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主演:埃裏克·馮·施特羅海姆 菲伊·雷 紮蘇·皮茨 

《婚禮進行曲》是由知名导演埃裏克·馮·施特羅海姆 执导的一部劇情片,埃裏克·馮·施特羅海姆 菲伊·雷 紮蘇·皮茨 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The setting is Vienna in  1914 befor e the outbreak o  f war . The aristocratic and somewhat   jad ed Prince N icki, pursued by all th e ladies, begins  a flirtatio n with Mitzi, a crippled  harpist wh o works in a su burban wine -garden, and who is i n turn ido  lized by Sch ani, an uncouth and vi olently jealous butcher. Their first enco unter significant ly takes  place in front o f St. Stephen's Cathedral on Corpus Christi day, with Nicki among the e mperor' ;s cavalry regiment. Later, in the refract ed light o f fallin g appl e blossoms in  the   wine-garden--scenes of a di stilled, etherea  l beauty--Nicki g  radually  wins her  fait h and love. Meanwhile, amidst the sump tuou s and c orrupt milieu of th e family pala ce, Nicki is  drawn into complicit y against his will, as his unscr upulou s mother informs him he  must  marry Cece  lia, the dau ghter  of a wealthy commoner, in   order   to revive the family fortune. Mitzi  has a vision of The Iron Man  (a sy mbol of the  declining power and position of the Hapsburg dynas ty) and falls before  the  crucifix in fear ; but her love remains s teadfa st, and she protests her faith though abused b y her mo  ther and Schani. Infuriated  by her re  jection,  Schani threatens to kill N  icki on his wedding da y un less Mitzi agre es to marry him. Follo wing the procession  al splendor  of the cat hedra l wedding, S chani appears to carry out his threat, but Mitzi arrives in tim e to stop h im; and through the downp  ouring rain Nicki  sadly gazes on his true  love in the cro wd as he dr ives away wi  th his bride.  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好  处,就要往外 掏点货,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再 给他们来一遍,没办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他 们摆了一席, 两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀  的事了。

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