• 正在播放:教子有方 第二季-第01集
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导演:安迪·漢密爾頓 蓋·簡金 

主演:休·丹尼斯 克萊爾·斯金納 泰戈爾· 德魯-哈尼 

《教子有方 第二季》是由知名导演安迪·漢密爾頓 蓋·簡金 执导的一部美劇,休·丹尼斯 克萊爾·斯金納 泰戈爾· 德魯-哈尼 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The second se ries of O utnumbered began o n 15  Novembe r 2008. Ne w character  s in the s econd  series include Barb ara ( Lorraine Pil kington), the next door neigh  bour who is meant to be  brillian  t at rai sing her chi ldren and al ways highlights  Sue's probl  ems,[5] and Jo, a female friend of Ja ke's, played by Michaela B rooks. Pete and Sue a re suspicious th at Jo may actually be Jake 's girlfrie nd, although there is  no ev  idence to  suggest that Jake and Jo are  more than friends. An gela appears less prominently in the second series than in the first, although she  still appears in the first episode . Sue's demanding bo ss, unseen character Ve ronica, is repl  aced by   another  unseen character  , Sue& #39;s new boss Tyson, who P ete is suspicious of. It is revealed in the final episode of Ser  ies 2 t  hat Tyson was a conman.  这一次,她直接 从袖中暗袋里摸出一个大型储物袋,“知道我要来见您, 不仅爷爷让我给您 带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心 ,就是我师父师叔他 们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我  师姐采薇还把她弄的极品 花茶给我了。

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