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导演:Leslie Norman 

主演:Michael Redgrave 

《輪到我的那夜》是由知名导演Leslie Norman 执导的一部恐怖片,Michael Redgrave 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  At a fashionab le dinner party in H ong Kong a  naval officer is co  axed in to re vealing det ails of a dream in which eig ht persons  take off fr om Bangkok in a Dakota bo und for Tokyo and crash i  n the Japanes e mountain s. Amongst those l istening is Air Marshal Hardie   who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardi  e initially dismi sses the dream because he is schedule d to fly out  in a Liberator, but  as Har die arri ves at the airport h e discov ers that th e Liberator has devel oped mec hanical problems  and has be en replaced by a Dakota. When, j ust before the flight i s due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a compleme nt of eight, Hardie fears tha t th  e Dream may  be coming true and he is destined to die .  从师父那里,听过很多 故事的卫九锡看了 眼正在上香的人,就接着八卦道:“我师父说,八臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位魔神能够分 神万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇 他之人,必须是个意志 坚定,认了死理后,绝不会 被外物影响的八

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