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导演:Nancy Schwartzman 


《受害者/嫌疑人》是由知名导演Nancy Schwartzman 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  I n-depth examination of the  dark side of an Americ an justice syst em wher e women who  report sexual assaul t are instead charge  d with perjury and jai led for it.  Invest igative j ournalist R ae de Leo n has discovered a startling pattern  in rape c ases in the U nited St ates. N amely, that w  omen who have repo rted a sexu al assault are s uspected of lying by the police. Firs t they ar e accused of mak ing  up their allegation  s, later they are prosecute  d for giving false   testimony and som etimes they end up serving prison  senten  ces. ‘Victim/Sus pect’ shows how  the roles  are reversed so the perpetrators are declar ed innocent while the victims som  etimes end  up behind bars  and other times en d their lives. Ra e de Leon gets first -hand accoun ts from  the women and inter views legal experts as she delves into police metho ds, interrog ation techn  iques an d prelimin ary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt  system. Nanc y Schwartz man charts a law enforcement agency  that confu ses victims and suspects and is re levant far b  eyond America’s bord ers. It is a pow erful tes timony to  sys temic failure, po lice handl ing of ca  ses and a  determi ned journalist’s attemp t to change it.  安画轻叹了一口气,“她在我的面前,从来没有放开过,哪怕喝水,也小心翼翼地只沾个唇。她和夏正明确关系以来,表面上,纯阳宗是得了丹堂的一些照应,但是,以她和夏正的关系,如果有心,元一百灵  丹与骷髅蝗的真正关系,我觉得,完全可以弄来。”

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