• 正在播放:美杜莎之筏1980-HD中字
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主演:Olga Kacijan Vladislava Milosavljevic Boris Komnenic 

《美杜莎之筏1980》是由知名导演卡波·阿西莫維奇·戈迪納 执导的一部劇情片,Olga Kacijan Vladislava M 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  This  is a brilliant surreali stic film.  But a lso a   fully real istic stor y about a time when  the  brave a vant-guarde artists were  tryi  ng to explore the unkno  wn landscapes of human  possibilities.  The cont rast betw een t wo realiti es: the poor vi llage and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and b rings the  possibility of changing the world by the art.  Unfo rtuna tely, tha t progressive ideals o f mak ing the world better by reve aling new areas of  imaginat ion, that ruled in the first half of XX centur  y, w  ere crushed by t he war.  And, t he tragedy fin ishes: t he art  istic ideals are dead, inter national art brother hood als  o, but, as a real d  isas  ter:   Yugoslavia is also dead, as a countr y, but as an  artistic vision of nation& #39;s brotherh ood, too.  So, the art falls apart  安画有些意兴阑珊地摘下一个 储物戒指,“驻地里的  传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这件事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘密留言了,所以,他那边失却的东西,我管不了,这里的…… 是我们收集的各方资料, 你好好看,也许对你有用。

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