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导演:Koo Ekkasit Trakulkasemsuk 

主演:查亞鵬·朱利·普帕特 澤綸娅·秀利隆坤澤坤 西提達·薩帕努查 莎達農·巴倫茜雅嘉 

《偷龍轉鳳泰語》是由知名导演Koo Ekkasit Trakulkasemsuk 执导的一部泰劇,查亞鵬·朱利·普帕特 澤綸娅·秀利隆坤澤坤 西提達 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   賈拉韋和托姆奈是仆人,他們必須去省裏找 他們的主人,碰巧在火車上相遇。他們互相介紹說,他們是富 裕家庭的孩子,後來 發現不是, 只是仆人一樣。。。。。Jarawe e和To  mnai決 定把目標換成對方大師,T hippayarng是Jarawee的,甜   甜的,溫柔的,軟軟的腦袋。她必須一直由傑拉維照顧時間 。Thongchan是Tomnai的,玩家 和輕浮的,總是在工作上得到 Tomnai的幫助。他們終于達到了目標。通查恩迷戀上了 賈拉韋的美貌,因爲蒂 帕揚被湯姆奈的長相 和甜美所吸引。終于爲兩對夫婦結婚了。。。。。但是沒有 成功,湯姆奈決定離婚,因爲無 聊的提帕揚軟頭。她總是聽別人的,然後把問  題推到他身上。與此同時,通查恩覺得自己被賈拉威 壓倒了,因爲她很聰明 ,可以爲他工作。他媽媽非常愛她。 最終也會離婚。。。。。Ja rawee  和Tomnai在火車上重聚,就像他們第一天見面一樣 。他們決定互 相介紹自己的真實面 目,不再猶豫  Jar awee and Tomnai are  servant wh o must go t o prov ince for their mast er, coincidentall y meet in train. Th ey introduce to each other tha t they'r e a ch ild in wealthy family,  later fin d out its not  , just servant  the s ame .  . . . . Jara wee and Tomn ai deci de t o change their goal to eac h oth er maste r, Thippayarng is Jarawe e9;s, s weet, gentle and soft   head. She mus t be taken  care by Jarawee all the time.  Thongchan is Tomnai's, p layer and frivolous, a lways be helped on work  by Tomnai. They finally reach the goal. Th  ongcharn have c rush on Jarawee for h  er b eauty as Th ippayang  is attrated by To mnai's look and sweet. Fina  lly  get marriag ed for t wo coupl  es . . . . .  But it isn' ;t work ed, Tomnai decide to   divorce because bored   of Thippayan g soft  head. She always listen t o other one and start the problem on him.  Meanwhi le, Thongcharn feel like to overpowered by Jarawee because she';s smart  and can w  ork for  him. His mother love he  r so much.  Eventual ly di vorce as wel l . . . . . Ja  rawee a nd Tomnai are reunion on train like the fir  st day they met.  They decide to introduce   to  each other for their  true  colo r not decieve anymore  (S ource :thaid ramatic_update)  好半晌,他才放下玉简抬头看向陆灵蹊,“  有这事。”他站起来,走  向另一边的玉架,从上面拿 了一枚蓝玉制成的玉佩,“  当初主人觉得,佐蒙 人不会放过天渊七界飞升的一切生灵,但是人族寿元就那么多,人心复杂 ,他没办法因势力导,但是 妖族却可以。”

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