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导演:Carlton J. Albright 

主演:Stacy Haiduk Edward Terry Joan Roth 

《極客路德》是由知名导演Carlton J. Albright 执导的一部恐怖片,Stacy Haiduk Edward Terry 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   As a chi ld, Luther Watts was deeply  affected by seeing a cir cus geek (someone who bites the heads off live chickens in  a circus sideshow).   Finally parole d after serving 20 years in prison, he  terrori zes the res idents of his homet own by  making chicken noises , crowing   like a rooster and attacking people. He winds up  at a farm run by  a woman and her daughter, where he t akes th em captive and the n starts killing off her neighbors. The mother re alizes she and her  daughter  must escape before he kills them, too.   安画有些 意兴阑珊 地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔 带走了,这件事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘 密留言了,所以,他那边 失却的东西,我管不了  ,这里的… …是我们收集的各方资料,你好好看,也许对 你有用。”


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