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导演:唐納德·克裏斯普 巴斯特·基頓 

主演:巴斯特·基頓 凱瑟琳·麥奎爾 弗雷德裏克·弗魯姆 Clarence Burton H.N. Clugston 諾貝·約翰遜 

《航海家1924》是由知名导演唐納德·克裏斯普 巴斯特·基頓 执导的一部喜劇片,巴斯特·基頓 凱瑟琳·麥奎爾 弗雷德裏克·弗魯姆 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Wealthy  Rollo Tr eadway (Buster K eaton)   suddenly decide  s to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O' ;Bri en (Kathryn M cGuire), and sends his se rvant  to book p assage for  a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. W hen Betsy r ejec ts his  sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip any way, boar ding without delay that night. B ecause the pier number  is partially covered , he end s up on the wrong ship, the  Navigator, w hich Betsy's rich fathe r (Frederick Vroo m) has just sold  to a sm all c  ountry at war.  Agents for the other small na tion in  the conflict decide to set the shi p adrift that same n ight . When Betsy's fath er checks up on the ship,  he is captured and tied  up by the s aboteurs. Betsy hears his c ry for help  and boards   the ship  to look f  or him, just befo  re it i s cut loose.  The Navigator  drifts out into the Pacific Ocean. The two unw ittin  g passeng  ers eventually find  each other. At first, they have great difficulty look ing after themsel ves, but adapt after a few weeks. At o ne po int, the y sight a navy ship and  hoist a brightly-colore d flag, not realizing it signals that  the s hip is under quarantin e. As a  result, the other vess el turns away.  F  inally , the ship grounds itself near a n in habited   tropical  island  and springs a leak. While Rollo dons   a deep sea diving suit and submer ges to p atch the  hole, the black n atives c anoe out and tak e Betsy captive. Whe n Rollo em erges fro m the ocean, the natives  are scared off, enabling him to rescue Betsy and  take he r back to the ship. The nat ives return  and try to board the  ship.  After   a fierce  struggl e, Roll o and Betsy try to  escap e in a  small dinghy. I t st arts to sink, and the natives swi ftly overta ke them in   their canoe  s. Just when all seems lost, a navy submarine surfaces rig ht underneath them and t hey are saved.   说到这里,她把她在幽古战场好不容易拍来的宝 物拿出,“师父,这是我们在大拍  卖会上拍到的春月莲子 ,一共有四十九枚,听云天海阁的朋友说,他们 的宗主,以前就服用过不少春月莲子,您试试看,有没 有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意着

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