumblebees. That night, durin g a power ful thunderstorm, the r oof of the lab is struck  by light ning, sending a current of electr icity down a  metal beam and throu gh Dexter's  complex e xperiment components. The next day, as Dexter examines his b urnt equipment with dismay, Higgins  meets with A.J. Ar no, a rece ntly release d prisoner, who had also purchase d Medfie ld's mortgage. When De xter accidentally drops one half of his g lasses i nto a container of his experimental formula, it  appears a  s if t he substance destroy s them , but upon c loser examination,  Dexter real  izes    the fram es are mere ly partially invisibl e. After several tests, D  exter places his fi ngers in the liq uid and they  disappe ar. Schuyler and Debbie  arrive and  are horrified to see Dexter with a partial hand, but  Dexter  insis ts Schuy ler test t he s ubstance as well, admitting only afterward that he does not yet  have a  n ant idote.   Ju st then,  Higgin s br ings Arno to visit the lab, s tunning th  e students, as only  two  years earli er, D  exter was instrumental  in exposi ng Arno&# 39;s crook ed gamb ling scheme . Dexter and  the ot  hers notice tha t Arno is more concerned wit h the campus   archite  cture than Higgins  9; speech. Curious about Arno's behavior, Dexter convinces Schuyler to use the invisibili ty formula to sneak i nto Arno's office that nig ht. Althoug h they ar  e nearly d iscovered  when Schuyler steps into a p uddle, mak ing his tenn  is shoes visible,  the bo ys get inside Arno's office where they find a model of Medfield Co  llege rede signed a s a sprawli ng gamblin g es tablis hment. Afte r taking ph otos of the model, the  boys flee with Debbie's help.  The next day Dexter shows the ph otos to L ufkin and Higgins. Convinced that Druffle 's bumblebee study would dr aw attention an d investments to Medfield, Higgins reacts angr ily when  Dex ter assures him t hat his invisibility formula c ould win the top prize money in the  upcomin g For sythe science contest. Not having admitted to anyone that Medf ield has been dropped from the contest  for being t oo insign ifican t, Higgins contacts the contest's spo nsor, milli  onaire Tim othy Forsy  the, and agree s to meet over a game of  golf, despite his inability  to play. U  pon learning  of Higgins'; plan and suspecting  it must b  e con nected with r aising mo ney for the colleg  e, Dexter ur ges Schu yler to volunteer to serve as  Higgins  9; cadd y while, hid den by the invisibi lity form ula, he will take control of Higg ins9; golf b all. At the golf club,   Forsythe and the s tate university   dean, Coll ingsgood, are ama  zed by Higgins' quirky golfin g ab ilities, which include numerous ho le-in-one-sh ots, as is Arno who is also at t he club.  After the game, Fors ythe agrees  to reinstate Me dfield into the  comp etiti on. Meanwhil e, Arno  accidentally sees Dexter becoming visible in the club showers and g  rows suspicious. When  the local   television  news co vers Higgins' extraordina ry golf game, he is invited t o join an excl usive t  ournament in nearby Ocean City. Convinced that he will w in en  ough money to pay the c ollege' ;s mortgage, Higgins br ashly accepts and th at after  noon departs with S chuyler. L earnin  g of the tournament from Druffl e too late, Dexter misses the  plane and is forced to watch the comp etitio n on television where Higgins9; game against two professionals is a dis aster.  Arno  and his henchmen,  Cook ie and Alfred, also watch  the  tournament  and ponder Higgins9; odd inconsistency. Upon ret urning to the college, Higgins te  lls Lufkin that Druffl e9;s bu mble bee experim ent is the scho ol's last chance  . Both men are stunned when Druffle appears swathed in bandages afte r being atta cked by  the bumblebees, to whic h he is a llergic. Hop ing to assuage the crestfallen Higgins, Lufkin sugge sts that they giv e Dexter 9;s unproven   formula a chance and the dean rel uctantly agrees.  That  evening, Co okie,  dis guised as a  janito r, sneaks into the campus lab where he wit nesses Dexter and Schuyler using the invis ibility spray and repo rts to Arno , who orders  him t o return and steal i t. The follo wing day, F orsythe and members of his c ommittee a rrive on campu s to judg e the b est science experiment at the college. U naware t hat th  eir spray bo ttle ha  s been replaced b y Cookie, Dexter  and  Schuyler make t heir presentation and are stu nned whe  n it has no effect. Forsyth e and Higgi ns depart as Dex ter remai ns confuse d unti l he chats with Charli  e th e jani  tor. Learning that there is no nig ht j  anitor , Dexte r realizes  that Cooki e likely sto le the formula. Con cluding t hat Arno must  be be hind the th eft, Dexter  plants a walkie-talkie in his office.  A couple of days later, Schuyler overhears Arno p lotting with Cookie  to rob the Medfie ld B  ank by making themselves and the mon ey invisible   . Certain that if  he could retrieve the formula before the Fo rsyt he Award announcement that ni ght he could still wi n the contest, Dexter sen ds Schuyler to  the police and goes to inform the ba nk's  president, Wilfred  Sampson. When b  oth the pol ice and Sampso n dismiss the boys' s tory about invisibi lity,  Dexter and his frien ds gath er outside of   the  bank. When an invisible Arno and Coo kie knock out th e guards and tak e the money,  Dexter unsuccessfully t ries to use a fire hydrant to hose the men down as the y exit the bank. Sam pson contacts the p  olice, who join  the college students in  a wild chase  of the car driven by the invisibl e robbers.  After briefly eluding  everyone, Arno orders  Cookie  to mak e the car  invisibl  e, bu  t they are spotted on a dirt  road in a park. Deducing Arno will not lea ve town but  go to his h ome ins tead, Dexter drives t here and forces Arno&# 39;s car into a   swimming  pool w here it, th e money, and  the men become vi sible. Arno and hi s henchme n are arrested. Dexter and the others d  ash to the present ation o f the Forsythe Award and pl ead for one more opportunity to de monstrate their inve ntion . Frustrated by Dexter&# 39;s de  terminat ion,  Higgins intervenes  just as Dexte r sprays Schuyler, a  nd, aga in, there is no result.  Reali zing the di  p in the pool has dilut ed the formula,  Dexter  tries to exp lain to F orsythe. Just w hen Higgins tells everyone for the last time  that invisi bility does not exist, the top half of hi m becomes invisible,  thus shocking  the group and winning the top p rize to s ave Medfield f or a nother y  ear.  宁知意点头,“ 他现在每次来,都是 从这里进。”说到这里,她  想到什么,现场给 她复制了一枚玉 简,“陆望老祖参与了仙上楼三百六十八家的禁制改造,他在各店都弄了一个随机传送阵,你记住 各店传送阵的 位置,以后出门遇到危险 ,寻就近的仙上楼,百里 内随时可定位传送。”

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