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导演:Carl Lamac 

主演:Peter Voß Friedrich Kayßler Alice Brandt Bruno Güttner Fritz Odemar Fritz Rasp 

《巴斯克維爾獵犬》是由知名导演Carl Lamac 执导的一部愛情片,Peter Voß Friedrich Kayßl 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A m ost pleasin  gly atmospheric rendition of th e tale, n oiris hly photogr  aphed and  moodi ly set, this is th e version wh ich probably wo uld have del ighted Con an D oyle the mo st. There is one  impo rtant plo t change which enables the beautiful Alice Brandt to enj oy bo th a larger r  ole and a mo re i ntriguing part  in the proce edings. This change also builds up the parts of Dr Mor  timer and Lord Charles, yet   at the sa me time p rovide s a nice introduction to  the is-he-sinister  or is-he-a-good-guy Barry more, deftly played here by Fritz R asp.  Despite the sting of its wel l-developed story, the spellbindingly atmospheric direction an  d the  engrossin g perfo rmances deli vered by th  e entire cast, many fans may  find this versio  n somew hat disappoin ting. For at least  three reas ons: As in t  he novel, the part pl ayed in the narr ative  by Sherlock Holmes, though vital, is minimal. And in thi s version, not only has no attempt been made to  enlarge his role, if anything  both writer and director do thei r best to  minimize it. Holmes does  not even make his entrance for half-an-hour, and when he does finally a ppear, he  has his back to the cam era. It is Fritz Odemar, as Dr W atson, w  ho receive s the  more favorable camer a angles. And th ere is a purpose in t his. It is W  atson, not Holmes, who figures as the ma in prota gonist of The Ho und of the Bask ervilles.   For the bulk of the n arrative, Holmes   disappears. It is Watson and Lor d Henry (Peter Vo  ss) who take  up the r  unnin g. The mov ie is almos t over, bef  ore Holmes closes in on the villain  . And  even so, this is not the o bsessed, self-importa nt Holmes we are  accustomed to see taking charge. Another  problem is that the title hound itself does  not figure a great deal in the action, a downgradin g which wil l undoubtedly rate as  another ma jor disappointment for fans. And finally, it could be argued that the scr ipt gives too  much a ttention to C onan Doyle's red herring, the escaped convict, and not en ough to the  real vill ain.    This said, i t must surely be admitted by al l, th at Odemar&# 39;s interpretation of Watson —intelligent , cha rming,  level-headed, cou rageous an d resourceful—is much clo ser to Conan Doyle's conc  eption than either the bungling, inveterately stu pid Nigel Bruce  or the sel f-effacing I  an Fleming .   One other playe r de serve s sp  ecia  l mention : Erich Ponto (Dr W inkel in Th e Third Ma n) who se ems exactly right   for Stapleton. A  diffi cult part, superbly played.   - JohnHoward Reid, imdb  “我又给 您装了两枚美人果,您不管是自己用,还是卖,都是 可以的。”说到这里,她顿了顿,笑着道:“老祖,那个虎坤龟的大龟  壳实在太 大了,我们没人能弄开,所以……这活就交给您了,  回头您弄好了,赏我一个趁手的 龟盾就行!”

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